PAGE 2, THE COUGAR CRY, OCT. 28, 1968 EDITORIAL Rogers’ Reflections Wliere Is Otir Catalogue? The Nature of Beauty It has long been the desire of the majority of college students to have access to a source of information that outlines their courses of study. As most students carry a work load that does not allow them to constantly consult an advisor, there is usually a general need for a college catalogue. If the need is so great for this source of information, one can only pose the question, “Where is the Wilkes Community College Catalogue?” The fact that Wilkes Community College is a comparatively new school is understood. However, there should have been ample time to organize and print a college catalogue. The catalogue would also appear to be a great aid in saving the teachers valuable time. More often than not the average teacher does not have the time to shuffle through a multitude of papers to ascertain a minor aspect of some course of study that has a student baffled. The student could also better preserve his time if he did not have to seek out three or four teachers to find some minor point that a catalogue could give him in a few seconds. In addition to enabling the student to outline his courses, a catalogue would give him ready access to the sum total of hours and different courses he is required to have to comply with his curriculum. The catalogue would also enlighten the student as to whether or not his credits would be accepted by the four year college he might wish to attend. A Wilkes Community College Catalogue might possibly be the answer to many of the problems of both the faculty and stu dents. If a catalogue did exist the burden of continuous explana tion might be reduced, lessening the teachers duties. The student would no longer have to trek across town and spend hours either hunting down or waiting for an instructor. He would but have to consult his catalogue, locate the solution to his particular problem and save the valuable time of all concerned. Answer This (Last issue’s question: “Why is it that college girls seem to be less mature than other girls the same age who work for a living?*) To Answer This Editor; “Your question can also apply to boys! Most parents say that college teaches everything but maturity. This is true to a certain extent because in no college will you find a course call “Maturity*. A person will develop a more mature attitude after completing a college education than will a person who drops out of school and starts making a living by ANY job available or one who begins raising a family. Our country has grown and prospered with the guidance of mature college-educated people. If you believe that a college education does not lead to mature thinking and assuming that you want to become a mature think ing person, why are you here?* Becky Landreth Becky, your’s is a good answer. I think it agrees—in essence— with mine. In answer to your question, Pm here because I am mature enough to relaize the need for a college education. My answer: The rose matures early when its food supply is lessened, but THE VOICE OF WILKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE Wilkesboro, North Carolina Editor John Kirk Assistant Editor Bob Lackey News Editor Jim Billings Feature Editor Scott Walsh Sports Editor Montie Hamby Circulation and Business Manager Jack Bryan Columnist Floyd Rogers Photographer Jack Bryan Cartoonist Carol Key Staff Linda Poe Shelby Hampton, Barbara Tatum Advisor Mr. D. S. Mayes By FLOYD ROGERS “Beauty is only skin deep.* This old cliche is indicative of a very superficial philosophy. Beauty—real beauty—has very little to do with the appearance of the skin. Real beauty emanates from within; its existence or its absence is dependent upon the na ture of the personality—not the physcial covering. To judge a person beautiful just because she happens to possess an appealing physical appearance is an illogical as (to borrow from another cliche) judging a book by its cover. This is not to say that the person who has an attractive body cannot be beautiful, but physical allure is not a guarantee of beauty. Inversely, the person who is physically repugnant may well possess beauty upon less shallow observation. Some years ago I met a wo man who was so ugly that it hurt to look at her. But as I came to know her, the integrity and goodness of her personality radiated from within and she glowed with beauty. I also knew a girl who, when I first met her, was to my eyes the most beau tiful girl I had ever seen. But as 1 came to know HER, the ugliness of her personality oozed continues to grow and become more beautiful if its food supply is maintained or increased. This week’s question: Do the men who work and pro duce have the moral obiligation to support those who will not support themselves? Mystery Girl Here it is kids, picture num ber two. It’s getting better isn’t it? Can you guess her identity yet.. .no, well that is too bad, isn’t it? Keep plugging kids, surely this great unsolved mys tery of the year will eventually clarify itself. out and transformed her into a monstrous hag. So in order to possess real beauty—beauty that grows and becomes more apparent through association and understanding- you girls should be less con cerned about externals—concer tina hairdos, miniskirts, and girdles—and more concerned about internals such as con sideration, sincerity, and hon esty. * * (I can hear you girls mut tering that the same should hold true for men if it’s true for women. It does. But, being a man, I am naturally more concerned with the beauty of women.) W.C.C. Plans Literary Journal W.C.C. Plans Literary Journal Plans are now under way for the publication of a literary and artistic journal next spring. The journal will be composed of literary articles and drawings contributed by the students and faculty with a majority being from the students. The publication will be sent to libraries throughout the state. The publication is being spon sored by the Humanities Depart ment of W.C.C. but will be head ed by an editor and staff chosen from the entire student body. Present plans call for one publication per year, but this is subject to change as the need arises. All those interested should contact Mr. D.S. Mayes of the College Parallel Division for fur ther information on contributions. Definition Salesman: A person who has the ability to make his girl friend feel sorry for the chick who lost her bra in his car.