T By Kathleen Cosper "It's a protected right, so even if some one wants to pive you a glance, you know you’re doing the best for you, for your baby,” said Suzanne Thomas, a pro fessor in the Communications Depart ment, on breast feeding in public. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed. You’re feed ing your baby, and that’s a good thing,” Thomas, is among a number of women, faculty and students alike, who have to balance the demands of their pro fessional lives with motherhood. In evitably, there are times when the two worlds collide. This is especially true for mothers who are nursing young in fants. Thomas, recently gave birth to her fifth child. Sunny, whom she is nursing. Fortunately, there is now support for breast feeding mothers at Fayetteville State University. The university recently set up a lactation room for women to nurse their babies or pump at their con venience in a private, comfortable space. "It’s about time,” said Jessica Flafner.FSU senior and mother of two and expecting. When told there was now a lactation room, Tifinei Lee, senior at FSU and moth er of one said “Oh really? That’s great. I wish they had that when I was nursing.” Recently many schools around the nation have been opening lactation rooms for the convenience and support of their staff and students Currently UNO at Chapel Flill has ht? lactation rooms around (5ampus, many ofvvhtclic >''Win changing tables pumps sinks, ano/oi 'efri^erators. Harvard has 20 on campus, which are equipped with hospital-grade pumps along with storage options, changing tables, gliders with ot- U-'rPcali': IP' .1 dOC.l-g 'in 11 fitf'k'V ’Or those who bring theif own pump or child The Pationt Protection and Affordable Care Act signed by President Barack Obama in March of 2010 includes a section geared solely toward® mothers and \ -ast 'c, ing ;nf» biii requites compa 'l' wit'-> c-u empinyees oi more to follow a mandate offering'a private room, which is not a bathroom, for female employees to ex press mifkforachild up to one year of age;-- While the bill mainly targets businesses/ schools are also required to abide the bill. I However, many woman are not familiar with the provisions of the bill or do not know that the lactatioriVoom may be availr able to them. Hafner; the FSU studentr was not aware of the existence or location of the lac:tation room. Professor Thomas said she had heard that the university of fered a space for nursing mothers, but “I don’t actually know where it is." she said. The newly opened lactation room is lo-' cated on the second floor of the Williams Flail Room 215 aid is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Although the temporarily designated space does not include tools for oumoing or age, it does have a relaxed settir multiple plugs and a Research has shown port is beneficial to the wc ing mother and her child, accordin to the North Carolina S ~ ‘ Manual on Lactation Support, ers also benefit as well by decreasing: medical expenses, reducing absen--v teeism, increasing employee and improving morale in the workp^lii Although breast feeding is natural, i! can sometimes be difficult to do in pub lic. Lactation rooms provide peaceful space $r^^can put an end to unsolic- itert^advj^e^' I^nd -disapproving stares. Fayetteville State has gone to great lengths to impiove campus facilities aiui includ- . mg a room for breastfeeding moiht^rs is^ very helpful for women trying lo balance^ professional and family responsibitrties.'* "I Think that if a woman is corrWort- able she should *eed her baby wherever she goes." said Profes sor Thomas. "Its natural, it’s norn^l," Denise Brcwn-Hant,, FSU associate vice chancellor for Human Resources, has provided the following steps to follow in I regards to use of the lactation roofri. She also added that the lactation room is not monitored, so it is the responssbility of the users to ensure they utilize the space cor rectly. FSU Staff and Faculty Access An FSU employee v/ho wishes to make use of lactation space should; •Contact the Human Resources Office at ^ext. 1146 to request access •Upon approval by HR, visit the Bronco Card Office to obtain 6 month key-card access ‘Log in to the visitors kiosk at the Custom er Service Desk of Williams Hall •The lactation space is located on the 2nd floor of Williams Hal! in room 215 •Access the room using your Bror>co key- card •After use, please clean up all personal items before exiting the space •Sign out of the visitors kiosk Students seeking access to the desig nated lactation space should contact the Residence Life Office at 910-672-1884 or visit the Customer Service Desk located on the 1st floor of Williams Hall, Student Access •Log in to the visitors kiosk at the Custom er Service Desk of Williams Hail. •Provide a valid FSU Bronco Identification Card in exchange for the access key-card to the lactation room. •The lactation space is located on the 2nd floor of Williams Hail in room 215. •Only one person can be signed in at a time; therefore a time limit may be appli cable. •Additional guest and visitors are not per mitted, •After use, please clean up all personal items before exiting the space, •Return access key-card to the Customer Service Desk and retneve your FSU Bronco identification. •Sign out of the visitor’s kiosk.