EASTER MONDAY GAME, 3 P. M., GREENSBORO THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME I. SOPHOMORES WIN DEBATE The last of a series of inter class (lel)ates scheduled for the year was hold in .Memorial lliill last Saturday evening at S o'clock between the representatives of the .Junior and Sophomore classes. The affirmative of the question: Resolved, That the President of (lie United States should be elect ed for a term of six years and be ineligible for re-election, was strongly defended by Archibald L. ltiddick, Thomas G. Perry and Fred IT. Morris; while the Sopho mores composed of Jesse P. Gar ner, Ezra A. Moore and Thesa L. Newlin as ably defended the nega tive. Each of these teams won in the first debates, the .Juniors from the Seniors and the Sophomores from the Freshmen. Since this was the final debate and the one to decide which class should be the holder of the silver cup, it was all the more interesting and hotly con tested. The affirmative began their arg ument by showing first, that the proposed proposition was discuss ed and passed in the Constitution al Convention, but as the Conven tion became an anarchy of opin ion, and the electoral college plan brought forward it was thought that the two term system was all right, because of their faith in their method of election. Hut since the electoral college plan has been a failure of the Constitution and subservient to party will, they continued, the people are de manding" this change as exempli fied in the fact that President Wil son was elected on a platform fav oring the one term policy. Secondly, that the present plan of election forces the President into an extended campaign against his will and to the serious neglect of his official duties; that it obligates him to the big inter ests, thus thrusting upon the country many of the economic evils with which it is today strug gling. They continued by show ing that the present system leads the President to force his nomi nal ion upon an unwilling party and that it leads to incompetency and neglect of duty in every im portant activity of the federal gov ernment. Lastly, they continued, that the proposed plan would bring about more stable business conditions; that if would insure better legis (Continued on fourth page.) GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., MARCH 31, 1915 GUILFORD DEFEATS ELON AND VERMONT With Practically a New Team Guilford Over whelms Elon and Takes ail Up-Hill Game From Yankees Guilford had an easy time in defeating Elon last Wednesday 11 to 0. Guilford began scoring in the opening inning and had made enough by the sixth to let up a bit. The Elon boys could not get together, and were helpless when facing Murchison. Only one man reached third, and the next two were easy outs. The Quakers hit hard, getting eleven safties, and stole bases almost at will. Four runs were made in the first inning on three singles, two errors, and an infield out. more men added in the third, and two each in the fourth and fifth. Eton's showing against us was by no means representative of her strength, and by the time we meet her again tier team will be much stronger. Short was substituted in the seventh for Murchison and held the visitors to one hit, and struck out three men. Murchison fanned ten, making a total of thirteen. Guilford was at no time in dan ger, and played a fast, snappy and steady game throughout. Davis featured at short by making four hits out of five trips to the plate, and fast fielding only kept him from getting the fifth. He als> annexed two stolen bases, a ci had a perfect fielding record. Ken dall also hit the ball hard. The box score follows: Guilford. At!. It. H. O. A. E T. Short, 3b.. .410010 I). Grooine, 2b. 4 2 1 0 ( 1 Kendall, c.f. . . 3 3 2 (I 0 0 Fu trell, c. ... 4 1 1 13 0 l) Davis, ss 5 1 4 3 3 0 G. Grooine, lb. 5 2 0 10 0 0 Garner, r.f. .. . 4 0 1 1 0 0 llodgin, l.f. ..4 0 0 0 0 0 Murchison, p. 3 110 10 \Y. Short, p. . . 1 0 1 0 '> 0 Total 37 11 11 27 1! 1 Elon. AH. It. 11. (). A. 10. Masse.v, 2b. . . 3 0 0 3 2 1 Finch, c.f. ... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Moorefield, c. .4 0 1 3 2 1 Crabtrec, 3b. .4 0 0 2 0 0 Poythres, p. . . 4 0 0 0 2 0 Klapp, l.f 2 0 0 0 0 0 Harwood, lb. . 2 0 0 10 0 1 Stevenson, ss.. 2 0 (I 3 5 I Sorrel 1, r.f. ... 3 0 1 0 0 (I Total 28 0 224 11 7 Guilford 40:J 220 00x—11 Elon (KM) 000 000 — 0 Two-base hit, W. Short; three base hits, Davis, Morerteld ; double plays, I). Grooine to Davis to G. Grooine; hits, off Murchison, I in 0 innings, off W. Short, 1 in 3 in nings; off Poythres, 11; struck out, by Murchison 10, by \Y. Short by Poythres 3; stolen bases, Short, D. Groome, Kendall 2, Fu trell, Davis 2, Murchison, Steven son. Vermont Defeated in Pretty Game. The University of Vermont was added to our list of victories Fri day afternoon when we defeated the Yankees by a score of 0 to ?> It was a fast, snappy and prettily played game. It was a fight fv >n, start to finish. Murchison start ed the game and was a bit wild at first, permitting them to get two men on in the first two inning*, but did not allow any scoring un til the third, when three singles and an error gave them three runs. After this he settled down and permitted no more runs. The Vermont boys gave the l>?st exhibition of the game thai we have thus far seen this season and were working every minute to take every advantage offered. Mayforth starred for the visitors with two singles, and a wonderful stop in backing up the first base man on a wild throw from short, and thus catching the Guilford runner at second. Murchison struck out 10 men and allowed five hits. Guilford scored fivi ruiis in the fourth on a base on balls, a stolen base, three singles, and two doubles. Another wis attached in the sixth on a two bagger by Garner and a single bv Murchison. G. Grooine and Gar ner featured by getting two two baggers each, in which each count ed in the scoring. Guilford leaves on the 31 si of March for the South Carolin i trip, after which she returns 4 > meet Elon in Greensboro on E s ter Monday. The box score is as follows: NUMBER 21 NEW Y. M. C. A. OFFICERS The meetings which began at the V. M. \ A. on the INth and which were mentioned in hut week's paper came to a close on last Wednesday night after a very successful week. .Mi-, Purdy will nol he soon forgotten by the students of Guilford. His w -ek's stay has meant a great deal i t us. His smiling face, his agreeable manner and the message that lie brought to us have made a lasiing impression for good. In addition to the contribution given by the Association to show their appre ciation of his earnest efforts, the students presented him with a handsome traveling bag as a re membrance of his visit to lis. Mr. Purdy left for his home Thursday morning going byway of Ashe ville and Cincinnati. At the annual business meeting of the Association this week the following officers were elected: President, Harrell Budd; vice president, Troy R. Short; secre tary, 0. K. Hinshaw; marshal. Raymond A. Smith. President Budd called the tirsi meeting of his cabinet Sunday evening. This cabinet is composed of the following: T. G. Perry, ehairmain Bible Study commit tee; F. IT. Morris, chairman Re ligious meetings committee; \ P. Hinshaw, chairman Social com mittee; J. P. Garner, chairman Finance committee; A. L. Riddick, chairman New Students commit tee; F. IT. Mendenhall, chairman Music committee; J. 11. Reckon, chairman Membership commi I ree ; R. L. Xewlin, chairman Mission committee. The year which has just cl >sel has been a very successful one. the attendance at the devotional meetings being the best in a num ber of years. Guilford. AB. R. TT. (). A. 10. Short, :5b 4 0 0 1 0 l>. Groome, 2b. :i 1 (I n i i Kendall, c.f. ..401 (too Futrell, c 4 1 2 14 n 1 Davis, s.s .... 4 1 2 1 l u G. Groome, ;>b. :> l 2 ID 0 0 Garner, r.f. ..4221 (10 Hodgin, l.f. . . (I 1 o it u Mnrchison, p.. :> o 1 > ;[ i Totals :\2 (Ml 27 8 :i Vermont. AB. R. 11. >. A. 10. Maiden, s.s ... 2 II 0 i\ o Ridlon, 2b. ... 5 0 0 4 2 0 (Continued on fourth page.)