E. C NEWS - LIBERATED PRESS VOL. 1 ELON COLLEGE Wednesday, November 6. 1968 N0.4 view ofa recent threat to members of our staff, the editors of the V tas have chosen to set forth some information for consideration k those persons who make such endeavors. Using a public facility h as the telephone for the purpose of threatening an individual in ? ‘State as well as in most other states, is a misdemeanor, subject ^Investigation by the State Bureau of Investigation or if necessary He Federal Bureau of Investi^tion. ^ i i isGAhas promised legal support many such mstances. In addi- li n the National Student Association will send investigators and “Jiors to our campus if requested, to extinguish injustices. . «rsonal threat to any Veritas staff member is certainly an infan. tiiemction to criticism, and not a very intelligent one in view of the «,ncMuences Our paper, as we have emphasized, isopen to all types Seism even attacks. Test us! They will be printed! If we do not eceive literary criticism or attack, we can only assume that the con census is that Veritas does not need criticism, or that no one is taking He time to use Vertias as a mouthpiece. Hasty and heated phone con- versations do not make it with us. i m. Barton Shaw Randall S. Spencer Radio Lyceum Station The S.G.A. Radio Committee recently announced that great strides have now been made tow- aril the realization of Radio Free Ebn. The committee has decided to employ a Federally licensed, edueational F.M. set - up rather tlm the previously suggested closed campus system. The new plan will enable student opinion and cultural programming to reach a wide extra, mural audi ence. The necessary application pro cess for F.C.C. licensing which stionld take approximately four months ha® ,begun. During this application period the actual con- struction of the station will be toe. Due to Administration opposi tion to R.F.E. the station will of necessity be located off- campus, MdtheS.G.A. is presently nego- tiiting to obtain a suitable facil ity vrtthin a reasonable distance (Continued on Page 4) The Veritas welcomes all let ters; however, due to a lack of space, we reserve the right to be 2s selective as necessary in our Wee of letters for publication. Moreover, because of space and Vestions of litiel, we reserve the f>?ht to edit from any correspon- ®nce. Those wishing to write to newspaper should address ™ir letters to: EDITOR, P.O. 1635, Elon College. Brief communications will receive Pfsierence and henceforth, they ®ist be signed. On Tuesday, Oct. 29, the Pa cific Repertory Company presen. ted John Patrick’s play, Every, body Loves Opal, in Miitley Audi- torium under the auspices of the Lyceum Committee. This comedy told the story of a lovable old woman who befriended three crooks in search of a hangout to manufacture bootleg perfume. However, these crooks decided to insure Opal for $30,000 and then murder her. Needless to say, ev ery attempt at killing Opal was bungled and in the process the crooks were conned-- innocently - - by the charming lady. On the whole this performance was a very good one. The actors captured the audience from the moment the play started until it ended. The actress that por- trayed Opal was by far the best-- her ability to interpret charact ers was proven when she said anything (whether it was serious or funny-.and most of the time her lines ended up to be the lat ter). However, she slightly over did one blocking scene, in which she walked hurry-scurry from one end of the stage to the other. The other girl in the play did not project to the audience quite well enou^- - she was not convincing. All three actors were excellent: Keith Erickson, who assumed the role of Rocky, did very well as the fast talking con man. Charles Golden, who, besides being the professor, directed the play, cap tivated the audiencewithhis deep, booming voice and his sardomc humor. Carl Press had a mmor role, he was almost flawless as a hick deputy. He reminded this re- viewer of the typical Dodge City grit sheriff. elon players rehearse NSA Conference At Durham By BEA SKIPSEY Randy Spencer, co-editor of Veritas, will represent Elon Col lege at the annual regional meet ing of USNSA in Durham, Nov. 8- 10. This meeting will tie a joint effort of the U.S. National Student Association, the Southern Student Organizing Committee, and the University Christian Movement to bring people of similar atti tudes together for the first time. The primary themes of the con ference are “TheRole” and‘‘Stu. dent as Nigger.” Eldridge Cleaver, author of Soul on Ice, will be the keynote speaker. Cleaver, presidential candidate of the Peace and Free dom Party and minister of Infor mation for the Black Panthers Party, is a well-known Black Power advocate. Topics will range from “ Educational Institu tion, as an Agent of the System” to the “Role of Student Govern, ment Today”. Elon College became a member of the National Student Associa- tion last spring. Universities such as Duke, Harvard, and Yale are members, also. The purpose of NSA is to sup port students’ rights. NSA has backed students, their rights, and freedom in such cases as chapel cutting. Revision Of The Honor System A joint student, faculty com mittee has been appointed for the purpose of studying the status of the Honor System and making recommendations for modifica tions to increase its effective- ness. Student members of the committee include: Denny Mc Guire, Senior; George Hughes, Senior; Craig MacCreary, Soph omore; and Dennis Prye, Sopho more. Faculty members on the committee are: Dr. Theo Strum, Dr, Blake, Professor Alexander, and Professor CounciL Dr. Strum and George Hughes will serve as CO- chairmen, and Noel Allen and Dr. Danieley are ex officio mem bers, Elon Players On Friday, Nov, 8, at 8:15 and on Saturday, Nov. 9, at 2:00 ^d 5-30 two one act plays and a mime will be presented in Mcwn- ev Theatre. These two plays. The Monkey's Paw and Constantinople Smith, will be directed by Larry Sage and Sam Roberson, respe^ tively. The Monkey’s Paw will star Dave Scudder as Herbert, Roger Oliver as Mr. White Bren. da Pritchard as Mrs. White, Md Jim Gillespie as Sergeant Major Morris and Mr, Sampson, Con. stantinople Smith, '^hich^H fea ture alight show, stars man in the title role, Janet Syl- vester as Christina, Rosemary Chiartas as Reality, and Barb^ White, KathyBamford Dice Wy lie Sherry Wylie, and Jim Gilles pie as the dancers. The mime will feature Jim Gillespie perform- ing Act Without Words, The Raid Ah, yes! Once again the faithful Elon College male deemed it ne cessary to prove his superiority over the female sex on this hum- ble Victorian campus. All Hal low’s ‘eve is known as a night for mystical events, and incredulous ly enough, there was another pan- ty raid. This particular one mark ed a first in that it followed the first panty raid in a mere two weeks’ time. According to that all-time t)est seller, The Elon College Handbook, there shall be no more than one panty raid a se- mester. The occurrence is due to subversive minds on this campus, perhaps. Anyhow, your humble reporter was roused from his diligent study around 11:15 p.m. by the howling voices of discontent^ males. Ha ving no fear of ghosts and gob lins, I saUied forth to investigate the ruckus. I found, gathered in the Alamance parking lot, a band of swarthy men calling for a panty raid. While 1 awaited action, a moment of truth was decided up on, and the l)and headed for Sta. ley Dorm. Now comes the time for a point of praise to the leaders of this raid. It was decidedupon and car ried out that there would be sil ence until it was time to remove such a cloak. Slipping into the silence of the night like Mosby*s Rangers, with their faithful scout car sent ahead to forewarn others of impending danger (being Dean Berry and comrade), the boys arrived at the dorm. They once again organized and there was a call for silence. The crowd polite ly awaited the scout car to arrive late and then proceded into the alcove between the two buildings. Having pursued the crowd tnus far and now having a moment to repose, I began to take stock of those people r^resented at this gathering. The Veritas editors were there whom I cordially greeted. Randy Spencer was gaily bedecked in the highest of Elon Fashions, and his cohort, Bart Shaw, was more satirically dres sed ^ a mild- mannered College Joe. Due to the efficiency of the Veritas Staff, their photographer was on hand to record the event on film. But to the matter at hand, I v^as distractedby the sud den cry of, “We want panties,” Taking up the cry myself, I en- deavored in the roguish sport un til the crowd moved to the other side of the dorm where fair re sults were seen. Your reporter happened to look up at the appro priate time to see a fair pair flow out into the evening breeze. A scramble ensued, but on the last' body count, there were no injuries reported. A grand total of three pairs met the breeze that evening, plus the added attraction of one bra that escaped the hands of some fair damsel. Moving on still fur ther around the dorm, more cries went up for the desired articles, but to no avail. At this point, a fair amount of praise is due to the respectable S.G.A. officers who were there to represent their organization and maintain the r^ sponsibllity of keeping the peace. With only fair results at Staleyi. the crowd turned away mumbli^ words of discontent. One yi^h got so brazen as to scream “vir gins” at thedisenchanted^%cefifl# the windows. But still talcthg Mfttiw cross, the band then head^di|or Virginia, New, and West dormsro. see what could be wrestled fjr^; their windows. Midway up thejpith there was a moment of hesitation, as the boys could not decide whe ther to go lack to Staley and try it again without the aid of Dean Berry and friends, or to continue as planned so that Dean Beriy would not feel left out and neglec ted. Upon arriving at the afore mentioned dorms, the cry went up again for more panties. But, alas, there were absolutely no results, possibly because the number of anxious men had dwin dled. Although the boys kept their spirit, it proved to be of no avail. They were rewatded with the smiles of fair maidens’ with iron In their heads, the epit ome of beauty. Slowly the cr6wd drifted away, but in the mean, time. Dean Berry and his side, kick were kind enough to pose with a big smile for the Veritas pho tographer. Even our own person, al “Johnny Law” made It Into a picture so that his wife would know that he was on duty and wear^ ing his new uniform. As for repercussions, it has come to the ears of this reporter that some of the girls were, for ced to suffer the indignity gf, the cold floors in the hall. Some wei;e forced to stay ifl) later b^cjiuse they would not confess to throw ing a pair to the hungry wqlves l)elow. 1 also understand that the girls who did commit soheinlous a crime did not confess. This reporter says more power to you honey! To those girls who did support our function, we say thank you and we have hopes for bigger and better things for the future. Manuel Rodriguet