CAMPUS FUND DRIVE SUCCESSFUL Page 8 LOOK INSIDE! SGA VAN GETS NEW FACE Page 2 NEW CAMPUS MOVES AHEAD Pages 4 -5 THE WCC volume 1 no. 2 -«««««. Wayne Communit^CoIIege, Goldsbwo3(Cr2753^^ November Fall Enrollment Trends Enrollment No. of Students 2600 2000- 1600- 1000- 600- 1988 1987 1988 1986 CD Taohnloal Vooatlonal Coil«fl« TrpMfsr ■■ Total* Graph created by Chris Plummer and Malcolw Shear in illustrates enrollment fluctuations over a four-year period. for fall increases by Christopher Plummer Wayne Community College is riding the crest o-f a wave of record fall enrollment with over 2000 students registered. The increase seems to have been generated by the new campus and its facilities! an improved image in the community# and a wide spread promotional program* according to school officials. The new campus attracts a greater number of students because of its ability to facilitate their needs better. Other contributing factors seem to be word of mouth along with a promotional program that includes TV and radio spots. According to Bill Bennett* Public Information Officer* the school received no additional money for advertising this year. He said the money WCC had was Just used differently for items like a school tabloid mailed to all listed addresses in Wayne County and for cable TV spots. Susan Mooring* Registrar* pointed out that the college is continually offering new programs and courses to Keep pace with the changing economy and markets. see page 4 Smoking becomes hot issue by Craig H. Smith Wayne Community College is being confronted with an issue that will be the cause of much debate. This issue concerns the establishment of designated smokihg and non-smoking areas on campus. A petition initiated by Pat Harrell* a prospective nursing student at WCC* calls for the hallways* bathrooms* and inside entrances and exits to be non smoking areas. The petition has had a great deal of support with more than 600 signatures from students opposing smoking in these areas. Pat Harrell started the petition because during her first quarter* she observed conditions in the halls as students awaited their classes. "I was greatly distressed by the amount of sidestream smoke that was present." Sidestream smoke is the smoke that comes off of the cigarette when it burns. It is the smoke that is not inhaled by the smoker but is inhaled by the non-smoker. Harrell noticed that in K building there were no designated areas for smokers and non- smokers. Therefore* non-smokers had no way of avoiding the sidestream smoke. Harrell stated " I am a non- smoker. I am allergic to smoke. I felt that this situation in the halls was an invasion of my personal rights.” Harrell went on to state: "I have no problem with people smoking provided that it is confined to a specific smoking area. This gives people a choice of whether to be surrounded by smoke or to be in an area that is smt^-free.“ Aside from the issue of just being offended by the smoke* there are people who have health problems that are complicated by breathing smoke. Harrell stated* “I married into a family that has asthmatic problems* and I know how smoke induces additional breathing problems in asthmatics." photos; CraiQ H. Smith Harrell said* “1 am not afraid to speak out for something I believe in* esjjecially when the issue involves a person's health; therefore* I felt that the issue needed to be addressed." Harrell also stated that the entrances and exits be included because there is no doorway or petition between these areas to separate them. "If smoking is allowed in one of these areas* there is no barrier to keep the person smoking from moving from area to area." "In passing the petition* I found widespread si4)port for non smoking areas from both non- smokers and smokers. I trust that the issue for non-smoking areas will be properly addressed." Harrell presented the petition to the Student Government Association at their October breakfast meeting. \ The issue was then turned over from the SGA to the administration which then turned the issue over to the College Council to devise a smoking policy. ’ Rosalyn Lomax* chairperson of this council* appointed a committee to come up with a smoking policy by the winter quarter. Then College Council will submit the policy to the Administrative Council for a final decision. Faculty and staff appointed thus far to the committee include Liz Meador* Leo Taswell* and Mike Saylors. A student will be appointed at a later time* said Lomax. OPINIONS ON SMOKING (1 to r) Pat Harrell Vickie Harper; 'There should be designated areas for smoking. Even though I smoke, I realize that there are people who don'’t smoke, and they have the right not to be subjected.* THE VOICE BOX This publication is for and by the faculty* staff, and student body of Wayne Community College. REPORTERS Carl Auvil. Ccnviie Best* Lewis Coble* Rhonda McIntosh. Chris Plummer. Craig Smith ADVISORS Liz Meador* John Vincell. word processing CONSULTANTS Betty Wellons. Grace Lutz. Malcolm Shearin* Mike Futrell* Media Department Micah Harris James Anderson; 'I feel that if people want to smoke, they should be able to smoke anywhere.'