'SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS ON MAY DAY A Senate Conmittee was appointed a few weeks ago to investigate the May Day question. Following is their report: Mrs Gerow had planned to have some students over at her house during the week bSo?e last! but was unalbe to do so because of various conflicts. 2weve?: an open hearing «as held In order to give the members of the Student Body a chance to air their views on the May Day schedule. was rLeat deal of interest on the part of the five Senators who showed up. Suggestions received at the hearing were as follows; FOR PFIDAY NIGHT 2. Concert as usual with exceptionally good musical groups. Street dance in "Dodge City" if concert is held on Sunday. 3. Possibly a jazz concert. • ■ for.'.MTUSDAY AFTOTOm..^ Carnival under the oaks. 2. Outside jazz Concert in front of McEwen 3. If May Day theme is continued, present the court in front of McEwen with band on balcony. Have girls wear sheaths oj- something else that can be worn again. FOR SATURDAY NIGHT FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1. Less formal dance possibly at College Pond or somewhere with a different atmosphere than the gym, 2. Smaller tables,' 3. Better known band. 1. Have concert outside with well-known srouTD. Better to have one good group ^ - - •’ "so-so" groups. OVERALL SUGGESTIONS' rather than three 1. Suggested that the May Day idea be dropped. Maybe move big Spring week end up to the middle of April, ■ 4. -iron tfi the Dancc Committee and to Mrs, Griffin. The of t^e^L^lftira^^e Hel^n/hreves Kllce Morris, Sherry Lam, Lowry Sinclair, STUDEHTS WILL VOTE OH CONSTITUTIONAL AMEMBMBNI - T + ^ £L VOiii© *WiH 3-XSO b© COHC03mltl§ on the day will delete the section of the; , an amendment to the SGA Con ^ Sauad. The section reads that ..constitution dealing with the posSion and that they shall be cheerleading candidates Jg^l^gsitjent of the Student Body, the Cheer-r chosen by the President members If this amendment passes, the leading adviser, two faculty members 11^ Cheerleading ^quad will of the Student Body, three faculty membLs^^ine^froS the P.E. department, the advisers of the squad, the head cheerleader, and, og^^-the^Cheerleaders will make their own Also,, If sSn be su?jecr?o review by SGA, and they ^wufhave ^o^presen? a bill to the Senate for appropriations exceeding W*99. WHO WILL BE THE BRAVE PERSON TO FILE FIRST? FILING CLOSES ON wnu wiiiu FRIDAY, APRIL 17. . ■ I®. REED IS VERY COMPREHENSIVE DURING MAY.