^€u^a/i THE VOICE OF WILKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE VOL. 2, NO. 13 Wilkesboro, North Carolina WCC MAY 5, 1969 THE COUGAR DEDICATED TO DR. THOMPSON DR. THOMPSON RECEIVING ANNUAL Professional Opera in Wilkes On Monday night, April 20, The National Opera Company presented “La Perichole", an operetta in English at the Wilkes Central High School Gymtorium. The setting for the opera is in Lima, Peru. The citizens of Lima turn out on a spring day to celebrate the birthday of their ruler, Viceroy, Don Andres. The entrance of the Viceroy, in dis guise, elicits loud shouts of “Long Live the Viceroy* when ever he questions a native on the merits of his administration. He is obviously recognized by everyone. Two impoverished street sing ers, Perichole and Pacquillo, attempt to raise the price of a marriage license by their sing ing. The music is good, but not profitable. Don Andres sees Perichole and immediately falls in love with her and talks her into becoming a lady-in-waiting to his wife. His wife had been dead for years! Poor Paquillo, having received a farewell letter from his be loved Perichole, decides to hang himself. Meanwhile, Don Andres has sent out his men to find a husband for Perichole so the whole thing will look respectable, and, through wine and persua sion, Paquillo drunkenly con cedes to do it. The marriage is performed without either Peri chole or Paquillo knowing whom he is marrying. When Paquillo learns the iden tity of his wife, he thinks she was behind it all and goes into a fit of rage. He throws Peri chole at the feet of Don Andres and earns himself a berth in the city dungeon for recalcitrant husbands. An old prisoner, who has spent twelve years digging through the walls of his cell, joins Paquillo. Perichole enters with a bag of jewels to bribe the jailer. How ever, the jailer is Don Andres in disguise again and he chains- her with Paquillo for her un faithfulness to him. Then the old prisoner appears again and helps them to escape. A search for the fugitives be gins, but Perichole decided to risk all by singing of her love for Paquillo to the Viceroy. The tender-hearted Viceroy pardons the couple and heaps riches and titles upon them, attesting to the all-conquering power of a Spani ard's Love. The National Opera Company was founded, as Grass Roots Opera, by A.J. Fletcher, a Ra leigh businessman, in 1948. The principal aims are to give ex perience and employment to ris ing young singers, and to give the public an opportunity to hear opera performed in the langu£^e of the audience. The troupe has performed over 1,700 times in the majority of the United States. Ken Welborn The 1969 Wilkes Community College Yearbook, “The Cou gar”, was released to the stu dent population on April 24, and 26. The yearbook was dedicated to Dr. Howard E. Thompson, president of W.C.C. This year’s annual is quite impressive. It is obvious that Mrs. Bassett and the entire staff put many long hours into the production of this book. One of the more catchy features of this annual is the binding. Done in Baroque Red with a gold Cou gar prominently displayed, the cover of our annual is most impressive. The actual contents are tastefully arranged and cap tioned so as to made the “brows ing through” of this annual some thing more than just looking at names and faces. The staff of “The Cougar Cry* would like to take this opportunity^ to congratulate the Annual Staff on a job well done in making “The Cougar,* 1969, an annual that we can all enjoy and be proud of. NOTICE Students interested in participat ing in tennis intramurals should contact Jerry Pardue to sign up. No date has yet been set. Death of A Salesman Last week, the faculty and students of Wilkes Community College were treated to a film showing of “Death of a Sales- man*. This drama, Arthur Mil ler’s finest, had for the title role of Willy Loman the fine actor Fredrich March. The story of the play has to do with the last days of a failing salesman, who seeks to find out, by a tragic series of soul- searching revelations of the past life he has lived with his wife, his sons, and his busi ness associates, just where and (Continued on Page Two)