Page 2 T HE VOICE February, 1963 The Voice Staff OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENT BODY Edited and Published by the Students FAYETTEVILLE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina Editor Eva McEachern Associate Editor Joseph J. Johnson News Editor Robert Daniels Feature Editors Verlestine Williams, Bennye McNair Exchange Editor Roosevelt Daniels Sports Editors Marvin W. Lucas, Marlyn Walker Business Manager Philip Shaw Circulation Manager Bettye Rankin Typists Calletha Matthews, Emma Coats Reporter Mary Anne McLean Photographers James Anderson, Theophilus M. Garriss, Jr. Cartoonist Joseph J. Johnson Student Government Representative Philip Shaw Faculty Advisor Mrs. M. H. Scott Editorial “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” So it is stated in Proverbs Chapter 29, verse 18. Who should have vision? Who are “the people”? I dare not attempt to give a literal interpretation of that pas sage here. I would, however, attempt to mention today’s great need for leaders with vision. Much is said about the need for good administration and teachers at the various levels in education, but how many of us actually realize this need in college enough to appreciate these when we have them. When we came to college, most of us were mtellectually very young and had not learned to proceed safely or efficiently under our own intellectual power. We were what our elders had made us; and our ideas, for the most part, were not our own. Our first job was learning to stand on our own ideas, then to broaden our horizons so that as we became more able to care for ourselves we could do so intelligently. As we mature, we are able to recognize and appreciate more the leadership of (1) a president who because of his vision dares to venture forward in behalf of students and of (2) instructors who for the most part possess not only ability and skill but the faculty of recognizing, analyzing and solving complex problems. Good leaders are not plentiful but are conspicious by their success. The success of future programs will depend not only upon our president and instructors but upon our abilities as students to manage and use wisely our time and talents. — The Editor Strength For The Semester BETTY McKETHAN The second semester of the school year 1962-63 is an excellent opportunity for us to take inven tory and put forth an effort to im prove ourselves. As we strive to improve, it would be wise for us to keep in mind the thought con veyed by Earl Douglas in his arti cle, “Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow”: “Do you ever say to yourself, ‘Someday I’m going to be a better person than I am today?’ Well, I have bad news for you. You are never going to be a better person— never as long as you continue to say ‘someday.’ You may succeed in fooling yourself with this kind of promise, but you will not succeed in fooling very many other people. “Improvement never really be gins someday or tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes. It makes no difference whether you plan to begin tomorrow or ten years from tomorrow. . . The only kind of im provement that really takes place begins today. “Real self-improvement begins with an honest appraisal of what you are now, and a frank compar ison of that present state with what you want to be. The difference may be enormous. No matter how much or how little improvement you think you need, it certainly cannot be made altogether today in one swift act. It may be a long pro cess, requiring many steps. Per haps you will never finish taking the last steps.” But one thing is certain: You Will never get anywhere if you do not take the first step. And the first step must be taken today. It Is Dangerous To Go To . . . It is dangerous to go to sleep in classes. At least it is in one Mid- Western college. While giving an important lec ture one day, an Iowa State in structor whipped out a pistol and fired at a dozing student who im mediately rolled into the aisle. Two of the professor’s friends carried the body from the class room as students looked on in hor ror. The unperturbed professor re loaded his cap pistol and continued his lecture. Prearranged, maybe. But effec tive. Sociology Students Conduct Polls Some interesting results were gleaned from polls conducted by Cornelius Squalls, ’64, and Francis Boone, ’65, students enrolled in Sociology 201 during the first se mester. Cornelius Squalls polled a sam ple of students drawn from the college population concerning their opinions toward the possible effect of a two-party system in the South. Among others, he found that 80 per cent of his respondents felt that there would be a definite accelera tion in the area of civil rights for minorities on the state level, espec ially the Negroes, because of the bargaining positions these groups would acquire. Opinions regarding the position taken by the United States during the Cuban crisis were elicited by Francis Boone. Of those polled, 81 per cent indicated that they would have approved, had the United States decided to invade Cuba, whereas 19 per cent stated that they would not have approved an invasion of Cuba by the United States. Cornelius Squalls Francis Boone W anted-Articles WANTED — Articles of campus wide interest from individual stu dents and organizations of FSTC. Are you interested in knowing what is happening on your cam pus? Then, why not give the VOICE your full support? You are the campus, and you create the happenings, so let others know a- bout them. This is your paper, the medium through which you may speak. Watch for the next deadline date, and get your news-worthy items in. WRITE NOW! SUMMER SESSION 1963 Nine Weeks June 10-August 9 JESSE WILLIAMS President, Student Government The Student As The Foundation The student is the foundation of the college. The type of students present at an institution will, first of all, have much to do with the success of the institution. His char acter, whether good or bad, wU] form the vast impressions of the institution. His academic excel lence, failure, or mediocrity, will affect the rating of the institution on the local, state, and national levels. His contributions to society after graduation, whether, great, small, or none, will affect the pres tige of the institution accordingly. His participation in activities of the college community will tend to produce better understanding with in the community, create an air of cooperation, and stimulate others to wider participation in college activities and to desire affiliation with the institution. Lastly, his par ticipation in the Student Govern ment and its activities promotes in him the idea of a democratic society, affords him the develop ment of his capacities for leader ship, and fosters cooperation and preparation for self - government and self-discipline. Although all of the above qualifi cations are important in a good solid foundation for the college, the student’s participation in Stu dent Government is probably one of the most important blocks on which to build. It holds this high position for a number of reasons. The first of these is the fact that it is the student’s most impressive and forceful media of expression. Through this media of student gov ernment ,the worthwhile ideas and suggestions of the students can be analyzed, presented to the student body and possibly made a part of the functions of the college com munity. Student participation in student policy making is the second reason the Student Government holds such an important position in the foun dation of the college. Although the Executive officers of the Student Government are elected, the Jud iciary and Legislative Branches of the government offer a wide range of participation. Lastly, the Student Government through its varied activities pro vides for the development of stu dents in their various capacities. In other words, it will help pre pare the student for his later life as a member of the community and society in which he will find himself. Though this reason may seem a bit intangible, it may be seen by careful thought and anal ysis. Through the years, there has been a lack of student interest in participation in Student Govern ment activities. This apathetic con dition has been national in scope and on all levels of student govern ment. In our institution we are inclined to believe that it is a re sult of student ignorance of the purpose and functions of student government, lack of the knowledge of the rights afforded them by the Student Government Constitution, and lack of the knowledge of the benefits to be gained in this type organization. However, improvements are now being seen all over this country and on all levels as well as here at Fayetteville State Teachers Col lege. As we will be the ones re sponsible for the impressions and name given to our institution, we should become more aware of our important position. This means taking an active part in Student Government as well as the other profitable aspects of college life. If we, the students, do this, we not only build a stronger foundation for our Student Government and insti tution, but also build a ladder of progress that will be seen the world over. Pot-Pourri (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) the questions and answers on fa mous lovers compelled me to at tend. For instance the first ques tion: Who was the handsome virile lover who courted a famous invalid (six years his senior), defied her tyrannical father and married the girl, carried her from her sickroom off to Italy, and loved her until she died? Of course from literature one re calls the romance between Eliza beth Barrett and Robert Browning. Both of these lovers wrote beauti ful poetry and lived beautiful lives. English poetry is the richer be cause these two were able to ex press their emotions in words that touch the heart. Another question on great lovers was: Who were the tragic lovers who gave each other up to enter mon asteries, after which they exchang ed love letters that are models of tender passion, and when they died were buried in the same tomb? Here we have love between a great philosopher, Abelard and one of the great women of the Middle Ages, Heloise. In this case one pon ders the suggestion made in the introduction as regards common sense going straight into the ash- can, even though this was love be tween one who confessed an in terest in wisdom and one who ac corded attributes of greatness. Such a quiz serves to sharpen one’s wits in history and biography. While I was browsing over the old magazines my attention turned to a dissertation on flirting by Beth Day. The account caused me to re call the attempt at flirting that I had noticed in church not so long ago of a Sunday morning. That was the flirting of a young girl, but Beth Day had technique and experience. Young girls should spend their days and nights to a study of this dissertation from one who knows how. The old magazines offer not only information on romantic affairs of the heart but also there was an in teresting section on clergymen who speak from the heart. There were nine clergymen listed and each spoke or, should I say, each wrote on the topic: If I Could Preach to the President, This is What I’d Say. I shall not comment here on the sermon of all nine. This, how ever, is not because they lacked ability to stir my interest, for they did. My remarks will be directed only on the report of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King confessed he has been charged with having only one theme for his sermons — Rights and Justice. He said, however, that if we were allowed to preach to the President of the United States, he would admonish the President to lead us toward the path of peace. For what does it profit a nation to achieve the whole world of means — airplanes, subways, auto mobiles, and color T.V. — and lose the end, its soul? In my solitude I found much fun in the old magazines. The pot pourri was a means of spending spare time worthily, I think. There was entertainment and humor in the accounts read. As I think of the titles of the pieces read they im press me as varied and interesting. Among the items were: 1. The Better Way: A Plan for Simple and Inexpensive Fun erals 2. How To Shop For China 3. How To Encourage Creativity In Children 4. Can Snoring Be Cured? 5. Booklets Worth Waiting For 6. Honey, Its Real Uses and Value 7. Hay Fever Treatment That Can Help 8. Saving Coins You Won’t Want To Spend 9. The First - Aid Rules You Should Never Forget 10. You Can Make Cut Flowers Last Longer 11. If That Zipper Doesn’t Zip 12. You and Your Money My pot-pourri was concluded by reading a hair-raising account of a rattlesnake hunt in Okeene, Oklahoma. Indeed I was in on the sale of the frozen snake steaks at $2.50 a pound. Look And Learn GEORGE WASraNGTON 1. Where was Washington born? 2. Where was he educated? 3. What was his first important occupation? 4 What year was he certified for this occupation? 5. When was Washington married and to whom? 6. What was Washington commis sioned by the lieutenant gov ernor of Virginia, Robert Din widdle, to do? 7. When was Washington appoint ed lieutenant colonel of the military establishment of Vir ginia? 8. When was he chosen command er in chief of the Continental Army and by whom? 9. When and where did he resign his commisison to the United States and retire to private life? 10. When did he return to public duty? 11. When and where did he take the oath of office as the first President of the United States? ANSWERS 1. Bridges Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia. 2. P a r 11 y at a neighborhood school, and by his older half brother. 3. Surveyor 4. 1748. 5. January 6, J.759. 6. To warn the French against trespassing on territory claim ed by Virginia. 7. Spring of 1754. 8. June 15, 1775, by the second Continental Congress. 9. December 23, 1783, at An napolis. 10. 1787. 11. New York City, on April 30, 1789. Submitted by Betty Lou McKethan Tercentenary During the month of March, North Carolinians will commemo rate the 300th anniversary of the granting of the Carolina Charter by King Charles II of Great Brit ain. This South Atlantic state was partially explored by Raleigh’s ex pedition in 1584. Corn, cotton, tobacco, wheat, sweet potatoes and oats are ex tensively produced. Lumbering and furniture-manufacturing are im portant. The legal abbreviation is N. C. The nicknames include “Old North State,” “Turpentine State,” and “Tar Heel State.” The capital city is Raleigh; the flower, goldenrod; and the motto, “Esse quam viceri” (To be, rather than to seem). There has been some question as to iwhether the Carlolinas were named for Charles IX of France by Jean Ribault in 1562 or whether they were named in honor of King Charles I of England. The first settlement is thought to have been made on Albermarle Sound in 1653. A special postage stamp com memorating this anniversary of the granting of the Charter by King Charles II of Great Britain to eight Lords Proprietors wiU be issued by the Post Office Depart ment. The stamp will be one of only nine commemorative stamps chos en for issuance in 1963. Governor Sanford, commenting on the stamp, said, “. . .This sig nificant beginning point in the his tory of America is worthy of such attention, and I am grateful to Senator B. Everett Jordan, Dr. Frank P. Graham, General John D. F. Phillips and others who worked to get the Department to recognize the importance of this anniversary. “I hope the people of North Car olina will joia fully in our Tercen tenary Celebration. Too often in the past we have failed as a people to pay proper attention to the im portant part North Carolina played in the founding of democracy in this new nation. . . .” Fayetteville State Teachers Col lege joins with the others of the state of North Carolina in this Tercentenary Celebration. See your VOICE Calendar for specific dates.