The pendulum Volume 31, Issue 10 November 3, 2005 "If it matters to you, it matters to The Pendiili^.” Flu vaccines go fast as winter nears jji'ista Napnski News Editor More than 1,000 students, acuity and staff stood in line Ws Week to brave the sting of shots this year. Influenza (the proper term the flu) vaccines were ^^inistered this week in the ^”^uter lounge in Moseley enter from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday or until the sup plies run out. As of Wednesday morning, than 1,000 had been |"'en out of 1,500 vaccines, ^dents, faculty and staff can get the vaccine at the center if they haven’t ueen given out by Friday. I have heard so much ®oout the flu this year,” ®nathan Aleshire, senior, said. “it>5 gQ j.jjj ^vantage of the easy access.” . ^oung children, including •nfants and people over 50, should get vaccinated. College students should ^so get vaccinated because live in close proximity to ^ large group of people, **'^asing the opportunity for ^ l^ge outbreak. Study abroad students are recommended to ’’^ive the vaccine as well. Last year, the health center d not receive the vaccine Were only given 50 doses s Krista Naposki/ Photographer his shot (upper left). Nurse jan Magee gives sophotvore l3uren Durr her Julie (lower left). Wendy Stahl (right) said, "My roommate told me they stabbed into your ami, but I didn even feel . Nurse, shot because she of FluMist. The flu vaccine, can pre vent the flu altogether or at least make flu symptoms mUder. Contrary to popular myth, the flu vaccme cannot cause the flu, according to Jan Magee, an Elon nurse. The vaccine is a dead virus while the FluMist is a live virus. FluMist is suggested for healthy individuals. Sometimes, the vaccine or the HuMist will cause a low fever or cause aches shortly after administration. people can receive the flu strain is different each year. The CDC, Center of Disease Control, predicts the three most prominent strains of flu each year. But, every year there can be around a dozen different strains, nurse Julie Small said. February is the most com- agee, an p receive me nu « However, the HuMist can, because the mon month for the flu, so stu- m rare cases, cause the flu. dents who get the vaccine now are woridng ahead. “I get (a shot) every year,” Tara Mulcahy, sophomore, said. “I get the flu anyway, but my mom makes me. She’ll be proud.” The flu shot does not pre vent the Bird Flu, which is a fatal strain affecting people in Southeast Asia. It originated because of the poor condi tions within the poultry indus try and has not shown up in the United States yet. Contact Krista Naposki at or at 278-7247 features Have enough time? Find out how to manage your time more efficiently. Seep. ENTERTAINMENT Seen the face of a ghost recently? Check out the band Ghostface and their latest local performance. See p. 18 SPORTS Looking for the turlcey? Find him volunteering with students at the annual TXirkey Trot See p. 21