News Wednesday, September 25, 2013 • page 8 West End ownership changes hands: Q&A with former owner Josh Ezrine Q: Why did you decide to sell West End? A: I had been looking for someone to buy it for a few years. I’d been there 10 years, and I have a young son, and it’s just not fair to him. I’m not 23 years old anymore. It’s hard to work till 3 a.m. and then come home and take care of your family and give your son the attention he deserves, the attention he needs. Q: What are some of the struggles in keeping an Elon business open and profitable? A; It’s tough not getting the support that you need from the community, as well as the uni versity. You would think that, as a local business. West End would deserve and get more support. Student support has always been great, always steady. But from my perspective, being there 10 years, it seems like the university still looks upon West End like a black sheep in the com munity. Q: Why would the university consider West End a “black sheep”? What kind of drinking environment did youprovidefor students under your ownership? A: West End is a place in which kids who are over 21 can drink in a safe environment. It’s not illegal. It’s heavily supervised. We made sure to watch over the students, to give them one of the few safe places where they could go out and drink responsibly, with some level of supervi sion. Q: How is student drinking at West End different from where they might go offcampus, otherwise? A; You hear about those incidents with alco hol poisoning, the horror stories where kids wi.nd up in the hospital, sometimes even dead. And it’s just about always at off-campus par ties. They might not teU you that, you might not hear about it, but it’s definitely there, and it happens just about every weekend. At West End, we’re diligent. We’re watching over stu dents. We’re making sure no one underage drinks, and we’re making sure those who are 21 are drinking responsibly. Our first concern is your safety. Compiled by Michael Bodley, assistant news editor V f \ I iiit , , — . . ,,,, TARA WIRTHI Staff Photographer Josh Ezrine, former owner of West End Station, sold the establishment in order to spend time with his family. Familiar face challenges incumbent Ronnie Wall for mayor of Burlington Michael Bodley Assistant News Editor After graduating from Elon University five years ago, Ian Baltutis never left Bur lington. And he’s now trying to unseat in cumbent Ronnie Wall as the next mayor of the city. Baltutis is new to politics and he faces a recognizable candidate with political expe rience in Wall. Wall has been mayor since 2007, and he was challenged for his seat only once in 2009. But Baltutis has done his homework, preparing a comprehensive campaign strat egy under the guidance of seasoned veterans of local politics. “At the very beginning of the campaign, we spent quite a number of weeks meeting with different elected officials and previous ly elected officials from around the country to gauge strategy and get feedback for the Burlington community,” he said. “We re ally wanted to figure out the direction that would be best for Burlington.” Baltutis points to his business back ground as experience enough, political pedi gree aside. He has built a business from the ground up since graduating from Elon with a degree in business administration. His start-up. The Vibration Solution, has grown to become the world’s largest producer of ultra-soft polymers, which are used to quiet the noise made by dishwashers and other large household appliances. But Baltutis’business experience may not be enough to win the election, according to Kenneth Fernandez, assistant professor of political science and director of the Elon Poll. “A candidate who had prior experience serving on a city council or a school board might have an advantage over someone who is a businessman,” Fernandez said. At the same time, local elections tend to have much lower voter turnouts than those on the national stage, making the results dif ficult to predict. “The key thing to keep in mind with any type of local election, particularly with a smaller place, is most people just don’t know much about all of the candidates,” said Ja son Husser, assistant professor of political science and assistant director of the Elon Poll. “That makes these kind of elections ex tremely volatile. Often we don’t know how elections will go until they actually happen. You sometimes see a correlation by alpha betical order of name and their vote share.” In order to accomplish his goals once in office, Baltutis craves the support of a par ticular demographic that has been conspicu ously absent from Burlington over the last decade: people aged 18-40. Over the past decade, Burlington has grown by 11.5 percent as a whole. But the 18-40 age group has seen no grorvth at all. Young professionals are finishing school and leaving Burlington behind, a trend Baltutis would very much like to see reversed. “We need to grow across all age demo graphics, in order to make sure we strength en our economy not only today, but for the coming decade,” he said. “The economy needs young people, needs new ideas.” And while he seeks to keep younger people in Burlington, Baltutis is still young himself, which may complicate his cam paign planning. “The key challenge for young people to overcome is to establish credibility early on in the race, so that people can see them as a person of maturity,” Husser said. “And that’s not necessarily easy to do in a race that peo ple might not pay that much attention to to begin with.” If he wins the election, Baltutis has plans to more closely integrate Elon with the Bur lington community. He pointed out that the Elon BioBus is open to the general public, though many members of the community think it’s only available to students. The BioBus is part of a larger plan of Bal tutis to overhaul the city’s public transporta tion system, slowly, as not to overwhelm the city with exorbitant costs that have caused previous efforts to fail. He also has spoken with the Love School of Business about a program that would match entrepreneurial Elon students with local businesses in an internship of sorts that would benefit local businesses while giving students real world experience. The idea being that there’s no better way to get this experience on an entry level than to get down and dirty, hands on, with some body that s fighting for their business’ life,” he said.