Voice VOLUME 17, No. 4 FAYETTEVILLE STATE COLLEGE, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. MAY, 1964 Calendar Of Events MAY 25-JUNE 8 Monday, Tuesday MAY 25, 26 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday MAY 27, 28, 29 Thursday — 8:00 P.M. MAY 28 Friday — 12:00 Noon Saturday — 6:30-8:00 P.M. MAY 30 Sunday — 3:00 P.M. MAY 31 Monday — 9:00 A.M. JUNE 8 Final Examinations for Graduating Seniors Final Examinations Class Night — Seabrook Auditorium Senior Cap and Gown Day Seabrook Auditorium Speaker: Dr. Walter Ridley, Presideni Elizabeth City State College Elizabeth City, North Carolina President and Mrs. Rudolph Jones “At Home” to Members of Uie Senior Class, Alumni, Faculty and Friends Commencement Exercises Seabrook Auditorum Speaker: Mr. Harry Golden, Editor Tbe Carolina Israelite Charlotte, North Carolina Registration for Summer School Scenes From May Day President Jones, Governor San ford, Trustees Vi. R. Collins, G. Bolter. Dr. J. W. Seabrook, President Jones, Governor Sanford, Chief Marshal J. C. Jones. The Honorable Terry Sanford Founders’ Day Program JUANITA McRAE Governor Terry Sanford was the highly honored guest speaker for our annual Founders’ Day Program here at Fayetteville State College on Sunday, April 26. The honorable Governor Sanford gave many points of ultimate importance and inter est in his address concerning the various organizations now being formed to combat poverty through out the state of North Carolina. The present-day situation of social agencies was briefly compared to the near inexistence of such in the days when the college was founded. Governor Sanford also gave further informat'or concerning the Good Neighbor Council, Operation Second Chance, and the North Carolina Fund. He emphasized the importance of these in lowering the rate of high school dropouts and unemployment in our state as weU as in the country. He encouraged students of the college to join in the fight to better the living con ditions of poverty-stricken families through membership in the North Carolina Volunteers. There was more than a capacity crowd present for the Foimders’ Day Program as people eagerly .stood in doorways and every other conceivable place to hear the Governor speak. Among those pre sent were members of the State Legislature, the Board of Trustees, returned alumni from all parts of the country, and relatives of past presidents of the college, as well as the college faculty, staff, and student body. There was a brilliant academic procession which later led the way to the celebrated monument oJ lirr" E. E. Smith. Dr. Marvin E. Moore, Jr., Academic Dean of the CoUege, presided throughout the program; our president. Dr. Rudolph Jones, presented the Governor and later presented him on behalf of the col lege an engraved plaque. Music was rendered by the college choir and band. QUEEN HELEN AND ESCORT .. - [ ' President Governor. Jones Introduces the May Day Activities THE ROYAL COURT i'! -s' ’ m '„s' . GYMNASTICS FOR THE QUEEN On Tuesday, May 5, at five thirty in the afternoon, the Smith Athletic Field of Fayetteville State College came alive with the gaiety of the May Day Festivities presented by the Department of Health and Phy sical Education. To begin the celebration, the Col lege band, vmder direction of Mr. T. B. Bacote, played the proces sional for the entrance of Queen Helen Moore and her escort, Mel vin Pierce, and the others of the royal court. Miss Moore, freshman from Wilmington, North Carolina, was crowned by President Rudolph Jones. Others in the May Queen’s Court were Attendants — Vivian Brightharp, Florence Bryant, Senora Diggs, Jean Jones, Gwendolyn Leak, Rosetta Rivers. Escorts — Gurvis Bailey, Philip Shaw, Johnny Smith, Joe Tyson, James Rountree, George Sher man. Flower Girls — Sylvia Shaw, Net tie Hayes. Crown Bearers — Michael Parker, Terrance Robinson. A colorful and lively program having as its theme “Education in and through Physical Fitness,” was presented in the Queen’s honor. MRS. GERALDINE CONWAY Religious Emphasis Week Mrs. Geraldine Conway, “Ambas sador for Christ,” of LucasvUle and Columbus, Ohio, conducted Re ligious Emphasis Week Services on our campus April 29 through May 1. Mrs. Conway, who first visited our campus while conducting serv ices in Fayetteville last fall, is much in demand as a speaker. She was a most welcomed guest on our campus and it is hoped she will find it possible to return for an other visit. This special week of services was handled by the FSC Religious Activities Committee, with Dr. C. C. Thomas as chairman. I