« wnn CAMPUS voice - BJAY l. 2003 Speaker addresses the nature of war By JEFF ALSTON and ANNE HAMILTON On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, Dr. Joe Caddell offered his insight about war in a presentation called, “Why Study War” in the Richard B. Moffatt auditorium. Caddell, presented by Dr. Kay Albertson, associate vice president for academic affairs, is a history instructor at the University of North Carolina, North Carolina State University and Meredith College. Caddell served active duty in the U.S. Air Force as a combat intelligence officer between 1973 andl976. He then received a bachelor’s degree from UNC and later pursued his master’s. Caddell said that the many aspects and complexities of war are often misunderstood and confusing. He said war has been defined as “policy.. .by other means,” quoted from 19^^^ century German warrior, Carl van Clausewitz which is the same definition used by the Air Force, Navy, Department of Defense, and CNN. Caddell personally defined war as a conflict between two cultures with “ mutually exclusive objectives.” He stated that war is an essential aspect of every succeeding civilization. He presented the audience with a list created by Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense in the 1980’s. In the list were several rules that must be followed to initiate a legitimate war: the mission must be vital, the intention must be to win, there must be clearly defined political and military objectives, it must have the support of the American people, and elected representatives of Congress and combat must be the last resort. Phi Theta Kappa advisers and officers pose following the induction ceremony for new members: (1 to r) Gene Smith, adviser; Marcia Blane; Ericka Alexander; Shannon Davenport; and Michael Dubrowsky. The VOICE staff dedicates this issue to all those involved with freeing an oppressed people: “They also serve who only stand and wait.”-John Milton, “On His Blindness” MEMORIAL IHOSPlTAt miF 1 VearSCy, JtA4twa4^te^tO'\vrC(^yowa/qulchyiotS/OtvhetUfee^cicLiie^}iere'oUrWoLyne/ Commuuvuty CoU>e^. Ith(^hee^iO'mucKfu^g<>i¥i^hachtO'y:h4>6ltx>'piAriue tKc' career that I poi^yovxed/aftjzr mcurrve^a^^hco^iA^i\0O’ clxildrevu Somet(me^(tfeltU^(twoi^ne\/er And/it probcCbly \iMyuldyyl^ytl^a^/e/l^appe4^J&dy^f^twere^*tf^>rthe/st(pe^^\ti^ keep tKey cOY\tX/mi£/tx>’pay o/portCorx/ofvyiy yUary xuhile/I cL¥wl¥\/school/. What hi¥id/ofe^vVployer would/dc^that? (TTrie/hoipVlJaialy>’}u!Lya/^e<^ jchclarshCp pro^gjnvfbr high/icho6l^aduaXjs^puriuli