Communique Vol. 3—No. 5 Wayne Community College, Goldsboro, N. C. Wesnesday, March 22, 1972 Diehl and Prevette discuss plans for the convention. NCSSL Meets In Raleigh (North Carolina State Student Legislature) Meets in Raleigh. On March 16-19, the North Carolina State Student Editor Resigns Many thanks go to John Barden for his hard work as editor of the WCC Com munique’. Barden has resign ed his editorship this quarter due to his limited time. As a student in WCC’s college transfer program, Barden carries a full-time, load plus he has a job. He did not feel he had the time required to fulfill the responsibilities of editor. Legislature held its’ annual convention at the Holiday Inn in Raleigh. Wayne Com munity College was represented by a delegation consisting of John Prevette and Stephen Diehl. Of all the colleges and Universities {ffesent only two community colleges were represented. This should make us at Wayne Community College proud of the fact that pur school is getting Statewide recognition, and striving to participate more actively in intra-state collegiate con cerns. A follow up report will appear in the next issue of the “communique” giving details and reports of the convention. Note From Editor We the newly formed Wayne Communique Staff have tried to change your college paper this issue. That’s right, I said your paper, because it belongs to every student at WCC. Our objective is to bring articles and information of interest to you. We have put forth an effort in this issue and in our plans of future issues to prepare a paper which we hope you can look forward to receiving each month. This has been done for your benefit and wg j^uld appreciate your codfi^ats’to our approach.. THANKS, OTEPEHN’ BYRON DIEHL ^tor ' , In This Iisue Page 1 News of Interest atWCO Page2 .. .Editorials, Opinions Page 3 Candidate Reviews and SGA Elections Page4&5 Music, poetry, and art comer Page 6 Club News Page 7 Sports News Pages Po^ourri AS YOU WILL NOTICE WHILE READING THIS ISSUE, SEVERAL ij: WORDS HAVE BEEN S OMITTED. THIS OR- $ DER CAME TO THE STAFF BY HIGHER S AUTHORITY. :!• SORRY ‘BOUT THAT!! Cj: New editors discuss changes in paper. Standing: John Whitesell, Assistant Editor and Seated: Steve Didil, Editor. Diehl And Whitesell Head Communique Staff Stephen Diehl new editor of the Wayne Communique’ and John Whitesell assistant- editor head the paper staff. With John Barden’s resigning as editor of the paper, things looked rough! The Com munique staff had no editor. Then the staff got together and came up with two of their best workers as editor and assistant editor. Diehl and Whitesell have worked with the staff since winter quarter. Both have worked diligently to make the paper one of the best yet. In their new positions they plan to work even harder on the Joe Edwards “raps” with students in the union about relevant issues. Edwards Visits Campus paper’s flaws. They will be working with the staff this quarter, to publishing the last issues of the paper for this college year. Both Diehl and WhiteseU want this paper to be the students’ paper. They welcome any news the students might have. Joe Edwards, Democratic candidate for the Third Congressional District seat, now held by David Henderson, made an extended appearance at Wayne Community College on Thursday, March 9. Ed wards, a native of Brogden, ' N.C. and a fontier Vocational Rehabilitation counselor at Cherry Hospital, is a relative new name in the poUtical arena of Wayne County «nd^ the Third District. Upon graduation .from' Brogden High School,Ed wards journeyed to Europe and earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Lyon in France. From Lyon, Student Volunteer Services The Students of Wayne Community College possess many talents and skills which, if properly directed, can help to overcome some of Golds boro’s poverty problems. The Wayne Community College Student Volunteer Service will provide that direction. The service is coordinated with the Wayne Action Group and hopes to aid the community’s disadvantaged citizens, as well as give students practical job-related experience. There is an unlimited number of community ser vices which our students can provide. For examples, business majors can aid in community planning and research, as well as consumer education. Nursing and dental students will have the op portunity to meet and spe^ witli low-income groups to discuss various methods of hygiene. Those interested in pursuing careers in social work can gain actual field experience by assisting professional social workers. Students planning careers in education can gain experience in tutoring disadvantaged children and assisting in Head Edwards continued his con tinental education in Switz erland where he earned the equivalent of a Master’s Degree. Returning to N. C., Edwards began a doctoral program in linguistics at the University of North Carolina but later had a change of in terest and decided to go into rehabilitation counseling. Mr. Edwards resigned his position at Cherry Hospital just three wraks ago in oi^er to enter the ra'M for Third District Coi^ressman. Sdwards has decided to run ^t-'^“grass roots” type cam paign and wishes to be the “people’s choice”. During his recent visit to Wayne Com munity College, candidate Edwards arrang^ to make a public announcement (filmed by Channels 7 and 9), concern ing his campaign. He stated that he would not accept contributions from large, moneyed interests since too often such contributors expect favors after an election. Ed wards is presently conducting another of his campaign tactics - The Long Walk - which he announced while at the College. In his “Long Walk”, Edwards plans to canvass the entire district and to meet with and talk to the people. A gallant effort! Bahen Takes Office start classes. There is also a great need for students in the Executive and Medical Secretary programs to assist with office work at the com munity center. These are only suggestions, however, for there is always a need for the imaginative student who sees an unnoticed problem and develops his own method for tackling it. A major goal of the program is to provide students with the opportunity to utilize the skills they learn in the classroom. Employers always look favorably upon such job- related experience. Due to his present work quarter Jerry Kornegay has resigned his office as GA president. His great work will be continued by the new president, Jim Bahen. Elected as vice-president of the SGA this past spring. Bahen is presently enrolled in the Fishing and Wildlife program here at WCC. Jim will be serv ing as co-captain of WCC’s golf team this season. Ex president of the Fishing and Wildlife Club, Bahen has shown much participation in this club as well as the whole college. When asked his opinion of the progress of this year’s SGA has been a partial success. Bahen will be working hard this quarter to make it the most successful quarter yet. Debbie Evans Deadline Due to the newspaper’s printing dea^ine not all the SGA candidates were covered. Others that may be running decided to do so after Qie publication date. The staff expresses its regrets to those candidates that it could not be included in this issue.