"^rchivf:$, 85th Anniversary April 6, 7, & 8 The V oice May Week April 29 - May 5 VOLUME 15, No. 3 FAYETTEVILLE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. MARCH, 1962 How Much Do You Know About F.S.T.C.? C. PHILIP SHAW 1. What was the original name of Fayetteville State Teachers College, and where was it lo cated? 2. Name, in order, the former presidents, permanent and acting, of F.S.T.C. 3. Name at least three of the founders of this institution. 4. For whom is the Industrial Arts Building named? 5. Give, in order, the names and dates of erection of the build ings on campus since 1920. 6. In what year did Fayetteville State become a state-support- ed institution? 7. Who is the composer of our school’s Alma- Mater, and what is its name? 8. By what associations has Fayetteville State received ac creditations, and to which as sociation has Fayetteville State recently been admitted? 9. What are the major fields of fered at Fayetteville State, and the minor fields? 10. Name the chairman and the members of the present Board of Trustees. 11. For whom was each building on our campus named? Answers To Quiz guipiing uoijBjjsiuiuipv TOUis W9^3ia M X J0UJ9A0O 0 'n; — iiBB 3{ooo.iCv 'a jouja -Aoo D N — Suipima iloooXv :sguTpima IT •(paseaoop) ‘uo:>Su:uiitav ‘puomasoy; h S Ja ipJOjaeH ‘piBUOaaW V VH ‘suiipo 'H 'M iojoqsppo ‘leq; -uasoH '3 ‘.aniAuosJiOBr ‘sina •f V :uoiui[0 ‘uajJBAV 9 S I UMo;n:(aqBziia ‘ jf ‘ja;s0H ■f H iqSpiBH ‘aaqjBg f 3 jo ‘uosmbq a ‘auBAaa d AV -ta ‘uo:^aSpa a 'O ‘uBuiJiBqQ ‘51000 H T 01 •qoaads puB oisnH ‘qouaja ‘PV :sJ0uii\[ •ji§010p0S ‘33U0TOS IBOisAqd ‘uo^Bonpa iBDis^Cqd ‘sot^bui -aiRBiM ‘Xjo;sth ‘nsjiSua ‘uoi; -Banpa XjB^uauiaia ‘uoi;BDnpa IBioaauiuioo ‘Xgopig :sjoCbj\[ 6 saSai -[03 puB siooqog XjBpuooag JO uoT^Btoossy ujaq;nos uoi^bo -npa jai{0B9x JOj uonB^ipaJOOV joj [euoi^b>j ‘spoqos XjBpiiooas puB saganoo jo uopBpossy ujaq^nos ‘uoipnj^s -uf DiiqUti JO ^uaui^JBdaa '8 „ania puB a;iq,w pio„ ‘agpupia iJjjax Xjbjai sjim i USX ui 9 SS6I ‘IIBH suibiioM ST SS6T ‘^iBuiJijui guipinBdg 0 0 'H ES6I ‘IIEH miuiS '1 N £T £S6X ‘uimjo;ipnv JfooaqBag M T ZT 6661 ‘IIBH POOH IT 6S6I ‘IIBH aouaps JOiXbx 01 8S6I ‘uiniSBUUiXo X[m 6 8£6I ‘IIBH SUJBH '8 i£6I ‘AJBjqn nnusaqo 'l 0£6I ‘IIBH -isuXof '9 SZ6I •guipiing s;jv iBujsnpui s £261 ‘AjpuHBT £261 ‘l[BH guiuiQ 51003 q H ■£ 2Z6I ‘Swy -ppna uouBJisTuiuipv q^iuiS Z ZZ61 ‘IIBH PM^ia I isguipijng S oxsa JO iBdpuiJd aaiA jauiJOj B ‘ipqa^iW AV uqof JQ 'V XABaq q A\aq;^Bi\[ ‘xbui -oq sBuioqj, ‘suouiuiis ^jaqoy; ‘ja:HB3 uospN ‘^nu^saqo f v £ ■jjoojqBas 'AV T ‘w^s a a ‘^81-iiea a ’H ‘suiBi’niM a o -saqD AV. sapeqo ‘sijjbh a Z •;aajlS aidsaino uo pa;BDOj ‘looqos piBMOH sba\ OXSa JO auiBU iBUTguo aqx 'I ft Left, The Howard School, Gillespie Street, first building of what is now FSTC; right, Taylor Science Building, one of 23 buildings and cottages of FSTC, now located on Murchison Road. F. S. T. C. Plans For 85th Birthday Observance The eighty-fifth anniversary ob servance of the founding of Fay etteville State Teachers College will be held on April 6, 7, and 8. The affair is planned as a three- day study of problems growing out of teacher education. Trustees, alumni, and friends from many sections of the country will be present to note the extent to which the institution is meeting its objectives — primarily that of preparing teachers for the the na tion’s public schools. Top educa tors, college and university offi cials, representatives from learned and fraternal societies, and citi zens interested in the upgrading of American education will be pre sent at this event. Some speakers for the obser vance include Dr. Earl W. Ander son, Chairman of the Department of Education at Ohio State Univer sity, Columbus, Ohio; Dr. Samuel E. Duncan, President of Living stone College in Salisbury; and Dr. Albert E. Manley, President of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. •0 -Q ‘uoi -guiqsBAV ‘VOAV uoisua;xa aAi; -Bjado-03 JO jopaaiQ ‘looqos [BuiJON aiijAa^pXBa ‘iBdiouud 33IA AV uqof — gui -pime s^JV lBu;snpui ipqo;!W OXSa) ‘looqos Ibuijon ailiAajpitBa iBdpuud ‘suiBiinAV H agJoao — Hbh suibiiUAV 00 aouBjnsui ajiq I^ni -nM 0 N Japunoj ‘guippBds 0 '0 — /^JBUIJIJUI guipineds q;iuis a a ^uapisajj JO ajfM ‘jagBUBui ssauisnq ‘jaqoBai. ‘qiTuig T aju -UBivi -SJH — n^H TOUJS '1 N oxsa ‘sm -uauia-^uapisaJd ‘^loojqBas AV •£• jQ — uinuo^ipny JloojqBas uoipnaisuj OTiqnd jo ■;daa ‘uoi;Bcinpa 0Jga>i jo uois -TATQ ‘jopajia ‘PIoqA\ajs[ 0 N — lOoqos ^JB^uauiaia ppqMaM spoqDS OJgaM JO agJBqa ui ‘uoi;Bonpa JO ;dns ’:>ssv 0 'N idoqsig uoiz aWV ‘POOH ja^T^AV saiuBf doqsia — IIBH POOH saa^snix JO pjBog JO jaquiaui aauiJoj B ‘(uojguimnAV) -ioijCbx H a — guipimg aouaiDS Jo^Abx saajsnjx jo pjBog JO jaansBajj jauijoj b ‘Ai -m ‘AV 'H — uimsBuui^o ^IIH OXSil lOoqos pjBMOH ‘iBdpUTjd JSJIJ ‘su -JBH H ^.laqoH — IIBH SUJBH :juapisajd puB jBdpuud jauijoj ‘Mtiusaqo 'AV sapBqo •JQ — ^-iBjqiq ^jnusaqo lioipnj^sui onqnd JO ;uapua;uuadns Jauuoj • B ‘jauXof 'A. T — 1I®H JauXof ■pjBog JO UBuiJiBqo luasaad JO jaq;ej ‘saa;srLix J° pJBog ‘nBUiJTBqD jauijoj ‘nooo T H Xaujoiw — IIBH 3UTUIQ 5{ooo ^uapisajd aa -uijoj ‘miuis '3 lBi5iaza MQ — Eighty-Fifth Anniversary Program FAYETTEVILLE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE APRIL 6, 7, and 8, 1962 FRIDAY, APRIL 6 12:00 Noon-2:00 P.M. REGISTRATION Seabrook Auditorium 2 00- 4:00 P.M. OPENING EXERCISES Seabrook Auditorium Speaker: Dr. Earl W. Anderson Chairman, Department of Education The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 8:00- 9:30 P.M. PAGEANT Seabrook Auditorium 9:30-10:30 P.M. RECEPTION College Gymnasium SATURDAY, APRIL 7 9:30-10:30 A.M. OPEN HOUSE 10:30-12:00 Noon SEMINAR 1:30- 2:00 P.M. BAND CONCERT 2:00- 3:00 P.M. SEMINAR — continued 3:00- 4:00 P.M. SEMINAR ASSEMBLY ... 2:00- 7:00 P.M. CLASS REUNIONS Seabrook Auditorium 7:30 P.M. ANNIVERSARY DINNER PROGRAM Speaker: Dr. Samuel E. Duncan President, Livingstone College Salisbury, North Carolina SUNDAY, APRIL 8 9:30-10:30 A.M. COLLEGE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 00 A M -12:00 Noon CHUROH SERVICES Minister: Dr. Kenneth R. Williams President, Winston-Salem Teachers College Winston-Salem, North Carolina ANNUAL FOUNDERS DAY EXERCISES 3:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 4:00 P.M. REPRESENTATIVES ASSEMBLE ACADEMIC PROCESSION BEGINS FOUNDERS DAY PROGRAM Seabrook Auditorium Speaker: Dr. Albert E. Manley President, Spelman College Atlanta, Georgia report of ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP EFFORT 5:15 P.M. SERVICES AT THE MONUMENT DEPARTMENTAL EXHIBITS DAILY 69 Years of Devoted Service A very special assembly pro gram was held in Seabrook Audi torium. It was held “In Recogni tion and Appreciation of Loyal and Devoted Service” honoring Mrs. Mae H. Seabrook, teacher of Sci ence and wife of Dr. J. Ward Sea brook, former dean and president of the college, and Mr. David Gal- breath for 32 and 37 years of de voted service at Fayetteville State Teachers college respectively. Observations were made by Miss Helen Hucles, Mr. J. E. Coppage, and Mrs. A. 0. Williams, repre sentative of The Alumni Associa- The VOICE Staff wishes to thank Mr. John W. Parker, FSTC Director of Publicity, for news-worthy items included in this issue. tion. Music was rendered by the Men’s Ensemble and presiding at the program was Miss Lauretta J. Taylor of the Area of Health and Physical Education. Each honoree received many gifts, and a plaque presented by President Rudolph Jones, to signify the con tributions the pair had made to Fayetteville State Teachers Col lege. Fayetteville State In Its 85th Year September 1961 was the begin ning of the 85th year of teacher education at Fayetteville State Teachers College. Over the years many outstanding graduates have become leaders in the field of edu cation throughout the nation. With a current student body of almost a thousand, the College continues to make progress. In a faculty of fifty-two instructors there are thirteen who hold an earned doctorate from the leading universities in the country. In addition to the traditional specialization in Elementary Edu cation, the Coll:-J -ow offers ma jors in Secondary Education sub jects. Because of the excellent faculty and facilities for foreign languages and speech, these sub jects will be emphasized in the future. , The Trustees have approved fe~ quests for capital improvements to be submitted to the next General Assembly totaling over two and one half million dollars. New build ings sought include a new library, two classroom buildings, a student center, and a new gymnasium which contains a swimming pool. Fayetteville State intends to move forward and to pursue ex cellence in every phase of its pro gram. J.W.P. National Library Week To Be Observed National Library Week (April 8- 14, 1962) will be observed on the campus of Fayetteville State Teachers College through a num ber of activities. Foremost among these will be the chapel program on April 11 wihich wiU feature a discussion of this year’s theme “Read — And Watch Your Wprld Grow!” Participants for the pro gram are Mrs. Beatrice C. Wat kins, FSTC alumna and Director of Winslow Street U.S.O.; Mr. A. L. Stewart, Librarian, Methodist Col lege; Dr. David W. Bishop, FSTC faculty; Mrs. Eurydice W. Smith, Cataloger, Chesnutt Lbrairy; and Chaplain Major Theodore R. Owens, Fort Bragg, North Caro lina. Special displays for the observ ance will be featured throughout the Library during the week and “open house” invitations are being extended to the campus commun ity and surrounding area. Visitors from surrounding high schools and other interested groups are expected to join in this celebration. Wedding Bells Congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Tyng-tsair Chao, of the Science Department of FSTC and to his bride, the former Miss Anna M. Lee, of Washington, D. C.

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