The Pendulum ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, April 26,20071 Page 19 ‘House' provides strange medicine RJ Kraft A&E Editor On the surface, the television show “House” appears very straight forward. Every week Dr. Gregory House [Hugh Laurie] and his team of three solvea new case at the Princeton-Plainsboro teaching hospital. Throughout the course of an hour they test different theories or “differential diagnosis.” Some more complications arise with the patient and then magically, in the last 15 minutes, House and his team solve the case. However, this show offers so much more. Some medical shows like “Grey’s Anatomy” or “ER” focus much more on the personal and less on the cases, but “House” lets us understand the characters while still keeping the focus on the medical cases. The main element of this show that is so fascinating is Dr. House. He displays his brilliance as a doctor though his ability to cure rare infectious diseases and by his title as head of the Department of Diagnostic Medicine. House is a risk-taker and will stop at nothing, taking any actions necessary to save his patients. However, the character is flawed. Due to an infarction is his right leg, he has Very limited use of that leg, andmust use a cane. He frequently pops Vicodin, and his abuse of the drug is a majo rissue during the show’s three-year run. House always looks for the worst in people and is disappointed when he can’t find it. He takes pride in bullying and harassing his team of three fellows. Dr. Poreman, Dr. Chase and Dr. Cameron, played respectively by Omar Epps, Jesse Spencer and Jennifer Morrison. No matter how much he berates them, they always Want to come back for more because they wish to learn from the best. And House is the best. He constantly pokes fun and cracks wise jokes about his life, his patients and Some of the situations they are in, while still being a genius doctor. Lately, he has taken to meddling in Dr. Cuddy’s [Lisa Edelstein] personal life- The fact that she is his boss complicates •natters even further. House is growing •nore and more attracted to her and doesn’t want her dating anyone else. One of the strong centerpieces of the ' show is House’s friendship with Dr. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus Hugh Laurie has won numerous awards , including the 2007 Golden Globe award, for his portrayal of Dr. Gregory House on “House." Wilson [Robert Sean Leonard], Wilson is House’s best, and sometimes only, friend. Throughout the three seasons, Wilson has tried to get his friend to seek help for his Vicodin addiction while still helping House be the extraordinary doctor he is. Wilson and House’s friendship was tested by police officer Michael Tritter, played by guest star David Morse. Tritter vowed to make House pay for his bad treatment as a patient and tried to use his Vicodin addiction to have House thrown in jail. Wilson agreed to a deal to get House to go to rehab instead and House was furious at this. Eventually, the charges were dropped because of Dr. Cuddy’s testimony and House and Wilson have patched up their fnendship. “House” is a great show because it fol lows a hero that is not perfect House battles through the day, dovraing Vicodin and always triumphs professionally by saving whatever patient he has. With the exception of Wilson, he has no real human connections, making him a tragic character. Watching the show, the audience always gets the sense that House enjoys being miserable and abrasive towards people because he wouldn’t know what to do if he was happy. Between the perplexing and mystifying medical cases and the character of House, this show is truly one of the best on television. Contact RJ Kraft at 278-7247 or