' 5 THE CAMPUS ORTIR Is here to serve, the student body of Eloh' College as a student publication. The true purposes of the publication can be best ex plained In the policy which was recently adopted by the staff. It is: POLICY of THE CAI4PUS CRIER PURPOSES 1 . To promote communications betvreen the Student Government Association, the student body, the administration, and the faculty in order to encourage interest and awareness. 2. .To offer the opportunity for free expression of ideas and opinions ^by members of the campus community. 3. To provide the campus with an independent student publication, in co-operation with Student Government, without restriction or control from external groups. 4. To provide the campus with news in an unbiased, imo’' i ive manner. News from the following areas is printed: A. Student Government Association B. Clubs and Organizations (Including fraternities and • sororities.) C. Campus Events D. News concerning any member of the student body, E. Campus Affairs P. Off-campus news of interest to Elon students 5. To offer interested students the chance to participate in the business of journalism and publication. 6. To offer entertaining and informative articles and features which are of interest to the student body. Such articles and features include the following: A. Student Columns B. Editorials C. Cartoons, and humor D. Intervievrs E. Book Reviews P. Letters from students PRINCIPLES 1. The student press has an obligation to carry out its duties in a responsible fashion with dedication to objective and complete presentation of news. 2. The student press should be free to present columns, letters concerning controversial matters and views of both the majority and the minority. The press must have freedom for both advocacy and criticism. i 3. The student press must be independent from all forms of external control in order to meet its objectives, 4 The student press must follow standards of good journalism and must abide by the restrictions of laws against libel and indecency. The press must follow the code of common decency and good judgment. 5. The student press should endeavor at all times to represent and act in the best interests of the students. 6 The student press must recognize the responsibility to respect the rights of the faculty^ the administration and the student body. ' ¥e sincerely thank Mr. Don Terrell for his endorsement. t