um FEATURES Thursday, October 13, 2005 • Page 15 be other people in a relatively small space Tile is without a pet. pie' *»>ve the dog a bone, but don’t bring Spot home ^olmnist claims that Elon students are too busy to share Eton’s oaks with their pets our everyday problems and needs, let alone an animals is now happy and well cared for. But, for that few weeks ° ^ that we had the dog in out flat life was in chaos and filled "^The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals with the scent of puppy. which is why it generally does not allow those resid- Pets are great things to have, but are probably not the best f^Tn campus housing to adopt animals for fear students idea for college students. will ultimately abandon or neglect them. Most students are busy and do not have a lot of time or money to devote to a pet. Besides, having pets on campus can ^ problematic because of noise and allergies. The nuppy our flat had last year was constantly needing some thing to be played with, to be walked, to be cleaned up after and be fed. In addition to all these daily duties for having an Imal. finding time and people to assume these duties are '“pfch person had his own schedule and activities, and ne to watch the little monster was next to he ten" f that comes with a pet. ^"^‘"“-hiTSsides who wants to spend their free time tak- The o impossible impossi • accident the puppy had in the can allowing students to have mg a Sv roommate had a housing is based in health concerns for both hallway? On f hvinp with ti-.^ -inH the animal itself- strong mtoler 1that Hr>a ttwncfiinf h e, . as U IS Wlthou %to keeoine s of sharing space, being respectful of peo- 3nd keeping a clean living area can be diffi- ®8''ee on. Now add a small (but very cool) little Feature Analysis Vssibi"” ^ puppy have the sense to understand the P>‘essures that comes with a pet. Pets m "ousmg is based in health concerns lu. nanwa^. Mavi " the animal and the animal itself strong into er ^rong, I loved that dog. It was fun to P*^‘0" campus last year, Elon's pet policy ^ fhe occasional hour on a Saturday or , more «nse P'“>' 5° *' Z S “ nr u is one that is greatly self-consumed whenever. ^ **’ll liu. ™l concenis, and constricted to a very but make s y j, 'S'iJt!l7''« •" b«n waiting for has finally *'to “S ® '‘Wme, officially oL. fall ^ ““I AUhoS' wl “ “'I couple of *[“^’‘"'"*^11^ all your “big room. •' «« xxf \ fl, 1. Relax, Relax, Relax. away and bring out those fall ones because the autumn season is approaching fast. This season recjuires more than just the classic look it marks a turning point in the world of fash ion ' If you didn’t already know, the “it” colors from last season are “out” and reformed into big ger and better trends. Fall break also presents a good time to go shop^ ping. Grab Mom or a friend and head out to the ""This will not only provide some quality time gn ' „ .. . g vou’ve been away from, but also allow fyour-big-oo^ :‘*,oSSe new fall fashioul Reganlless of y J eo„fortable yet, versatile is huge this break “ „member a„d while on your luuch needed vacation you Should alway .hooping can help to calm your nerves, when traveling. jj V .t h,.mP don’t fon TrytofindtheFrfKtw )re sense. P'^^^ acan be a wonderful addition to a home, II V ir p . -^‘lege is one that is greatly self-consumed whenever. II °bletns and concerns, and constricted to a very but make s ^ j a „reat home for the puppy and it Contact Daniel Lion at or 278-7247. . ”"8 »Pace,l, is often hari to remember to take cate Ultimately, we found g , to pack correctly wherever you are heading J'A« break approaches, find out what you should S aM „J,you should leave on your travels away and bring out those fall ones "ast. 2. Take care of yourself. 3. Shopping can be a means of therapy and keeping up with the fashion trends this season. 4. Bring back warmer clothes for the ■Prtll r»M/4 f-nza *'*^^/www.suitcase.coin easuii—- ^oltv, nerves JDIlllg UaV;*. VVmii hooping can help to calm your nerves. & And while you’re at home, don’t forget to get a fall and the Winter. Tiytofindthe pei'^—,1^; j ,,,3, ..g„„d ol“ home-cooking. Try to bag. When j at least some time with your parents and huge suitcase, yjpose bag relatives. They miss you. bag or the y’/^Sneces- to take a break from studying and practice remember to bring only m ^ *'!,tress relievers and time management skills. With you will ,“”gling so mtuiy activities, homework and Sg a social life, can be huge s.»ins so „lax. ■“to" of y»” 8-i"8 Zl some of 5. Drivers: Check your oil and the weather.