f Being an Elon Alum ^means that we count on you to... • Be a PARTNER - stay connected, informed and involved. • Be an ADVOCATE - engage prospective students and help us ex pand Eon’s professional network. •Be an INVESTOR - make an annual gift to the designation of your choice and support students and university priorities. The best advice I have for the class of 2012 comes from a quote in a commencement card i received in 2009: “When you leave, don’t forget why you came here.” You came to learn and grow. So, take pride in your Elon education, maximize the experiences you’ve had, the skills you’ve acquired, set a goal and make it pop. ' Dorian Wanzer ’09 Set aside a certain amount of money from each paycheck. You’re going be tempted to spend it, but you’ll need the stashed cash later. Trust me. As won derful as your Elon experi ence was, and as bittersweet as it is to leave, just remember that life is truly just be ginning. There are incredible moments ahead that will be as amazing as the moments you have from college. Just remember what Elon faculty, staff, ad ministrators and friends taught you along the way. And always remember that Elon is your home away from home. It will be a part of your identify for the rest of your life. Come back to campus, stay involved, and give back to the university that has given so very much to you. Michael Bumbry '07 ‘ No matter where you end up after graduation, keep an open mind! Do what you’re passionate about, network with everyone you can and never settle. LD Akers Thompson ’08 Drake Springer ’10 Take any internship you’re offered. Whether it’s a good or bad experience, it will give you a good idea of what you want to do next. Your first job does not define you. You define your job. Carry Elon with you. The people, the passion, the experiences will sur round you in your transition. You may be leaving Elon but you’re an alum forever. Amy Carraux Price ’07 Britten Pund ’06 No matter how tough the job market may seem, don’t be discouraged. The skills you’ve learned at Elon will pull you through! Scott Leighty ’09 Kevin Tonkin PAID ADVERTISEMENT