Cougar Cry 3 3*hi ffheta JCappa Jn Qfuvde^ton CawCinod: Sliding^ the Watted of Change By: Kimberly Nelson Phi Theta Kappa members recently traveled to Charleston for the Regional Conference. Presi dent Deidre Childress, Public Relations Officer Kimberly Nelson, and new member Megan Barnett along with advisor Sheneele Wagoner traveled on Friday, March 14th to Charleston, SC. Friday evening after arriving, we attended our first session of the weekend. We were enter tained by Freddie Pierce our first evening, a nationally renowned speaker. He talked to us about stress management and put on a wonderful show using his ventriloquism abilities. After listen ing to Freddie, we attended a dance later that evening. It was thrown with a beach theme, and we took our sand bucket full of gum and had a really great time! On Saturday, our advisor had breakfast with the other advisors, and Deidre Childress went to breakfast with Shannon Mathis, International VP, Division I, and she also met the candidates running for Regional office. Later that morning we had our second general session and listened to keynote speaker David Zach, futurist. He talked about knowing your history and looking toward the future. After lunch we broke for the day and we got to go explore Charleston! We truly had a wonderful time. Later that evening we all met back at the conference and attended the Awards Banquet and dinner where we won three awards. The Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter received a One- Star Status Award for participation in the Five- Star Development program. Co-Advisor Sheneele Wagoner received the Horizon Award for new ad visors who participate in regional and international programs. We were also recognized for the Pin nacle Scholarship Award for an increase in mem bership by 10% over the previous year. After awards were presented another dance took place and all was fun and good times. Sunday morning we attended our last session. We met our new regional officers, and we got to hear our International VP, Shannon Mathis, speak on the importance of sun-screen. She also talked of the many types of skin cancer and how the cases of it have grown in our “tanning” society. Phi Theta Kappa has joined up with the American Cancer So ciety to spread awareness about skin cancer. We had a great time meeting our fellow Phi Theta Kappans from the Carolinas Region. We look for ward to going back! Pictured from left to right: Megan Barnett, Deidre Childress, Kimberly Nelson & Sheneele Wagoner! Saturday nights award banquet and dinner was a fun time for all!