When In Greensboro EAT at The Hennessee Cafe The Home of Good Cooking We have a Rest Room furnished Exclusively for Ladies. You are always welcomed to our Cafe. 342 & 344 South Elm Street J. R. Donnell, Prop. & Mgr. We make your Photographs at Guilford, and save you a trip to Greensboro See our Representative Mr. J. D. WOOD Room 19 Archdale, he will gladly show you samples of our work. MOOSE & SON "Quality Photographs" We do only the better grade work. All workmen trained in Photographic Colleges. Special discount to Guilford Students. THE EUTSLER STUDIO 113 1-2 E. Market St. Mr. C. W. Stewart, Agent S. L. GILMER & CO. DRY GOODS And All Kinds of LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR GOODS GREF.NSBORO, N. C. COBLE Sc MEBANE We give Special attention to College Foot Wear. U Stand in them, We stand behind them. 220 South Elm Street GREENSBORO MORRIS & MOORE Guilford College, N. C. Agents for DICKS LAUNDRY Greensboro, N. C. BEST STORE IN GREENSBORO You are always welcome, at our Men's supply shop in Greensboro Headwear, Footwear, Neckwear, Underwear, and every other kind of wear for a man to wear. RICKS DONNELL MEDEARES CO. Everything in Men's wear 502 South Elm Street Greensboro, N. C MUSIC NOTES. Permit me to be "gossipjiy." 1 am in that state of mind. I am thinking of "stars" at "close range" as it were. Of Semlnicli, and Eames, and Gadski, and Ho mer—not before the footlights, but behind the scenes. Madame Marcella Kembrieh is an artist to her finger-tips. There is no more perfect legato singer in the world. One prominent singing teacher goes so far as to object to Sembri cli's singing he cause it is too perfect and sounds no longer like a human voice. People shake their heads and say her voice is gone; hut they forget that her voice, from one stand point has always been small. It is of that peculiar and wonderful quality that has little body to it it is more like a violin in charac ter—filling and thrilling, but nev er large nor exactly loud. With out doubt she sang with greater spontaneity when younger; she is now said to be sixty, and should she be ten years younger I would like to hear any other singer of that age sing with such beauty of tone and act with such naive charm. Calve and even Kchuinan- Heink, who must be much young er, have not held their own with the public like Sembrich has. She is very highly thought of, not only as a singer but as a woman and her faithful assistant and watch dog is her husband, lie haunts the opera when she sings and is one of her most faithful listeners. The floicer of the New York Opera (Metropolitan) is Madame Emma Eames, at least if she does not now hold the palm for beauty she did, and the public still holds the idea, and Emma cannot get out of the idea of holding it too, and why should she? In La Tosca Madame Eames acts and sings with surprising histrionic force. It has been her greatest role for a number of seasons; anyway, she has the field unmolested. Now there is some talk of Geraldine Farrar getting a chance, and 1 am afraid Emma will "have a mad on" (somewhere I have that ex pression). And well she may be angry, for if Miss Farrar does get a chance, she won't waste it; she will stab Scotti fiercely, brutally, and in the last act she will kill herself with far more gusto than Emma does. Probably if she gets her own way the scenery will be changed, so that the audience can see her falling to her doom—then what will become of Emma, for the public is fickle and loves the sensational! Madam Gadski is one of the Wagnerian standbys. She al ways takes her daughter with her, and her husband too, a good look ing German, who bustles around and seems more important than the Madam herself. I have heard that daughter and husband stand THE GUILFORDIAN in the wings, listening to ''Mam ma" sing till all hours of the night. It is considered the cor rect thing I'm' singers to "take some n\" Kninia Eames takes a friend and a maid. Geraldine Farrar, her mother; and the pos sessors of husbands take them. A llrunnhilde, I like to think of Gadski best, she sings the part with great beauty, and her inter pretation is both noble ami poetic. No one who lias ever heard her famous laI tie cry of "110-yo-10-ho" will forget it or her—a marvelous exhibition of both singing and of voice. Madame llomer is an American contralto who increases steadly in public favor. She is a fine actress, too. In "Haensel" and Gretel she takes the part of the witch, and it would be hard to lind her equal. Schuman-Heink took the part once but she was not nearly so good. It was said that Schuman-Heink murmured "selir sehleeht" (very bad) as she went off the stage and she told the truth. The li/hls liare winked. Hood Hitjhl. J. I J. R. Y. M. C. A. The last Thursday evening meeting, the tirst since Christmas, was conducted by Prof. White. He began the meeting by reading from the 14tli chapter of John, iiod-31st verses inclusive. In the course of his remarks he brought out the thought, among others, that if we are fundamentally right with God we will then be at peace with ourselves and with the world. That it makes no difference as to the temptations we are facing or as to sorrows we are enduring, or the troubles which come upon us, we can live through them calmly and peacefully if we are right with God. lie said that the Great Prince of Peace, Jesus, although he was born and lived in the great war zone of his time, surrounded by all kinds of temptations and weighed down by numerous sor rows, yet was able to live at peace with himself and the world. All things in nature, all things in the universe, if looked at as God intended they should be, tend to bring peace to us. It matters not how dire the temptations, how heavy the burdens or how discour aging are our surroundings, peace comes and abides with us if we try to live the Christian life. There were seventy-five boys to listen to this splendid talk. If you were not there you lost some thing which will be hard for you to recover. W. H. FISHER COMPANY Best Line of Engraved Cards, Weddings, Announcements, Etc. PRINTING RECORD OFFICE GREENSBORO, N. C Sherwood Shoes for Ladies, $2.50 and $3.00 La France $3.50 and $4.00' Bostonian Shoe g for Men, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. See us for your next pair. THACKER & BROCKMANNS JOS. J. STONE & COMPANY Printers & Binders Steel Die & Copper Plate Printing GREENSBORO, - - N. C. J. W. SCOTT & COMPANY Greensboro, N. C. Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions Write for samples and prices Peoples' House Furnishing Company Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Mantels and Tiles Pianos and Organs a Specialty HIGH POINT, N. C. D. N. Welborn, Mgr. C. S. Welborn, Sec. & Treas CANNON-FETZER CO. MEN'S OUTFITTERS High Point, N. C. D. RONES & SONS JEWELERS Dealing - in Diamonds our businesg, not a Specialty HIGH POINT, N. C. Banking by Mail This company accepts deposits from residents of the U. S. and affords them the same safety and interest as it does its home patrons. Money can be safety sent by Post Of fice Money Order, Express Money Or der or Registered Mail. Write for our booklet "Banking by Mail;" a postal card will bring it. CAPITAL $200,000 GREENSBORO LOAN & TRUST COMPANY J. W. FRY. Pres. W. E. ALLEN. Sec. and Treas W. M. COMBS. Manager Savings Department Thomas Howard Co. WHOLESALE GROCERIES Greensboro, N.C. PARKER PAPER AND TWINE CO. High Point, N.C. Carries the largest stock of paper and twines of any house between Balti more and Atlanta. W. T.PARKER Sec.-Treas. and Gen. Mgr. 3

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