Page 8 • Thursday, October 7, 2004 NEWS The Pendulugi Election 2004 dates deadlines: • The National Campaign lias sent e-mails to students wiio liiied out voter mobalization fomis. The e-mail will instinct students how to request an absentee ballot from tlieir respective states. • Debate watches resume next Wednesday in McEwen Communications building at 8:30 p.m. Discussion held following the debate will be recorded and reported to the National Campaign. • Check out civic engagement opportuni ties online at http;// tion2004/. • SGA’s Presidential Election Issues Debate to be held Thurs., Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. in McKinnon Hall. John Kerry, Democrat Senator John Keny says he can turn the economy around and create more jobs, and better jobs, for Americans. Kerry has promised that he will fight against outsourcing to keep jobs in America. He plans to offer incentives for business to stay in the U.S. by cutting taxes for businesses; he also promises tax cuts for the middleclass so as to help working Americans. Kerry says these tax cuts will help 98% of Americans and 99% of businesses. The deficit the nation is facing is another problem Kerry sees and wants to resolve. He promises to cut the national budget in half during his first term and he promises that when he proposes a policy he will tell Americans how he plans to pay for it. The issues: Compiled hy the National Campaign at Eton George Bush, Republican i President George W. Bush believes that the econo my IS miproving greatly since the lull it fell into early in his term. Bush supporters argue he inher ited the recession from policies of the Clinton Administration and that the economy was greatly affected by the terrorist attacks in 2001. However, t e Bush campaign points to significant rebounds in t e stock market as well as a the great number of JO s created in the last few years as evidence that his policies are working. Bush wants to bring about greater tax reforms which he believes will encour age savmg and investment. Another goal for his administration will be the construction of 7 million new and affordable homes in the next decade. National Campaign presents: DEBATE WATCH Presidential debate: September 30 Vice Presidential debate: October 5 Presidential debate: October 13 Come watch all of the debates at 8:30pm in McEwen Please come to McEwen and JOIN US! There will be FREE food!