By David Johnson Fate seems to have played a strange joke on me—last semester I made some rather sharp criticisms of the Sion Student Senate and the Campus Crier? now, at the close of the school year, I find myself presiding over both of these grand institution^ I only wonder who is supposed to have the last laugh...well, tune in again next year for the conclu sion of our story. As for this issue, there has been no radical change in policy or format; whatever you liked or disliked in past editions, you will like or dis like here. Some critics have charged that Crier opinions do not rep resent the majority of Elon students. Even if true, there is no real harm in this: the majority can usually take care of itself, but minority views must be protected; although the will of the majority must prevail, this will is not necessarily just or correct. Actually, any reasonable opinions may be expressed in the Crier, and arguments against them will always be printed. The Campus Crier, for all its faults, is an effec tive balance between the esoteric Colonnades and the stodgy Maroon and Gold. Perhaps it is the only campus publication which cares what the students think. Well, this is not a philosophy courso, so the editor now yields to his staff writers, who are standing by to entertain, inform, puzzle or dis gust you. Good reading ahead! The ominous clouds of uncertainty h^ing over almost all students today. These clouds in one form or another have always plagued the student, but because of the present world situation the students have been sub jected to added pressures. Instead of a quest for intrinsic learning, the college student is following a course of least resistance. Learn ing has become a means to an end, and that end is a temporary escape from reality. The new reality is that of fighting for something which is nebulous, undefined, and odious. Where do the answers lie? Should the students of today be subjected to these added pressures that infect the sublime depths of the mind? Thus, the students are forced to shed their callow cloaks and grow to manhood before they can accept the world around them. Indeed, it seems that the uncertainty of today will force the youth to mature in an en vironment that is unnatural and unhealthy. What is needed is some sort of settlement that would permit stability in our time. Pqj. order to assure compendious a-'^vanctTP.ent, the students must have some solid basis upon v/hich they can depend. Wa are all told that the youth of today is the key to toiTiorrc".:; hov.’sver, the leaders of today must not be aware of the grave dangoi: r.n v.’cich -chey are placing the Students- Anv tvpe of governmental "eotrictions imposed on the ad- A V IT- W Oh By Robert Modal ,a inaiviauax iree wiix vancement of learning cho]cc3 acadr