oprNroN' ThUrsfldy/jaii*aary^ l9;‘20(^ # Speaking out for gays Jonathan Fiedier Columnist Over time in this great nation, there have been many movements to bring about social justice. In the earlier part of the century, woman gained suffrage and the right to vote. Women gained recogni tion from being labeled as domestic housewives to leaders in the free world. This was very good. In the 1960s, African Americans gained many freedoms that should be granted to all people regardless of their color of skin. African Americans in the United States began to be treated fairly, as moves were taken to promote equality among all peo ple in America. This was another great change. Today, homosexuals are treated as unjust people who have done wrong against society. It is acceptable to look down on gays and it is ok to feel that gays are wrong-doers. I am calling out for a change in this injustice. I believe homosexuals were bom homo sexual. If you disagree with me, please ask a gay person if they chose to be hated and looked down on due to whom they love. I simply encourage people who have homophobic views to get to know a gay per son before you make judgments on them. Most people who view gays as sinners get a majority of their beliefs from the Bible. I do believe the Bible is the word of God, yet I believe sometimes it is more important to look at the grand message of any Holy Scripture rather than take every single translated verse to heart. Society has changed over time, and some of the Bible’s sayings need to be taken into account. The Bible talks about how women should be submissive to men (1 Timothy 2:11). We will see how people feel about this when this great nation elects a woman as president very soon. The Bible also makes many references to slaves, yet through the great Emancipation Proclamation, slaves are no longer legal in America (Thank goodness!). My point is not to belittle the Holy word of any religion at all, my point is that peo ple who dislike homosexuals based solely on their Holy Scripture are missing the main point of most religions, which is to love oth ers, not just yourself and your beliefs. I have a problem trying to understand why there is so much hatred towards gays. Did homosexuals do anything to offend the mass population? I am afraid to believe that the only rea son people are able to hate gays is because they are scared of them, or more important ly, insecure about their own sexuality. That is not right. Before coming to Elon, I did not really know any gay people. Now that I know a few, I realize that our sexual orientation is not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Whom people are attracted to is not really a big deal to me. How people treat me is a big deal to me, as I try to drop all prejudices towards minorities in my eyes and only judge peo ple by their character, not by their color, gende, or sexual orientation. In 20 years, I hope that when people make comments against gays, they will be looked down upon and maybe even cor rected. Just as it is now unacceptable to be racist, I hope that soon it will be unjust to have begrudged hatred towards the gay and lesbian community. Let us start the gay rights movement here at Elon University and encourage the Contact Jonathan Fiedler at pendulum@elon.edu or 278-7247. What’s wrong with conservatives? Giving insight into misconceptions in politics Eric Hydrick Columnist It seems that “conservative” is the latest four-letter word with a lot of people. People attack conservatives and conservatism with out actually knowing what it is, or realizing that there is little to no actual conservatism in modem politics. The terms “conservative” and “liberal” aren’t synonymous with Republicans and Democrats respectively. Republicans have spent the last several years demonstrating that they don’t intend to hold themselves to the standards of conservatism. It also takes very little research to find a liberal school of thought that doesn’t match Lip with the current Democratic Party plat form, like socialism or communism. Conservatism is the principle of limited government in all aspects of life, and provid ed the actions of private citizens and busi nesses don’t endanger the safety or property, nor do they infringe upon the rights of others, then there is no justification for any sort of government involvement. Conservatism provides the private citizen ry the greatest possible fiieedom, what’s so bad about that? Another myth about conservatives is that they’re all intolerant. Actual conservatives adopt a live and let live attitude about other people’s personal choices regarding their lives. If it doesn’t hurt anybody or endanger someone else’s rights, and it makes them happy, then let them do it. The simple fact that someone believes that there’s no good reason to forbid actions that you find personally distasteful doesn’t make them special. It means they understand that there are some things that government has no business butting in on. Conservatives also think that when the government gets involved, quality and effi ciency go down. A few days before Christmas, a nationally syndicated talk show host pointed out that UPS could still get a package delivered in time foi* Christmas, and that there was no way the U.S. Postal Service can offer that same kind of service. If you want another example of govem- ment inefficiency and failure, look at educa tion. Public schools are humiliating them selves on standardized tests on a regular basis (and if you’re in a N.C. public school, some of those tests are at a lower grade level to help you do better), whereas private schools are being heralded for their superior education every time these results come out. The sad part about conservatism is that it left the mainstream years ago. The Republican Party abandoned conservative principles years ago. In fact, right now the only political party that I know of that actually believes in tme conservatism is the Libertarian Party, which unfortunately doesn’t have the national status that it deserves. However, as the Republican Party contin ues to abandon its conservative principles in the name of political power, perhaps we wUl see the Libertarians come to a greater nation al prominence. Conservatism can be summed up as the belief in individual rights, individual free doms and a strictly limited government. Conservatives believe that unless the govem- ment has been given explicit powers to act or regulate an area, then it should stay away. Conservatives believe that the greatest possible freedom comes when the govem- ment isn’t trying to regulate what people can and can not do. If you tmly love individual freedoms and believe that private citizens can do better than the government, then conservatism is right for you. Contact Eric Hydrick at pendulum@elon.edu or 278-7247. Have an s\ Write for the Pendulum! opinions@elon.eda