2?t»i THE VOICE OF WILKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE VOLUME 22, NUMBER 3 WILKESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER 17, 1991 From The President’s Desk Dr. Jim Randolph, President "Why I Hate Holiday Parties” I grew up in a small coal min ing town in southwestern Pen nsylvania. All of the houses in town were owned by the min ing company for which my dad and grandfather worked. The town had one store, which was also owned by the company. This store provided miners and their families with all the necessities of life, including groceries, clothes, gasoline, hardware supplies, household items, and gifts. The miners were paid with scrip and only the company store honored this particular scrip. With only one store to choose from, shop ping was made simple. During the holiday season, I remember walking with my continued on page 3 Sophomores that have not applied for admission to a senior university for fall 1992 should do so immediately. See Larry Caudill for applications and assistance. Merry Christmas Is There a Santa Claus?? Santa Claus, is there such a person? Do we really believe in him? Does he actually come down the chimney? These are questions that everyone ponders during their lifetime. Whether it be as a child or as an adult. While watching television last night, a pro gram came on titled "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” I believe the letter from this program will answer any doubt you have about Santa Claus. The following article originally ap peared in the editorial of the New York Sun, September 1, 1897. We take great pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among friends of the Sun: Dear Editor, I am 8 years old. Some of mj frietxds say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in the Sun it's so. ’ Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O'Hanlon 115 West Ninety-fifth Street VIRGINIA, Your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not be lieve except they see. They think nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virgi nia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intel lect, as compared with the continued on page 2 Student Profile Bruce Monks Like many students at Wilkes Com munity College, Bruce Monks has finally decided to return to school and pursue a higher level of education. After being out of high school for six years, Bruce recently began taking classes at WCC and hopes to pursue a career as a registered nurse. "I come from a family of nurses,” says Bruce. "My mom and her mother were nurses and now my older brother and I hope to be nurses as well. 1 was a little apprehensive about being a male nurse at first, but the benefits are about as good as any career 1 can think of. First of all, it’s a good paying career which is in pretty high demand and only required two years of college. Most importantly though, is that nursing is a rewarding job in itself. What could make a person feel better about them selves than by helping people in need?” Although he is sure of his goals now, Bruce hasn’t always wanted to be a nurse. At one time, he wanted to be a police officer. After graduating from East Hamblin High School in Morris town, Tennessee, Bruce joined the continued on page 4 Applications for NCAE teacher’s scholarships are avail' able. See Larry Caudill or Alan Whittington. Applications need ^o^e2nb2^ebruar^^4j_199^