./ turn, drew up a ballot to submit to the student body members as an-opinion poll of what chanf^es they desired. The poll w?is teken. and the outcome was that the ma,1oritv of' students did not desire a deviation from the pre 3 ent schedule. I am, tremendouslv pleased with the independent hard work and acc-om- plishments made bv almost every committee withi.n-tthe.-Student Government _ f ram-3 work. They have made my , .iob very easy and en^V'iyable. ;,!• ; ) J ■ The Elon Student Government Association has made many^accomplishments this year, but I feel as though some of them deserve special attention. I will list and comment oh .some of them below. .n;;. This year's administration's' first acnievement was the endorsing of a Bill whi-ch raised Student Government fees from ten dollars(^lO) a dollars (i^l'5) a -year per full time students. Our budget was boosted from nine thousand dollars ('4.9,000) to thirteen thousand five-hundred dollars (13,500).' A raise in Student Government fees had been endorsed by two previous administrations but had failed to pass. Our constitution was revised this year for the first Tears. A Bill was passed by the Senate and popular vote which completely revised our Judiciary..P.rDcedure. It took a great deal of hard work ^y the constitution committee to revise our old constitution. Ken Lumpkin certainly deserves a tip of the hat 'for hi^* d;ilii^sn-t work. This vfea'r we split the officd of, Secretarv-Treasurer into two offices rr. durinp- the revision of our constitution. I think that Hy adding anrther ; executive officer our or^r.aniz-ation will def 1 nitelv be more ef.icient. Th£ Community Relations Committee did an vc^llent two Elon Collep-e radio pro-^.-rams: one on WBBB another 'n WBAG. This yea Jrthe first time inm? or.ant.ation's hiatorv ^^^t it sp^nsered radio programs. Both are cWlpttelv student, vjoverned. , I '^eel as ■ h ^ugh VIA • thesa^ radio programs our relations with, the Surround in.-.;: ,fc;>mmi’nities ..will oe enhanc&d ftreatly. Elon's school spirit was. also stren^^thened by our transportaion program for thestudents, faculty and administration. Two-thousand dollars (^,2,000) was appropriated by the Senate in order that wg ’^^Sht send busses f town athletic events. We sent busses to every away football ga.ae with the exception of Western C.drolina. We also sent busses to many away basketball games. This year marked the blrtn of :ur Student Government Newsletter, T^ Campus Crier. This newsle-tter is entirely student contro^ed. ^Since birth of the newsletter all of our activites have-been give complete Pub licity. All the students look forward to each publication, but some of the faculty and administration have not accepted it so favorably. ® p?oud of ?his achievement by my ac'mlnistration than any other project of the year. The Men's Dorm Council has functioned for the first time in histo^ this vear. The 1-provement of the council has been a «reat asset to all concerned Fuch better order and conduct ha^ developed among the men I Z very cptl-lstio that the council will continue to pro-^resa now that it has become a concrete or'?,an^ nation. ThP Si-udent Government Officer's facilities ha«^e b en improved under the auspices of the Devel-'pment Committee. A new tvp writer, adding machin , ^^iBcobin^ts pictures and the lik. have been purchased for the office. The offlcS also resrran-ed and floor tiled which mad- it neater and more efficient. The oom"-itt-e 'also purchased drapes and new furniture the Student Union. This year a Codification Com ittoo 'ras xora'ed for the first time, headed by VicG-President elect Melvin Shreves. The com'ittoe has done a tremendous iob. iSlOxi'G j.G.A. novr has a coiTiplcte sot of lil^'^, rocprds, Bills of Lg islation and uinutes of oennte iieetin.^s from 1950-51 throuc.ii 1962-65. The central file is loc ted in the o.G.A. ofiice and iy :''.l‘;?..ys open to the public for innpection. One o:r the most si’;nific..'nt com.iittees tbi^ ooineater waa the If.3.o.G.A. Host ComiTiittoe. The com'ittee did a tre lendous job. I can not chan^v. tnis cQifi'-iiittee enoii/-?;h for its hard vork,.