THE VOICE OF WILKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE VOLUME 10 - NO. 3 WILKESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER 17, 1980 xmm$ Cougar Cl^ristipas Campaign ’80 — What Comes Next? 1980 BY BOB WATTS November 4 is past. The posters have come down, the commercials have ended, and slung mud no longer fills the air. Nothing remains of “Campaign ’80” but the changing of power and a few questions. One question that remains on many minds is why did the election shift overnight from a tight, hard-fought contest to a Reagan landslide that helped put the liberals of North America on the endangered species list. There were many caus' -S(or this sudden shift. One of th,m was certainly the increased coverage of the Iranian situation as the hostages ended a year in captivity. Another was the great number of “undecideds” who made up their mind to vote for Reagan. However, the main reason for the apparent Reagan avalanche was the difference between the popular vote and the Electoral College. While Carter lost by only a few percent in the popular voting, the division of the electoral votes made the margin appear much greater than it actually was. Another question that has yet to be answered is what will life be like under the new administration. Will a Reagan presidency mean a massive arms buildup, eyeball-to- eyeball confrontations with the Soviets, and a war each week to stop the spread of the “Red Terror”? Will it mean an end to welfare and poverty-relief pro grams? Will it mark the end of equality for women, minorities and the poor? Probably not. Even if he wanted to, and such a desire is not certain, Reagan could not make such sweeping changes, even with the help of the strongly conservative Congress that he will be working with. However, Reagan certainly will make some changes during his time in office. He probably will start a limited arms buildup, and he probably will take a slightly more aggressive stand against the Soviet Union. He most likely will reduce aid to the poor, and it is possible that the rights of some Americans will not rate as high a priority as they once did. But that is what the majority of Americans want, or so it seems from the election results. A final question relates to the president-elect’s campaign prom ises — will he keep them? In at least two cases, probably not. Reagan will probably not put an end to draft registration. Such a move would be highly unpopular with the new Right-wing Con gress, and would work against his own hopes for a strong America. Also, his tax cuts, if any, will not be as large as he has stated. A lot of money is needed to run the United States, especially with the increased defense spending that he wants. It is impossible to predict whether the next four years will be good or bad, or even if there will be four more years. However, if there are four more years for the world — and the United States, they will be interesting. Going to Transfer? Admissions Representatives from many North Carolina Senior Colleges and Universities will be in the Library on Monday, January 26, 1981 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. to talk with WCC students who are interested in transferring after graduation from WCC. Students attending the program will be excused from class. Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. For more information contact Student Services. Our Campus BY GEORGE PRICE Have you ever noticed that this college has not only one of the prettiest, but also one of the cleanest campuses anywhere? Think about it. When was the last time you saw the parking lots or steps outside cluttered with trash and discarded papers? I would venture to say that you haven’t. Just who do you suppose is responsible for this? It is a group of people that we all take pretty much for granted. I’m talking about the people who spend much of their time cleaning and scrubbing this school. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t slip and slide on a freshly mopped floor. That’s the real reason that they mop them, you know, — just to make me fall down. So far, I’ve been able to keep my balance. If you will notice, the floors here are never dirty. These ladies and gentlemen are forever sweeping and mopping the floors. Outside, they always keep the steps free from the debris that seems to accumulate between classes. I sometimes wonder if these ladies and gentlemen are just surrogate mamas and papas for us all. They are constantly cleaning up our messes. And Lord knows (Continued on Page 4) Personality Profile BY: MIKE CARLTON This month’s edition of the personality profile enhances its originality by selecting a “Super” Freshman. I’m referring to an outstanding young lady from Swartz Creek, Michigan. Her name is Crystal Stone. Here’s the rundown on Crystal: Crystal’s hometown of Swartz Creek is a twelve and a half hour drive from Wilkes County. Crystall arrived in Wilkes the early part of August, 1980. She is living with her grandmother at Rock Creek, near Hays, NC. Crystal, upon entering her first year at WCC, had mixed feelings about being here. Her transition to the collegiate life soon became very rewarding as she became acquainted with the new sur roundings and the members of the student body. Crystal was heard making the following statement, ‘The students and Faculty here are very friendly; they’re very easy to relate to and I enjoy being here!” Crystal’s extracurricular activi ties include cheerleading, and many other outside activities. Crystal, being enrolled in the College Transfer Program is working toward the Associates in Applied Science degree, and is concentrating in Biology and Mathematics, so that she may receive a degree in Chriopractic Medicine someday. After gradua tion she plans to further her studies to reach her goal at either Appalachian State University or the University of Western Michi gan. Crystal’s hobbies include water skiing, racketball, and - dig this - motorcross. She also enjoys “rock and roll’ music. Jackson Brown is her favorite, followed by the “Kinks.” OK, Guys, if you haven’t met Crystal - do so. Take the opportunity to say hello to this young lady. Keep on the lookout for the Personality Profile. The next time it may be you. CRYSTAL STONE Cljristiijas Holidays ©cc. 19'29