. ^ , Co lie ge^ COUGAR CRY Volume 28, Issue 5 April 3, 1998 Linda Howell and Emilie Waddell are part of the new cafeteria staff. "A & J's" Critique of the New Cafeteria By Josh Callaway General Student Comments Students who experienced the new cafeteria's service have felt almost overwhelmingly that it is a good establishment. Many have commented that they feel that the pleasant atmosphere has made up for any faults the cafeterias has. Many students feel that even though the prices are higher than the old cafeteria’s, the^great atmosphere, cleaner area, and friendly service have made up for it. Many students like the fact that the cafeterTaTs almost^completely run by and for the students. This aspect makes them feel a little more spirit for their school. Grievances / A,, ^ The new cafeteria has inconvenienced some people^in that it is so far fronTthe sffop anS ^ayes Hall, They fee! that it has de centralized the school and basically is inconvenient'Others feel that is unfair that they shoif^ld have to foot the bill for some one’s condiments which are provided by the cafeteria at no^extra price, but the expense is distributed throughout the menu. The Defense The people who run the new cafeteria know that.there will be some that-feel-uncomfortable with something new. They do appreciate the compliments. The inconvenience fector that the students have feit cannot be helped because they are basically fixed in their station in the student services building, they do not expect to charge the students for their condiments for con venience. They hope that over time that those who.have to go a little farther or pay a little more will be appeased by the great atmosphere, fresh food, and cleaner friendly service. "Personal Comments" As a food service worker myself, I commend themtoFthe c“dnvenient and efficient service. For those that feel that it is out of your way, look around the student center area. There iS'more,to enjoy around you. You could, for instance, workout, watch TV, study, or catch that extra bit of sleep between school and work.’After any of these activities, you may need to tank-up. So the cafeteria, being in the middle of all the action, brings the whole school together with food. The cafeteria is doing a great job with limited space and personnel. They do realize that they may need to improve. Therefore, they vvelcome your sugges tions directly or put them in the suggestion box past the cash register. Thank You from “A & J’s” Cooking