STUDENTS TO PLAY LARGER ROLES President Cites Long Range Planning TheV oice Vol. 21, No. 1 FAYETTEVILLE STATE COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina September, 1967 AFTER MOORE REBUFFS SREB South's Governors Take Giant Steps By BETTY COOPER Reacting to the Southern Re gional Education Board’s report that most of the 104 Negro Col leges in the South often conferred degrees that were “hollow sym bols,” Governor Dan Moore said in August that the four state-sup ported Negro Colleges and one re gion?! University in North Caro lina have played an important role in higher education through the years. He added that “Their past record is surpassed only by their future potential.” Since the governor’s reaction, the Southern Governors’ Confer ence, September 12 in Asheville, took a land mark step on the rac ial front, when it adopted a pro gram for providing equal oppor tunities for Negroes in the field of higher education. The 17-state conference agreed that; (1) “It is of utmost urgency that more and better opportunities for past-high school and occu pational training be extended immediately to much greater numbers of Negroes.” (2) “Is is impossible to delay these efforts until the public secon dary schools have solved the problems of teaching disadvan taged students from all back grounds with adequate prepa ration for employment and-or additional training.” (3) “Massive resources, including traditionally Negro Universi ties and Colleges, as well as new kinds of institutions and programs, will be required if the south is to succeed in such an endeavor.” The report found these failures at the Negro Institutions; They have drastically inadequate financial support for all areas of operation. Their curricula and their instruc tional resources have not kept pace with the Negro’s broadening em- VOICE Needs Workers The Voice will be published bi - monthly, September - May. Deadlines are on the 10th of the month. Staff meetings will be held in Room 312 Smith Building on the second day of school, following the end of each month at 7 p.m. The newspaper needs about a dozen interested students to work and learn its operations so that they will be ready to produce it in 1968-69. Material of any kind will be accepted by the staff for publication. Bring all material to Room 312 Smith building or leave it in the newsbag outside of the door of Room 312. ployment opportunities and do not- prepare students adequately for advancement in their chosen fields. They have over-centralized ad ministrative structures which do not permit sufficient participation by faculty members, students or even by their second-echelon ad ministrators. Governor Moore, who was elect ed chairman of the conference for next year, had earlier agreed that SREB hit upon what he considered to be the crux of the problem for traditionally Negro institutions, not only in North Carolina, but throughout the nation. It said: “In particular, these colleges must be able to assure that their graduates are qualified to compete on a par with others in the job market. To realize this, Moore said the Negro schools are being upgraded through stricter admission stand ards, a $1 million “catchup” appro priation from the 1967 General As sembly, and by an expansion of the community College system (see FSC-UNC Coalition in “Long Range Planning Article” in column one). The Giovernor does not think that increasing admission standards will deprive some of our young people of education. He told a regional gathering of educators at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, that “Educational opportunities for all are being provided in North Carolina and will continue to be.” “Those who do not desire or who are not qualified for college level work can find sound opportunity within our community College sys tem,” he said. The North Carolina Board of Higher Education in an interim study report released recently, recommended that admission stan dards of the Negro institutions be raised to the equal of their white counterparts by 1972. WELCOME FRESHMEN As president of Fayetteville State College, I am happy to ex tend to you a cordial welcome to this institution. You have elected to spend your college days at a school with an enviable academic record and one rich in traditions and school spirit. As I welcome you to the campus, I want to as sure you that here you will find a warm and friendly atmosphere in which students and faculty mem bers are always ready to extend a helping hand. You will find as the year pro gresses that the opportunity for personal growth and development is largely dependent upon your re action to the facilities and resour ces of the College. If you invest your time wisely, you will profit Placement Office Reveals Many Jobs Available By CORNEL DAVIS Mr. J. C. Jones, Director of Fay etteville State College’s Placement Office, released information to The Voice which showed that jobs are plentiful for the Fayetteville State College graduate. These jobs arc not just teaching jobs, but positions in business, industry, and government. Representatives from these lat ter three agencies have frequented F.S.C.’s campus in search of peo ple to fill these available jobs. Of the 138 graduates of 1967, eight are currently employed in business and industry, while five are with governmental agencies. All 1967 graduates are employed and Dean Jones reported that he has had requests for an additional one-hundred teachers. One - hun dred and eighteen members of the 1967 class are employed as teach ers. Twenty members are non teachers of which five are in the U. S. Army, five are in government work, two are in graduate school, one, Mr. Gilbert Roth, a graduate assistant at Rhode Island Univers ity, and eight are in business and industry. One hundred and seven mem bers of the 1967 class are employ ed within the state of North Caro lina; thirty-one are in service out of the state, and seven are employ ed in the Fayetteville School Sys tem, one of whom is Mrs. Arletha McLean, the class Salutatorian, who works at the Fayetteville Sen ior High School. Ten-percent of the graduates are employed in the general Fayetteville Community. In addition to the one-hundred percent placement of last years graduates, 37 of whom were em ployed before they received di plomas, eight former students were provided teaching positions. One of these, Mr, Robert Melvin, is now with the Detroit Public Schools, Detroit, Michigan. Dean Jones noted that the influx of jobs in all the areas, especially government, industry and busi ness, shows that equal job oppor tunity is now a working reality. By ROWENA PETERSON In his initial meeting with the faculty on Friday, September 1, President Rudolph Jones empha sized the need for constructive, long range planning, cited aid to ward improvement of F.S.C., and approved the idea of teacher-stu- dent harmony, in letting students play a more vital role in the work ings of the college. Dr. Jones said that the United States’ Government has appropri ated $67,000 of Federal funds to support a coalition between Fay etteville State College and the Uni versity of North Carolina. Of this amount, $30,000 has been set aside to employ teaching fellows, so that regular F.S.C. teachers can study for advanced degrees. greatly from the instruction, asso ciation, and services available. The program of the College is designed to help you discover your needs, develop objectives and proceed to achieve goals commensurate with your greatest potential. I am sin cerely hopeful that you will, be cause of your stay here, become a happy, mature, well-adjusted and more useful individual. By; DR. RUDOLPH JONES Dr. Rudolph Jones better things In a better future. looks toward well-planned, Those to study for their doctorate degrees this year are; Mr. Charles Asbury, educational psychology, the University of North Caro lina; Mrs. Grace C. Black, business education, Ohio State University; Mr. Edward Clark, English, Syracuse University, and Mrs. Wilhemenia Bishop, mathematics, Catholic University. Not on the same program, but working on her doctorate degree in English at the University of North Carolina is Mrs. Elaine Newsome. Mr. Lorenzo Battle has been financed by Carnegie Tech to do special work on methods of teaching social studies and history, an idea gotten orig inally from Carnegie Tech by Mr. Battle and Mrs. Wilma King Hunter and advanced by the two at F.S.C. last year. A sum of $7,000 is available for visiting specialists in different departmental areas. These specialists will spend two-to-three days wth members of departments at F.S.C. $2,000 will be used for exchange stu dents — from F.S.C. to U.N.C. — for the cost differential between the two schools — $16,000 is to be used for faculty improvement and $7,000 is alloted for a full-time, F.S.C. counselor. F.S.C.’s administrative head said that the new library is complete, though not ready for use, mainly because custom-made furniture for it has not arrived (see pix below left). The demise and annihilation of Bicket and Aycock Halls are a result of their being unsafe for further use. The physical education plant has progressed in construction to date as planned, and the new science building has been started. The State Legislature has provided funds to renovate the old library and have it serve as headquarters for Audio-visual Aids under Mr. D. A. Williams, for a new maintenance building, and for roadway, walk way, and parking conveniences. In the Legislature’s “B” budget, provisions have been made for additional personnel in the Financial aid Office, for two library posi tions, for four security officers, for a new bus, and for an extra $15,000 for library books, the sum of which is augmented by the Federal Gov ernment in the amount of $18,500, President Jones said. He cited in addition, North Carolina State’s million dollar “Catch up” fund, appropriated to the Board of Higher Education, of which fund, F.S.C. will receive $200,000 dollars within two years, to use as it sees fit to booster its resources and to produce students who can com pete for positions with graduates of any college. The fund allots this money on the basis of raising admission standards to the point where, by 1972, all colleges in the state will have the same admission stand ards, and upon the basis of establishing a compensatory (remedial pro gram) that will enable the predominantly Negro institutions to make their less fully prepared students function as well as all others. The President called attention to the Regional Education Labora tory for Carolina and Virginia (RELCV), of which Fayetteville State College is a member. RELCV is one of twenty such labs in the coun try, each of which has a specific function. R.E.L.C.V.’s function is to act as a spark and a clearing house for new innovations in the field of higher education, and has one headquarters in Durham. Of course sharing in the newer and different approaches will enable F.S.C. to build better programs as it seeks in long range planning. Dr. Jones said the bulk of the planning would follow registration, in a series of meetings and discussions about all aspects of the college, and with an eye toward next year’s Self-Study, prior to the visit by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The Associa tion will, of course, check to see if F.S.C. has kept pace and made im provements, to determine if it will remain a member. The President said that Saturday classes would be resumed this year because students had asked to reinstate the Assembly Hour, the doing of which will create a shortage of class room space. Dr. Jones reminded the group of the need for F.S.C. Foundation that would provide funds over which the school would have the power to use any way it wanted. He said it was a necessity because we have no such funds at present which would take care of guests, receptions, interviews etc. Since Negro State institutions receive less philanthro- phy than other colleges, the need becomes more apparent, with heavy reliance upon the well-wishes of the alumni. [MhJU I r W I ■ I The new I and across ibrary building viewed from the southeast the Fine Arts Building's parking lot. Newcomers become involved for the first time with the rigors and the excitement of registration. They taper off near the week's end amid FSC lore and refreshments at the Presidents' Reception at home.