M THE VOICE OF WILKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE VOLUME 4. No. 18 WILKESBORO. NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 27, 1»75 MARTHA CUTHBERTSON BALEKA WILLIAMS HELEN CHAPMAN Student Services ... A Real Trip I could spend a lot of time writing “close-up” type articles about people in our college because we really have a lot of good, fine people here. People who come to work every day, do £in honest day’s work and smile through the whole thing--people who just can’t seem to do enough for the good of the cause and who go out of their way to make that one step beyond what’s expected of them. Such is the case of the “Girls” in the Student Services Office. Whenever I need them (and I do a lot), they have never failed me. That office is really an attitude adjustment center. It seems to overflow with concern and desire to help. Most people tend to reflect in their faces a response to a question they have heard a million times (Where’s my VA check?), but not these beautiful people. They handle each person as a person. They understand that each problem is a little different. They really will try to do almost anything for you that they can, even share their Weight Watchers powders with you. If you have a problem of any kind and don’t know exactly what to do about it, I would recommend going there first. They will put you on the right track. I have even seen Helen Chapman grab up her jumper cables and start cars in the rain for people with dead batteries. Baleka Wil liams and Martha Cuthbertson are equally obliging when it comes to solving problems. To most of us, all these extra things that these ladies do seems to be part of their job because they do it with such enthusiasm and positiveness, but it’s not. They do them because they are “damn good people.” I appreciate them, and if you know them you do too. If you don’t know them, you had better get to; you may need a friend sometime. Good friends £ire hard to find, but you have a friend in Student Services. John Cashion Moffett - Mayes To Team Up The College Theater will present a production of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex in a new translation by Elizabeth (“Bunny”) D. Kelso, May 9, 10, 15, 16, and 17. It may be good to put these dates on your calendar now and purchase tickets as soon as possible. Tickets are likely to be scarce. Why? Bud Mayes is gonna go on stage as Oedipus. Since before I met Bud Mayes, I had heard of his acting ability, his magnetism, and his rapport with the audience. I have seen him do a couple of short things. Now I will get a chance to see “the amazing Mr. Mayes” live and in full color in person on the stage. Auditions for other parts are scheduled for April 1 and 2. To this writer’s knowledge, no other parts have been cast. If you would like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with one of the really greats, this is it. Bill Moffett will put his talents to work in the capacity of director. Moffett and Mayes-the only two reasons you need to know that this will be one of the all-time greats of the College Theater productions. DON’T MISS IT! Editorially speaking, I hope the English teachers will require students to attend this play. We have much to be proud of in this school. Certainly our Drama Department is one of John Cashion Spring And Summer Concerts Are Planned A concert is scheduled for May 19, 8:15 p.m. at the WCC auditorium. The Wilkes Com munity College “Pops” Sym phony’s feature performance will be Tschaikowsky’s Nutcracker Suite danced by sixteen students from the Margie Canipe Studio. This is to promote a concert series by the Wilkes Community College Symphony which will begin next September. These concerts will be supported by a series member ship. Those pledging their commit ment to buy a series membership next year will be admitted to the May 19 concert without charge, and they will receive a carnation to identify themselves. There will be a two-dollar admission for others. The musicians of the Wilkes Community College “Pops” Sjon- phony will provide the Children’s School Concerts by traveling from school to school to entertain as well as to educate. They will perform a summer “Pops” concert once a month on the college campus. A Symphony Ball is planned for May 2, 8:00 p.m. at the North Wilkesboro Elks Club. Also, there will be a concert May 10, 8:15 p.m. at the Dixon Auditorium in Elkin. Have a pleasurable experience. Attend the WCC Symphony concerts. WCC BAND BLUE GRASS BAND In the eyes of some, only G-O-D is held in higher esteem than F-T-E (student full-time equivalents). Joe Austell, Nancy Vandett, A1 Stanley, John Wiles, and 17 radio station managers had the insight and fortitude to put a different connotation to the letters FTE by adding the prefix W! Yes, WFTE will be the call letters of the college’s newest innovation to improve communications with the community. Actually Joe and A1 have already been advised by the Federal Communications Commission that the college’s application for an FM educational radio station has been received and is being processed. Conrad Shaw provided the expertise to get the necessary equipment and our own Dr. Thompson the leadership. So one of these mornings when you are awakened by your clock radio and you hear, “This is WFTE, Wilkes Community College With Fine Things in Education,” don’t turn it off, for you’ll be tuned to the best educational channel ever. Joe Austell PITCH.IN Please come to the Pitch-In Meeting Thursday, April 3, one o’clock in the auditorium. We need your help. This is really a worthwhile project, and Forester Beverage is throwing a “BEER- BUST” for those who help. Also please read Vickie Reins article about the Pitch-In on the inside front cover. BILLY MOFFETT