^f^CHlVEs 5“C'lUe. N.C. jM01-4i97 -'4 7 138'Seniors To Receive Degrees The Voi ce Vol. 20 No. 10 FAYETTEVILLE STATE COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina Thursday, May 25, 1967 HECTOR McEACHERN COPS VICE PRESIDENCY Keyes Run-Off Winner INCOMING President, Mr. Booker T. Keyes OUTGOING President Mr. James Walker WALTON, GILMORE, RAY AMONG WINNERS By Laura Gilmore The leading voice for next year will be that of Mr. Booker T. Keyes. He is a math major who hails from Blounts Creek, North Carolina Mr. Keyes held the position of Vice President of the Student government last year. He is also an active member of the student body and holds member ship in several campus organiza tions. In his inaugural address, which he made on May 16, 1967, Mr. Keyes outlined the aims and goals of the newly elected student government, and he pleaded for the moral support of every member of the student body. In gratitude for being elected president, Mr. Keyes assured the student body that, “I shall always be striving to elevate the academic level and to enrich the environ ment of Fayetteville State College.” He has recommended the following proposals to be incor porated as a part of school policy for next year: (1) No examinations will be given before the second full day of orientation, in order to better acquaint freshmen with placement examinations. This measure should improve the grades made on these tests. (2) Academic aid for those who desire special help in obtain ing a sound education; em ployment of additional guid ance counselors to help stu dents with their problems; students and faculty should set up an extensive tutorial program for students that would benefit the tutor and the tutored (As an incentive to do the job well, the tutors will receive financial assis tance). (3) Increased motivation for learning in classroom and campus situations. This re quires interaction between teachers-students and students students. (4) Additional teachers in the history department. (5) In regard to social activities, a few movies will be shown on Sunday afternoons; regu lar dances will be held in the dayroom and in the gym; equipment for playing sports will be issued to the student government. (6) A dramatic effort to improve school spirit will be institut ed. To help Mr. Keyes make these proposals realities, he will be ably assisted by the other newly elect ed members of the student govern ment. Mr. Hector McEashern, a soph omore from Fayetteville, N. C., has been chosen as Vice-President elect He is an English major. Mr. Me Eachern has stated that he will support Mr. Keyes in all of his proposals and endeavors for next year; further, he expressed his desire, “To be like a spare tire for the main wheel.” Mr. McEachern does not want to thank the student body for their votes of confidence at this time; however, he intends to show his thanks by fulfilling the capacity of Vice President to the best of his ability. Hattie Johnson, a junior from Fairfax, S. C., has been chosen to be the scribe for next year’s student government. Miss Johnson is a business education major which in itself qualifies her for her position. Mr. Charles Moore, judge- elect, is a member of the sopho more class who is working toward a major in elementary education. His hometown is Burgaw, N. C. His attitude toward his new pos ition can be summond up in the following quote; “Impartiality to none and justice to all.” Lonnie Smith, a sophomore from Newburg, New York, will serve as Business manager for next term. Undoubtedly, Mr. Smith will handle all of our Students Govern ment business with efficiency. The Fayettevillian, our school annual, will be in the capable hands of Miss Cassandra Wallace. She is a junior from Durham, N. C. Miss Wallace has served on the Annual’s staff in the past and is now anxious to serve as its Editor. Serving as Editor of the Voice for the second time will be Laura Gilmore, a junior from Fayetteville N. C., a business education major who enjoys the literary world. Miss Gilmore feels able to serve in this capacity. Carolyn Yvonne Walton, Miss Fayetteville State College 1967-68, is a charming, studious asset to the college family. Miss FSC-elect is a junior from Fayetteville, N. C. Her major field of study is English, and she is also concentrating in the area of French. Miss Walton is a genuine young lady, with out standing characteristics in her Miss Carolyn Yvonne Walton Miss FSC favor. We should profit greatly from her reign next year. Miss Cora Ray, Miss Home- coming-Elect, is a sophomore from Raleigh, N. C. She is a mathmatics major. Her sister, Miss Mary Ray, was Homecoming Queen for 1964- 65. Miss Ray intends to hold up the family tradition and to represent FSC in the finest manner possible. The attractive coed urges all stu dents to get the spirit of homecom ing so that our annual reunion will be a success. Miss Maxine Dickens is a fresh man from Tarboro, N. C. She is working on a major in Mathmatics Miss Dickens radiates charm all over FSC campus. In the recent May Day exercises. Miss Dickens turned on the charm and made a gloomy day much brighter. With such a commendable list of officers for next year, how can our program for next year fail? Be fore you try to answer this question, the student Government members request your whole-hearted support for next year. BALLOT BOX PRESIDENT RUN-OFF Booker T. Keyes 281 265 Joseph F. Johnson 215 252 Justis Reives 90 252 VICE-PRESIDENT Hector McEachern 406 Edward Winfield, Jr. 102 JUDGE Charles R. Moore 423 Barbara J. Weeks 91 SECRETARY iHattie M. Johnson BUSINESS MANAGER Lonnie E. Smith 218 336 Leonza Loftin 170 179 Baxter M. Atkinson 124 YEAR BOOK Cassandra R. Wallace 327 Barbara J. Myrick 180 VOICE Laura A. Gilmore MISS FAY. STATE COLLEGE Carolyn Walton 298 Donna Newman 239 HOMECOMING Cora Ray Addie Powell 260 253 MAY DAY Maxine Dickens 138 Algeania Warren 115 Dollean Williams 106 Marian Annette Moore 94 Laura Bowser Iris Roseboro Mary Hill Shirley Streater 34 34 19 17 m SOMETHING GREAT Mr. Luther Miller, Cum Laude, and Mrs. Arletha Williams McLean, Cum Laude and Salutatorian, make the joyous stroll, capping four years of steadfast endeavor. Honor Graduates Feted By Rowena Peterson Fayetteville State College’s Ninetieth Annual Commencement Program will begin Saturday May 27 at 12 o’clock noon with the Alumni Day Convocation. The program wil be held in th® Sea- brook Auditorium. Dr. Frank B. Weaver, State Supervisor of Ele mentary Schools, State Department of Public Instruction, Raleigh, N. C. will serve as guest speaker. From 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Presi dent and Mrs. Rudolph Jones will be host and hostess “At Home” at the President’s Residence for members of the Senior Class, Alumni, Faculty and friends. Graduation exercises will be held Sunday, May 28, at 2:45 p.m. in Seabrook Auditorium. Com mencement speaker will be Dr. Benjamin Quarles, Chairman, De partment of History, Morgan State College, Baltimore, Mary land. 138 seniors are to receive de grees and two seniors will receive two-year secretarial science di plomas. Sixty-three graduates will receive degrees in elementary edu cation; seventy-five will receive degrees in secondary education. The breakdown in the secondary field is, biology, 3; business edu cation, 13; English, 13; history, 10; mathematics, 14; physical educa tion, 12, and sociology, 10. Honor graduates among the approximately 138 graduates re ceiving degrees will be Mrs. Geraldine Henderson, Magna Cum Laude, Valedictorian; Mrs. Arletha Williams McLean, Cum Laude, Salutatorian; and Luther Miller, Cum Laude. These honor graduates were distinguished at Honors and Awards Night which was held May 17, 1967, at 8:00 p.m. in J. W. Seabrook Auditorium. The speaker for the occasion was Dr. Isaac H. Miller, Jr., President, Bennett College, Greensboro, N. C. More than $3,000 was given to worthy students in scholarships. Approximately seventy-four of the 138 graduating seniors com pleted requirements for graduation prior to the end of the term. It was reported that most of these grad uates received jobs as soon as they completed their require ments. Dollars For Scholars Windup BY MARY C. PERRY Every since early December, the students have been constantly trying to sell tickets to aid in the Scholarship Fund prive for Fay etteville State, headed by Dr. Pace. The slogan for this organiza tion is, “Dollars for Scholars.” As you know everything great has to climax at one time or another; well this program reached its pe^ on May 5, 1967, with our Scholarship Dance. Many of the students danced and enjoyed themselves as they kept their fingers crossed hoping to win one of the three wonderful prizes: the G. T. O., the T.V., or the portable radio. During intermission the ticket for these prizes were drawn. The third prize, a 1967 portable radio, went to one of our very lucky students, Mr. James Mitchell who bought only one ticket. Second prize, a 1967 console television set, went to Mr. William Warmack of Fayetteville, N. C., and the First and biggest prize of them all went to Mr. C. S Y.ates, Jr. of Ahoskie, N. C. I know you wish that you could have been the winner of a 1967 G. T. O. Pontiac FINAL EXAMS BY BETTY COOPER Minutes have gone to hours, hours have gone to days, and days have gone to weeks, and once again it’s HERE. What’s here? That period that everybody waits on yet no one wants to see—Exam Time Yes exam time is here, so gather up your books, kiss your sweeheart good-bye (for the next few days), wave your hands to socials and move your quarters to the library. Final exams—just the name strikes awe in the hearts of many. The thoughts of failingcreeps into their minds. Well, it’s that time again because the week of May 22 is exam week. Seniors, however, took their exams earlier. As is usual at this time of year, everyone will try to pack a half of a semester’s work into (Continued on Page 5) 1 Dr. Isaac H. Miller, Jr., President of Bennett College, delivers the main address at the Honors and Awards Night program. FSC Presi dent, Dr. Rudolph Jones, beams approval.