THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY BEGINS NOV. 22 THE VOICE CLASSES RESUME NOV. 27 VOLUME 27 NO. 2 FAVETTEl/JLLE STATE UNli/ERSITV, FAVETTEVJLLE, N. C. OCTOBER 16, /97Z Governor Scott Receives Honorary Degree PREDICTS FSU WILL BE INVOLVED IN REGIONAL PLANNING FAYETTEVILLE- Fayetteville State University, the second old est state supported institution in North Carolina, conferred the first honorary degree in its long and illustrious history to the Governor of North Carolina, Robert W- Scott, in a spe cial Fall Convocation on October 15. Dr. Charles “A” Lyons, Jr., Chancellor of the University, conferred the honorary degree, the Doctor of Laws, to Governor Scott in a 2:00 p.m. ceremony at the Cumberland County Memor ial Auditorium where the Governor delivered the main address. Speaking to an audience filled with state and local dignitar ies, Scott noted that “In higher education the Fayetteville re gion is underdeveloped- It is, in fact, the most underdeveloped region in North Carolina.” The Governor said that "President William Friday and the Board of Governors are aware of the urgent need for broader educational opportunity in this part of the state, and I am sure that the long - range plan devised by the board will have much to say about this problem.” Scott said he did not know what specific solutions might be suggested, “but I can assure you that Fayetteville State Univer sity will be centrally involved in seeking those solutions and in doing this planning.” Governor Scott said that Fayetteville State University is catch ing up in other important areas. He noted that during his admin istration ‘‘many of the inequities that have affected Fayetteville State University adversely in the past have been remedied. “For example,” he said, “the appropriations made to Fay etteville State University for faculty salaries are now almost identical with those made to Wi’mington, Pembroke and Winston- Salem State. Only a few years ago, as you know so well, there was one pay scale for white institutions, and another for black institutions”, Scott said. The Citation was read by Dr. Defield T. Holmes, Vice-Chan cellor for the Fort Bragg-Pope Air Force Bas« Campus. 'rhe Citation read in part "Recognizing the need to reorgan ize state government to make it more responsive to the needs of all the people, and through his dedicated and determined effort on behalf of all students for more equal opportunity for learning, he did by the force of his leadership cause to be established a unified system of higher education.” ‘In recognition of his foresight, courage, leadership and in tegrity Fayetteville State University proudly awards its first honorary degree to the Honorable Robert Walter Scott.” fC- SI--- m GOVERNOR SCOTT RECEIVES DEGREE — Receiving the first honorary degree, the Doctor of > Laws, ever presented by FSU is Gov. Scott. Dr. Charles "A” Lyons, Jr. (center) presented the degree as Dr. DeFleld T. Holmes (left), Vice-Chancellor for Fort Bragg - Pope Air Force Campus and Dr. Henry T. Eldridge, Associate Dean of the University, assist during the ceremony. HOMECOMIIVCI FESTIVITIES OCTOBER 23-28 FAYETTEVILLE - Hundreds of alumni, former students, parents, and friends will make the trek to Fayetteville State University for the annual Homecoming activities the week of October 27 through 29, which will be highlighted by the Homecoming game against Elizabeth City State University. Patricia Spinks, Miss Homecoming, will reign over the gala festivities begin ning Monday October 23 with the Coronation of Miss Homecoming in the Women's Gym on campus. According to the FSU Student Government Association, many big name artists will also appear during the week of Homecoming. Among the big names are the Barkays, the Soulful Strutters, the Majors, the Ohio Players, the Chocolate Buttermilk, the Soul Serenaders.and Earth-Wind-Fire. A Freshman Talent Show, a dance at the Utopia Lounge, a Pre-Dawn Dance, and the annual Homecoming Victory Dance are among the many gala actlvlttes planned for the week. Saturday, the 28th, at 12:00 noon begins with the annual Homecoming parade. Floats from several organizations will be represented with the FSU Alumni featuring a Miss Alumni float. TTien the big game commences at 2:00 p.m. with the Broncos of FSU playing the Vikings of Elizabeth City State University Thirty minutes after the game, “A Victory Cocktail Sip” and "Party Platter Session” will get underway at the Utopia Lounge, and nobody sleeps until after the Homecoming Dance at the Utopia Lounge later that night. The Bronco spirit is already in the air and many alumni have their minds and feelings homeward bound to the Land of the Fayetteville State University Broncos. PAT SHNKS,M1SS HOMECOMING, 1972 STX1DYING IN THE OCTOBER SUNSHINE FOR MID-SEMESTER EXAMS are two pretty freshmen coeds Susie Jackson (left). Spring Lake, NjC., anil Candis Douglas of Fayetteville, N jC .