THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME I. SEASON BEGINS MARCH 19 Since the opening' of the base ball season Guilford's prospects for a strong team have been ma terially increased. Several new men have come out who were not in the fall practice, and these men show up well in action. On at count of the several vacant posi tions to be tilled, and the number trying for these, a few have not yet been decided. Captain Futrell a 'varsity man for the past two seasons, will again bear the re sponsibility of directing the team from the catcher's position, and his head-work and hitting ability will be of great value when our season begins (i. Groome juid I). Ilodgin are both working out oil first base, and are rapidly developing into good men for the initial sack. T. Short is back again this year and is doing fine work at third. This is Short's third year in baseball here, and he is in good form and hitting well. Kendall. Davis, and 1). Grooiue are also working in the infield. Davis handles himself well, is fast, and a good hitter. I). Groome is a strong, steady player, hits hard, and may be de pended on. Kendall, of last year's squad, is also a good hitter, and a fast man. There are quite a few trying for the outfield posi tions. Among those trying are Garner, K. P. Moore, Miller. Fitz gerald, Koyal. Kendall and Hod gin are also being worked out in these positions. The pitching staff is developing nicely since the past few warm days, and several men are show ing such speed and curves that when we go up against the strong teams they will have no easy time hitting the ball. Murchison. the big left bander, "has everything," as some one said, and will be a strong addition to the team. W. Short is also showing fine control, and has some good curves. Stray horn, Morris, Thayer, and Zacli ary are also doing good work, and are developing both speed and curves. Since Ernest Shore's departure for the Boston Bed Sox training camp, John Fox has been work ing with Prof. A. \V. llobbs in developing the team. Under the direction of these two, the boys are kept hard at it, and their coaching is producing results. Fox was formerly with the Greensboro Patriots and his rec- GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., MARCH 17, 1915 TREATY OF GHENT On Saturday evening, March l.'J, Professor J. 15. Woosley gave a lecture in Memorial Hall on the Treaty of Ghent. In the begin ning the speaker took np existing conditions in both America and Europe previous to the war of I*l2 and showed how the history of England could not be dissever ed from that of America. He laid stress on the shrewd diplomatic policies of Napoleon in his man agement of French affairs. There was a struggle with England about what should be done with neutral trade. Xapoleon thought if lie persisted in provoking Eng land with blockades she would de clare war against the Cnited States. As a result of this an tagonistic procedure the orders in council decree were issued. Three possibilities were open to the I'ni ted States, namely, to engage in war with England; to settle dis putes through channels of diplo macy; or to try to cripple Eng land by coercive legislative meas ures of our own. America tried the last two but failed in both. Then came the embargo act. which provided that no American vessel should leave an American port and that no English vessel should leave an American port unless half loaded. This resulted in ;i decided decrease in our exports, while impressment of American sailors continued. 11l the Congress of ISII-12 Hen ry (May was speaker of the House, and reflected the war spirit that was in the air. In this session the Mac-oil Hill No. 2 was passed. This provided that we would have free trade with which ever nation, England or France, that revoked her decrees. France did revoke, but England refused, thus bring ing ns to the war of lSli*. Now attempts were made to pacify England, hut it seemed that notli ognized ability will lie of great assistance. Freshmen Win The Freshmen sprang the sur prise of the season when they de feated the Sophomores in basket ball Saturday night, 18 to 14. The game was interesting well play ed, and closely contested. Sapp played especially well for the Freshmen, as did also (1. (Iroome and Miller. The class champion ship will be decided next Friday night when the Freshmen meet the Juniors. DR. HERTY COMING On Saturday evening, March 2l)th, l)r, 'has. H. Hertv, head of the department of chemistry at the University of North Carolina, will lecture in Memorial Hall. This lecture will be the second of the annual public lectures held under the auspices of the Joseph .Moore Science Club. Last year it will be remembered that l>r. Fred eric Palmer, of Haverford College, gave a very interesting account of the "Gyroscope and Monor-rail Car." Dr. Herty is president of the American Chemical Society, an organization of over six thousand chemists in all parts of the Uni ted States and the club is very for tunate in getting him to Guilford. The subject of his lecture has not been definitely announced al though it will likely be upon some general chemical topic of wide in terest. ing would suffice and war was re sult. l'eace negotiations followed hard upon the outbreak of the war and commissioners were appoint ed from England and America. Fortunately for United States her men were sagacious, high-spir ited and of wide experience, while England's men lacked tact, wis dom and experience. Our men waited five weeks at Ghent for the arrival of the English committee. When they finally arrived the first proposition set forth by them was to create a large Indian state comprised of several of the west ern states. The Americans re fused and threatened to return home. The second proposition was one of territorial expansion; lml the Americans would not agree to transfer any territory to the English. The treaty was signed 011 'hristiuus eve 1814. The nations compromised, leaving most of the disturbing questions unsettled. The value of the treaty cannot be estimated, but it has shown to the world that questions in dispute can be settled more satisfactoryv by arbitration than by militarism. The speaker maintained intense interest throughout his discourse. Mr. lOdgar 11. Mcßane ('l4) was seen 011 the campus with friends Saturday. Mr. IVryis Beeson, a former student of this place, spent Sun day afternoon here with friends. NUMBER 19 CLAY-ZATASIAN RECEPTION One f the most unique and tasteful receptions of the entire year was given on the evening of March 1 litli. l!) 15, by the Henry Clav Literary Society in honor of the Zatasian ii*ls Their hall was artistically ar- ranged with society colors and decorated with Henry Clay and Zatasian pennants felt at home for a friendly atmos phere greeted lis on entering the hall. We were received at the door by four of the young men who handed each girl a neat little booklet tied with ribbon of Zata sian colors. On the face of this was the following: "Henry Clay, in honor of Zata sian Literary Society, in everlast ing memory of St. Patrick." In side of this was printed the pro gram consisting of: Debate: Resolved, that Ireland should have Home Rule. Affirma live, C. Lambeth; negative, C. R. Mitchell. Solo—"Somewhere si Voice is Calling," by Lionel Strayhorn. Declamation—R. C. Kiser. Travels in the War Zone (?) H. Budd. Every number of the program was almost perfectly rendered. By this display of talent the young men assured us of the ex cellent material of which the so ciety is composed. Mr. T. G. Per ry, who served as critic for the evening, flavored his report with Irish wit and humor. Several Zatasians tried to ex press their appreciation of the splendid program and wished Clays continued success. After adjournment we were ushered into a very tidy apart ment in which small tables were arranged for serving their well selected and delicious refresh ments. The color scheme of green an white was partially carried out in the menu, which was composed of: ('ream Peas Chicken Croquets Bread and Butter Sandwiches Pickles Wafers (Hives Fruit Salad Cream Cake Chocolates Mints Ten o'clock came before any one realized it and according to or ders from .Miss Louise we thought it best to say good night to our genial hosts. At once we