THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME I. SEASON CLOSES Guilford ended her basket ball season Saturday night when she lost to the fast A. & M. team on the Farmers' floor. The night be fore she was defeated by the Elon team 32 to 5. In both these games our team was badly handicapped by the absence of llinkle and Jones. Jones was out on account of illness and Hinkle sustained such injury to his ankle in the first three minutes of play that he was forced to withdraw. The boys were simply outclassed by their lack of weight and height. On the whole, the team this year has accomplished more than was at first predicted, and every man is to be congratulated for the way he has worked to produce the team we have this year. The whole team was constructed from new material, and only by the constant effort of the coach and the aid of each man could the quintette have been developed in to a team that has defeated both the Elon and A. & M. teams. The score and line-up of the last two games follow: Guilford. Elon. Semans r.f. .. . Mooretiehl Wood l.f Bradford G. Groome.... c McCauley Futrell r.g Massey Hinkle l.g Morgan I). Groome substituted for Hin kle. Field goals: Groome (1), Moore field (3), Bradford (1), Mc- Cauley (4), Massey (2). Foul goals: Wood (3), McCauley (12). Guilford. A. & M. Jones r.f Dowd Wood l.f Temple G. Groome.... c Spalding Semans r.g Mason D.Groome.... l.g. .Van Brocklin Price substituted for I>. Groome. Field goals: Jones (3), Wood (3), G. Groome (1), Semans (3), Dowd (8), Temple (3), Spalding (4), Mason (5), Van Brocklin (1). Fonls: Wood (2), Spalding (]). The baseball season has already begun at Guilford, and with the closing of the basket ball season many more new men will be seen on the diamond. There are sev eral vacancies to be filled and there are many applicants for these positions. Some very prom ising material has shown up, and from now on the interest should be stimulated. There are a half dozen or more trying to make the pitching staff, and with develop ment we should not be lacking in this line. In the next issue a full schedule of our games will ap pear. GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., FEBRUARY 24, 1915. THE GUILFORD BANQUET For the first time in several years tlie Guilford Alumni and Old Students gathered on Satur day evening, February 20, in Greensboro for a real feast. The dining room of the Guilford Hotel was artistically arranged in order to seat 11K* highest possible num ber and well it was that such ar rangeinents were made because Guilford came one hundred and fifty strong. And when has there been assembled such a splendid gathering? It seemed as though every one was in a particularly attractive mood. .Merry, jovial, and literally beaming with the Guilford spirit the guests appear ed for an evening of real pleasure. At each plate was an elaborate and appropriate menu and a car nation, the latter being the gift of Mrs. L. L. Hobbs. The menu was printed in crimson within a gray folder and pertinent and hu morous quotations gave added in terest and value to it. The menu was the work of the toast master of the evening, Mr. Win. A. Blair, of Winston-Salem, who gracefully performed the part of "a very czar in his high seat." He very appro priately introduced I)r. L. L. Hobbs, who was the first sj>eaker of the evening. President Hobbs chose for his subject "Guilford's Place'' and by recalling to mind numerous fa mous scholars of New Garden Boarding and Guilford College he emphasized the fact that Guilford had in the past stood for thorough scholarship. And this is the func tion of Guilford today. It is Guil ford's duty to stand for this type of liberal and thorough education. To impart a knowledge of the fundamental principles of the languages, sciences and history is her task, and in thus instructing her students in the great truths of life Guilford will not shine by re flected glory, but rather her bril liance will be as that which radi ates from the sun, her own. Dr. Isaac Sharpless followed President Hobbs. His inimitable style makes him one of the most desirable of after-dinner speakers. Entirely free from any ornateness, or the slightest semblance of af fectation, Dr. Sharpless spoke concisely and pleasingly of the function of the small college and the tendency of modern education to neglect the liberal for the voca tional. In the beginning of his speech he referred to President Ilobbs as a man whom he had known intimately for over forty years. "President Hobbs was a Senior at Haverford when I was a Freshman, though I never was a member of the undergraduate hody of that institution," he said, thus referring to liis first year's work as a member of the Haver ford faculty, which was iilso the year of Dr. Hobb's graduation. Dr. Sharpless then noted the trend of modern education and depreca ted the change. The increasing tendency of American colleges to devote themselves solely to voca tional and utilitarian education with the consequent neglect of the liberal arts is alarming. He de plored the inability of people to spend their moments of leisure profitably rather than in the en gagement of various forms of deleterious amusement. A liberal education would, the speaker as serted, enable one to enjoy the Aristotlian ideal of "cultured leisure." And after all the men who have been trained in the lib eral colleges of the country have been signally successful in the specialized fields. The framers of the Constitution were largely graduates of such institutions and were not prepared for the specific task of initiating a system of government, but having learned thoroughly the more liberal sub jects they were able because of their training to apply themselves successfully to specific and voca tional tasks. President Sharpless also spoke of the tendency to enlarge our col leges. The small college, he said, was the best, for it enabled the faculty to know the students in ti mately. "Quality must not be sac rificed for quantity.'' The speech throughout was interspersed with wit which only Dr. Sharpless has and was thoroughly enjoyed bv the enthusiastic gathering. The last speaker was Mr. .T. El wood Cox, who spoke on "Endow ment." Mr. Cox reviewed the great increase in Guilford's en dowment from s>oo,ooo in 1005 to over SIBO,OOO at the present time. lut the present amount is too small. The only way by which a denominational college can com pete with our State-financed insti tutions is through the securance NUMBER 16 of a large endowment and thus be come able to pay salaries which will attract and maintain a good faculty. This he said is Guilford's ideal and it is hoped that in the near future the endowment can be raised to half a million dollars, lie commended to the Alumni and friends of the institution the be quest of Miss Clara I). Willits, of New Jersey, who has recently left $25,000 to Guilford's endowment. A large endowment, a good facul ty and better Guilford was the un derlying idea of the sjeech of Mr. Cox. Besides these speeches Mr. Geo. NY. Wilson was to have been pres ent, but he was unavoidably de tained. The other entertaining features of the evening were the solos by Mr. H. A. Stewart, Jr., 'l3, and Miss Hazel Harmon, 'l2, both of whom were so vigorously applauded that encores were nec essary. All in all the evening was one of unprecedented pleasure. The gathering itself was hardly to have been expected. The dining room was tilled to its capacity and as the Greensboro News stated "a merrier crowd of the 150 men and women who dined together does not often grace this city." The support of the Alumni and Old Students on this occasion pres ages the necessity of making the banquet an annual affair. Brock inann's orchestra furnished music for the evening. The menu was as follows: MENU. N. B.—This is printed in differ ent tongues not only to show the linguistic athletics of the junior members of the Freshman class, but also to conform with the ideas of our President in regard to strict neutrality. A partial trans lation for the benefit of the gradu ates and members of the faculty appears below : 1, Pomelo Rooster Appendage; 2, Liebesafel Suppe; 3, Sellerie; 4. Olives; 5, Filets d'Alose Maitre d'Hotel; !. Kartoffelen a la Ju lienne; 7. Dinde Kofi; 8, Yankee Bog Berries; 0, Pommes de Terre a la Creine; 10, Erbsen; 11, Sal ade de Laitues et Tomatoes; 12, Creine Glace a la Fraise; 13, "Dost thou think because thou art virtuous there shall be no more CAKKB;" 14, Fromage; 15, Kaf fee. Translations: 1, Don't Know; 5, Hog Jowl and Turnip Greens; 0, Taters; 7, 'Possum; 8, Pokeber lies; 11, Peppergrass; 12, "Sim mon Puddin'"; 13, Corn Dodger; 15, Sassafras Tea.

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