(Secretary — continued) } Candidate: Kathjrsandefur, Junior, Charleston, ¥, Va. Q. T'Jliat do you feel are the purposes, objectives, and goals of the SGA? A, "First of all the SGA is an organization of all campus students which in turn elects its officers to represent the entire SGA and sponsor entertainment and activities, and to provide for the 'general welfare' of the student body. The goal of the Student Government Association is to accomplish its purposes and objectives. Q, >Jhat is your platform? Will you please include specific plans concerning ideas and policies. A, "If elected, I pledge myself to do all in my power to assist the Pres- idd»t , Vice-President, and Treasurer as a secretary, to promote general efficiency in the office, to resume to taking of minutes in Student Body meetings, which has not been done since 19^5, and generally tp serve the students as an SGA officer." Q, 1-That experience have you had that would help you as an SGA officer? A, "Secretary-Treasurer of the Freshman Class; Senator; past member of the Community Relations Committee, the Student Affairs Committee, the Orientation Committee; have been a delegate to four North State Student Government Association conferences; delegate to State Student Legislature, 1962. and 1964; chief delegate for the 1964 Spring NSSGA Conference; Co-ordinator of all SGA off-campus conferences; active ‘ member of the Ionian Society; Chairman of Political Science 42 Plan ning Committee ( a Political Parties class to be tau^t next fall.)" Q. What do you feel are the qualification for the office which you are seeking? A. "I feel that some of the qualifications for Secretary are a general loiowledge of the Student Government Organization and practical exper ience by participation in the SGA, the ability to type, and to run office machines." Q, Ii/hat do you think can be done to keep the student aware of and interested in the work of the SGA? A ''I think if the SGA is meeting its purposes, objectives, and goals as in question number one, then the student will be aware and interested in SGA, As for publicity, an active Publicity Committee which is used bv the'various committee chairmen to publicize their activities would be most valuable, and of course, the continuance of THE CAMPUS CRIER as the Student Government newsletter and the 'voice of the students, " ' .! . • i. , Q. TVhat do you consider to be the two main problems of the SGA? A "I think the biggest problem of the Student Government Association is the apathy of the general student toward it, I think the second great est problem is too few students trying to do too many Jobs and there- fore not having enough time to do a good Job in all their undertakings TREASURER OF THE STUDENT BODY ■ ^ ’ The responsibilities of the Treasurer of the Student Body are stated in the SGA Contitution as follows: Section 5. The Treasurer shall: a) receive all monies of the Student Government Association; b) pay all bills authorized by thp of the Student Government Association; c) keep ;i : permanent records of all receipts and expenditures of the Stu dent Government Association and submit a quarterly financial statement to the MAROON AND GOLD for publication. (continued on following page) HAVE YOUR S'^'DENT GOVERNMENT CARD WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO TO VOTE! ! !