THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME I. Guilford Defeats Carson- Newman In a rather one-sided yet snap py game, Guilford won over ('ar son-Newman on Saturday night by the score of 53 to 17. The home team showed unusual ly good form and kept the visitors on the defensive throughout the game. Groome, at center, featured the game by getting ten field goals while Wood and .Jones got live each. The work of llinkle and Semans at guard was very credit able. The mountaineers played a steady and consistent game. Their team work was good, but they were unable to find the basket at the opportune time. Carter led the visitors with three goals, Kilpatriek and Cros by getting two each. With defeat staring them in the face, they put n]i a clean fight and maintained interest until the whistle blew. The line-up was as follows: Guilford. (-arson-Newman Jones r.f Kilpatriek Wood l.f Carter Groome c Brooks II inkle r.g Wood Semans l.g Burnett Substitutes, Crosby for Kilpat riek. Goals, .Jones (5), Wood (5), Groome (10), llinkle (2), Semans (1), Kilpatriek (2), Carter (•►), Crosby (2). Fouls, Wood (7), Burnett (it). Keferee, Stuart. Slow, Uninteresting Game. Guilford lost to the Winston V. M. C. A. in a slow, uninteresting game of basket ball on her home floor Saturday evening, Jan. 215. Throughout the whole perform ance numerous fouls were called, which only tended to mar the good features of the game. In this Guilford was the worst offender, Winston making fourteen of their points in this way. There was a general lack of enthusiasm preva lent among the student body, which even extended to the two teams. Wood led in scoring points by making one field goal and nine foul points, while Jones and Groome tied, Jones with three field goals and Groome with two field goals and two foul points. Next was Semans with one field goal. The home team at first seemed to be under disadvantages in playing by the Y. M. C. A. rules but soon adapted themselves to them. The score was 25 to 28. Kimball, Rector and Cash play- GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C, FEBRUARY 3, 191/1.5 (Ml the best 54:11110 for the V. M. C. A. Kimball was an especially good foul shot, and succeeded in caging fourteen of his chances. The line-up was as follows: Guilford. Winston V. M. C. A. Jones r.f Terrell Wood l.f Kimhall Groonie c Cash Senians r.g Speer Futrell l.g, Rector Field goals: Jones (!>), Wood (1), Groonie (-), Senians (1), Terrell (1), Kimhall (I), Rector (•>). Foul goals: Wood (!>), Kim hall (!•{). Referee, Seining. I'm pire, Stuart. A. C. C. Easily Defeated. Guilford overwhelmed Atlantic Christian College here Wednesday night by a score of 40 to 1!). The A. C. C. hoys were not in the race after the first few minutes, and practically the whole game was played on Guilford's part of the floor. Groonie, Guilford's tall cen ter, easily got the tip off, and from then it became merely a few passes and then a goal. The visitors were rather light and could offer no check to Guilford's offensive play. Several beautiful shots were made from long distances, and the game was practically free from fouls. Jones and Wood did not lose the location of the basket for a moment, and were continually making shots from all angles. In this Jones excelled with 10 licld goals, while Wood came next with 7. Groonie, Senians and Price each made one. There was a slight indication of not enough team work, yet this had little effect in this game, but should be watched in future games. Davis and Far lner played best for the visitors. The line-up was as follows: Guilford. A. C. C. Jones r.f Davis Wood l.f Riley Groonie c Potter Futrell r.g Farmer Senians l.g Branch Price substituted for Futrell in the second half. Field goals: Jones (10), Wood (7), Groonie (1), Senians (1), Price (1). Davis (4), Farmer (8), Branch (1). Foul goals: Wood (0), Branch (.'>). Referee, Doak. Mrs. Margaret Cartland Ker nel*, 'OS, visited Miss Alma Ed wards at the College last week. Messrs. Riddick, Morris, C. R. Hinshaw and Perry attended the Y. M. C. A. conference held in Winston over the week-end. The Guilford Banquet hi the last issue of the Grir,- FOKDIAX it was announced that the annual Guilford banquet would he held in Greensboro on the even ing of February 13th. For many reasons, however, it was decided to change the date to February 20th. It was thought by those who have the matter in hand that the latter date would be much more satisfactory because it would give a little more time to plan the program. A further reason for Ihe change was the fact that the 20th was much more acceptable to Ihe speakers of Ihe evening. In accordance with Ihe change in plans the following announcement has been sent out: "The annual Guilford banquet will he held in Greensboro at the Hotel Guilford on the evening of February 20, 1015, at 8:30 o'clock. The object of this banquet is to renew our college friendships and rekindle enthusiasm for our Alma Mater. Every effort is being put forth to make the occasion a thor oughly enjoyable one. Speeches by Isaac Sharpless, President of Haverford College; J. Elwood Cox, President of the Hoard of Trustees; L. L. llohhs, President of Guilford College; Solicitor Geo. W. Wilson, class of 1802, solos by members of the alumni, college songs by a quartette, and orches tral music will be features of the entertainment. A delightful even ing is assured. Keep the date open! We shall look for you! "The cost per plate will be $1.50. Send your remittance to John H. Woosley, Guilford College, N. C., before February 15 ;md a ticket will be mailed to you. Every Guilfordian —alumnus or old stu dent—should make an earnest ef for to be present. The occasion will he informal." The committee on announce ment and publicity consists of the following members of Ilu> Alumni and Old Students: L. IJ. Ilobbs, chairman; Davis, '01; Wilson, 'O2; White, 'O4; E. Mendenhall, 'OS; Redding, 'ON; Meredith, '00; Hammond, '01; Cox, 'O2; White, 'O4; Woosley, 05; Alice White Mendenhall, '08; A. A. Dixon, '00; Alice L. Dixon, '10; C. C. Smithdeal, '11; Hazel Harmon, 'l2; George A. Short, 'l3; Ernest G. Shore, 'l4; W. 10. Coffin, Gertrude W. Mendenhall, Mary M. Petty, W. A. Blair, E. A. Cole. It is sincerely hoped that quite NUMBER 13 ;i number >f (iuilfordians will lie present at this occasion. Any one who lias heard Dr. Isaac Sharp less, of 1 laverford College, will un hesitatingly commend the wisdom of the program committee in the selection of the chief speaker of the evening. The other speakers, Dr. Hobbs, Mr. Cox, and Mr. Wil son, need no recommendation to a Guilford gathering. They will each have something of value and interest. All in all the evening promises to be one of unusual note and as ;i Guilfordian t/oit cannot afford to miss it. Remem ber the date, and secure your earliest possible convenience. It is more than likely that our mailing list is incomplete and pos sibly inaccurate in some cases. If therefore you have not received an invitation simply send your remit tance as directed above and a tick et will be forwarded. Remember the banquet is for all Guilford ians. Alumni or Old Students; and in case you are so fortunate as to be married your wife or hus band as the case may be is equally invited. A real Guilford gather ing with some real Guilford en thusiasm is the idea. Get into the spirit of the movement and come. Your many old college friends will be glad to see you and you will be pleased to see them. MOCK TRIAL COMING. On Friday evening, February 5, at 7 o'clock court will convene in Memorial Hall for the trial of cases of a more serious nature. The one meriting special atten tion is that of State vs. William Futrell for murder. This case is surrounded by a great deal of mystery and no little amount of time and effort is being spent in its solution. Ilis Honor Tom lVr ry will preside. The State is rep resented by l . |{. llinshaw, as solicitor. Hiuld and Mrown. The defense has employed IJrinkley, Mitchell and Morris. The event is given under the di rection of a joint committee rep resenting the Henry Clay and \\ ebsterian Literary Societies, and in behalf of these organiza tions this committee wishes to ex tend through the columns of the Guilfoudiax a cordial invitation to all those interested. Prof. T. 11. Dougherty, of the faculty of the Jamestown High School, was present at the Guil ford-Carson-Newinan basket ball game on last Saturday night.

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