"" The Voice Volume 19, Number 2 Christmas Greetings FAYETTEVILLE STATE COLLEGE, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, DECEMBER, 1965 DEAN A. W. SHEPHARD Dean of Women “I have always thought of Christ mas time as a good time; a kind, forgiving, generous, pleasant time; a time when men and women seem by one consent to open their hearts freely; and so I say God Bless Christmas.” This is what Charles Dickens had to say about Christmas. This is so true! One day I had a conversation with a lady who seemed to think that only unrealistic silly people believed in Santa Claus and that a parent was really lying to her child when she encouraged belief in 01’ St. Nick. I said to her that the spirit of Santa Claus was one of the most meaningful and real spir its that we have in modern times and that it should be encouraged in every child. Have you ever stopped to realize, I asked, that Christmas is the one — and perhaps, only time of that year that has been characterized by warmth and fri endliness among all people? This is the day that people pass each other in the street and say in a most jolly fashion “Merry Christ mas.” Hostilities and open warfare have ceased on Christmas Day. (Let us hope it does this year, too.) The sight of Santa Claus brings this good will feeling. Christmas Day a.id Chnstniai night the world re sounds with Christmas bells and is warmly aglow with lights. Christ mas is a good time and hearts are freely open! I believe in Santa Claus. S. Stcff A Christmas Message Mattie Cogdell Christmas is a time for giving— not receiving, mind you. We all look forward to what we will re ceive but do we take the time and thought to give without the ex pectation of receiving in exchange. Try it this year. Your heart will be filled with a new joy. As someone says “God Bless You.” You will say “God Bless Christmas.” Christmas is a time of miracles. It began as a miracle and we look for miracles today. Little children expect a visit from Santa Claus and though we who are older say we don’t want anything special for Christmas, we look for the miracle that someone has discovered our secret wish and we’ll find it ful filled under the tree. Can you make a miracle for someone else — per haps your parents — whose deep wish you know? We all love Christmas and we all look forward to reunions with our friends and families. Let this Christmas be a joyous one for each of you. May it be a time of mira cles and as the year draws to a close, may you in reverence look at the year just passed and at the one to come. Resolutions are not a waste of words and time but ra ther a view of ourselves as we would try to be. May shining Christmas candles light a world of joy for you May the Spirit of the Christ Child, your hopes and dreams renew And may the Promise of a Star that shines forever, blass A wonderful New Year for you that's filled with happiness! As we arc approaching the Christmas holidays, we find our selves in the Christmas spirit. We recall the story of the birth of Christ. We also remember Santa Claus and the Christmas tree. Let us show now that spirit that we possess during this holiday. This will be the last week that we will see each other before the Holidays begin. Beginning now, let us put forth every possible effort to make this the best Christmas yet. A kind word is worth a thousand gifts. To wish each other a very merry Christmas is the best gift that anyone could receive. It does not cost anything to say “hello” as you meet others on campus. However, we will be astonished to find the great feeling that will cap tivate us if we only would become a part of each other. Christmas is a time of gaiety and laughter. This is the season to put all one’s troubles into a sack and drown them at sea. When we think of how the Christ child was born with no place to lay his head, and the joy that seemed to be a part of Him, then how can we be anything but happy. This is the season to keep the post office filled with greeting cards. Let us make use of those mailboxes that we have rented. This is the most cele brated holiday season of the year. There really is a Santa Claus. He is planted in each of us. Let us nour ish this Santa Claus so that he will grow and brighten the holiday for us. Let us let him work for us. When we say Merry Christmas to a stranger and he returns the same greeting with a warm comforting smile, that Santa in us has started working for us already. Is it possi ble to put a price tag on a really, truly comforting smile as this? The greatest of gifts that can be given at Christmas or any other time is the gift of oneself. It is our sin cere desire that you will have a very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous New Year. PEACE ON EARTH GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN Dean J. C. Jones — Dean of Students Almost two thousand years ago Christ was born into the world to bring hope to the underprivileged, peace on earth, and good will toward all men. And yet in 1965 the world is still torn by war, hatred and by prejudice. Our servicemen are dying on the battlefields of South Viet Nam; churches, schools and homes are still being bombed because of racial hate, and right here at home, we have witnessed the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. In spite of this, somehow, there seems to be some consolation in the Christmas Story.” We still have hope. There are many heartening signs that conditions are getting better. The most tragic mistake that a young man can make today is to decide that there is no basis for faith in the opportunity which the future will offer him. In the fields of individual rights, political equality, education and other sectors, the world today scarcely resembles the world just ten or fifteen years ago We have not yet reached the “promised land,” but if we look at the past and then look at the present, I believe we are justified in saying faith and hope are justified. So as we enter this Christmas season, we should have renewed hope that the coming of Christ was not in vain but indeed very belated. I wish for each of you a very pleasant Christmas and a Happy New Year. CALENDAR OF EVENTS (See previous edition of VOICE for basketball schedule) Saturday, December 4 Drama Clinic for Eastern District of North Carolina High School Drama Assn. Tuesday, December 7 smith Hall Christmas Party Thursday, December 9 English Club Party Friday, December 10 Hood Hall Dance Saturday. December 11 ^Ipha Kappa Alpha Sorority “Cinderella Ball” Sunday, December 12 ^ . 4;00 pm College Choir presents “Amahl and the Night Visitors” by Menotti — an opera in one act. Tuesday, December 14 Wilmington Club “Talent Show” Wednesday, December 15 All College Christmas Dance Friday, December 17 — Monday, January 3 Christmas Holidays December 17 and 28 Metropolitan AAU Indoor Track Meet New York City, FSC competing Saturday, January 15 Drama Guild Production — “Laura” The Spirit of Christmas Sherree C. Cobbs Again we approach the joyous Yuletide Season! This is a time of year when we should join our spirits to commemorate the birth of Christ. More than any other time of the year, there is a sense of togetherness exemplified in man’s attitude and behaviour to ward his fellowman. It is as if the world has come to a sudden halt to allow people to take stock of them selves. The old spirit of selfishness seems to vanish during this season. Gifts are given by the millions. As this season approachs, let us continue to be reminded of the spiritual side of Christmas. In this world of materialism, many are prone to consider the “getting and giving” side of this Season more than the inner spirituality of Christmas. The gifts are only a part of this season. The essence of the true Christmas Sipirt is that Christ, our Saviour, came into this sin-stricken world to redeem man kind from sin. God gave the true gift when He gave us His Son, Christ. The gifts we give are not a meager token of God’s gift to man kind. An adage which states, “Let us not take Christ out of Christ mas,” should be our major thought this yuletide season. The Yuletide season brings about a change in people and the atmos phere. No doubt each of us can see a change in ourselves as well as in each of our peers. It is as if a magic wand strikes and trans forms mankind into terrestial an gels. This gay and good-will spirit should remain with us throughout the incoming year. Yes, this season does bring about a change. The whole world has changed! It is going around in cy cles and when it comes around to each of us, let’s tell this BIG and WONDERFUL WORLD “to stop and let me on.” Better still let’s go out to meet it. This is the only way that we can truly know and experience the Spirit of Christmas. Notice Dr. M. S. Frierson, Chairman of the Division of Education, has re leased the following announce ment: The Placement Office is pleased to announce an increase in interest of school officials in securing the services of Fayetteville State Col lege graduates. There have been requests for teachers every month this term. Officials from the following school systems will be here for the purpose of interviewing seniors on the dates indicated: Cleveland, Ohio Jan. 13 Cecil County, Md. Feb. 17 Detroit, Michigan April 19 Richmond, Va. March 23 Duval County, Florida, has also indicated a desire to come, but has not indicated its date yet. In addition to school systems, many industries are seeking appli cations for students who are inter ested in entering their on-the-job training programs during the sum mer months. Seniors should watch the Place ment Bulletin Board and keep in touch with the office for job in formation.