★★★ iwip Tviiiiiir Bronco World Uf^ports “Iromcos open DIAMOND DRILLS ] mn Coach Page Saunders is pleased that he has the flux of his last years squad back for competition. Excluding Melvin Lane. Above are some of the members who compiled such a good record. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL by Randy Brown Sports uf'l't/k/ tiOjyu(y\j\jb^ (Li/C;k/C;H/V Well, well, well, here we go again with another chapter from the F.S.C. mighty Broncos. The hardwood courts with the dribbling balls are be hind us now and we turn to the outside. But be fore we go outside, let me recapture the basket ball season for you. After having a 1967-68 season with a 2-19 won- lost record, the Broncos under new head coach, William "Gus” Gaines rebounded with a much improved record of 9-12 for the year 68-69. The once again winning fever is returning to the re juvenated Blue and White and the entire student body. Along with the faculty and administra tive officers, are all ea gerly awaiting the 69-70 season to return so that the Broncos can show these CIAA opponents a thing or two. The CIAA Tournament -was held at the Greens boro Coliseum Feb. 27- 28 and March 1. As had been expected, the Vi kings of E.C.S.C. walk ed away with the winning trophy. Norfolk State College, the defending CIAA Champions were the Vikings opponents, but this time things just didn’t go the mighty Spartan’s way. Israel Oliver and Michael Gale led a fierce Llizabeth City attack that couldn’t be stopped. The Vikings emerged with a 101-98 victory to be ranked as number 1. Ihe Spartans were number 2, and Maryland State fin ished 3rd. All the people around Bronco land are still talk ing and congratulating William “Bill ’ Monroe for being named to the first team as all CIAA. Monroe was the only The game of softball has been said to be the most rapid and re markable growing sport in the United States. It is not a game that is played as rough as base ball, but the two games are basically played the same way. Softball was fashioned after the game of baseball and has not been around as long as baseball has. But more and more people are en gaging in the game of softball and these people are of all ages. Although the two games are basically the same, there are also differences in the two games when they are being played. The most prominent dlf- freshman to be named to the team and he has all our sincere wishes for a most profitable career. Monroe who is 6’9” hails from New York City, led the Broncos in scoring, rebounds, and field goal percentage. He along with Roy “Skip” Birch, were constantly in the top 20 in rebounds with over 13 per game. We would like to take this opportunity to thank coach Gaines for giving us a good season and hope that the winning tradition will continue in the future. Others who played tre mendously for F. S. C. Ronald Petti way, who had a 40-point game against W.S.S.C., Randy Brown who seemed to always ignite the fuse with daz zling passes, and his un canny moves, and John Pasteur, who late in the season proved to be a very good sixth man. To the other Broncos whose names were not men tioned we salute you also for the unselfishness shown during the entire season in order that we have gotten this far. As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end here, but I re mind all of our readers to join me in my next column on the F. S. C. Broncos in action. QUOTE: It’s not the name of the game, but how you play it. ference in the game is the fact that most soft ball fields are not as large as those in base ball are. The bases are not as far apart as in regulation baseball and the outfield boundaries are much shorter. The bats are smaller than those that are used in a regulation softball game. Because of this, it is not possible to drive a softball as far as a hard baseball. Also the softball is a little bigger tlrian tlie ball that are used in the game of baseball. A regulation game of seven innings. A game that is called by the um pire for a certain reason, becomes an official game after five innings. In a baseball game, the game lasts for nine innings and becomes an official game after six innings. But in both games, the umpire may call the game when he feels it is necessary. There is a very no ticeable difference in the pitching styles used in both games. In the game of baseball, the pitcher uses an overhand motion in order to throw the ball to the batter. Since the baseball is smaller than the softball, this makes it harder for the baseball batter to hit the ball. In softball, the pitcher must use a underhand motion in order to get the ball to the batter. The ball is not thrown as hard as it is in baseball, there fore this makes it easier for the batter to hit the ball. Because of the dif ferent pitching styles used in the two games, there are usually more runs scored by a team in softball than In baseball. I think this is what makes the game of softball more interesting than baseball pitchers have become a dominating factor in the game. Therefore less runs are scored and less hits are made by the bat ter. This makes for a dull game as far as I am concerned. In the slow- pitch version of softball. Fayetteville - The solid pop of a glove and the crack of the bat has signaled the start of 1969 base ball drills for the Fayetteville State College Broncos. More than 30 aspirants greeted Coach Hubie Doub at the opening whistle. Included in the group are nine-lettermen from the 1968 club that posted a 8-8 mark which included a victory over Central Inter collegiate Athletic Association champion Shaw University. According to a schedule released by Athletic Drector H. L. Scott, the Broncos will play a 20- game slate with an appearance In the Tournament at Fort Bragg as the highlight. Three newcomers, Hampton Institute, West Virginia State College and Pembroke College, have been added to the slate. They will be faced along with eight league foes.’ Seven home games are on tap for the Broncos and will be played on the College Athletic Field. Captain Ronnie Cox, junior from Travelrest, S.C., heads the returnees. Cox, a catcher, led the club in hitting and rbis last season. Also in the fold are Terry Brown, first baseman; Randy Bakerville, Karl Smith, infielders; Mike Pearson, and Willie Bond, outfielders; Robert Haith, Fred Hill, and Len Thompson, pitchers. Hill and Haith posted 3-2 marks last season and Coach Doub is expecting bigger things from them this season. Thompson didn’t figure in any decisions last year, but had some valuable ‘ saves” as a reliefer. Coach Doub has announced that every position on the club is open and expects some of the first year men to break the starting lineup. “We have a very good looking crop of newcomers and we welcome their addition,” he said. “They have some very strong arms and we hope to develop some hitting power,” he added. The Broncos open their season with two games at Fort Bragg on March 17-18. The first home en counter will be with Hampton Institute on March 20. The schedule: Location Fort Bragg Fort Bragg Fayetteville Petersburg, Va. Petersburg, Va. Date Institution March 17 Fort Bragg 18 Fort Bragg 20 Hampton Institute 21 Va, State College 22 Va. State College April 2-3-4 Tournament 10 West Virginia State 12 St. Augustine’s 16 (2 games) Shaw University 18 St. Augustine’s 26 Shaw University 29 (2 games) N.C. A & T May 3 Winston-Salem State 7 (2 games) N. C. A & T 9 (2 games) Pembroke College 10 Winston-Salem State 12 Pembroke State Note: All home games will start at headers - 1:30 p.m. Fort Bragg Fayetteville Raleigh Raleigh Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Greensboro Fayetteville Winston-Salem Pembroke and are different from those of both softball and baseball- In the slow pitch version of softball, steal ing of bases is not per mitted, bunting is not al lowed and a team con sists of ten and not nine players. Whereas in the other version of softball and the game of baseball, these things are pluses for the game. R0{X3ER’S ART STUDIO OIL PORTRAITS REASONABLY PRrCED INDIVIDUAL. PORTRAITS FAMILY PORTRAITS WEDDIN''- PORTRAITS 117 PERSON STREET FAYETTEVILLE. N. C Contact James Williams on campus.