THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME I. Stunt Social The annual Stunt Social was held on Saturday evening. May 1, under (lie auspices of the rinis tian Associations. At .">:;>() sup per was served to the entire stu dent body on the campus. Then llie stunts began. The first was a satire on the first year Biology class. The participants were the members of that class and tliev succeeded in presenting it in a very characteristic and at the same time laughable manner. The main feature of the class was a lecture given by Harrell Budd, im itative of Prof. Geiser, whose sub ject was "A Survey of the Field of Biology." The next was a burlesque on col lection held by the governess. This consisted of heart to heart talks, bits of advice, and the ad dition of a few more rules for the girls to obey. Georgianna Bird played the part of .Miss Louise. A "Baby Show" followed. We easily recognized that the tiny ( ?) infants were some we had seen at times figuring on the athletic field and in the gymnasium. They look ed very innocent and passive with their bits of candy. The prize of fered for the best developed and prettiest baby was awarded to lit tie Tommy Zachary. This was followed by a chemis try class conducted by Densmore Wood. It is not too much to say that we learned several new things about chemistrv. The last blunt was a .solo given by the famous Italian soprano, Madame Tetrazini. The audience was much impressed with the mas culinity of her voice. A social hour on (he campus fol lowed the stunts. This was espe cially enjoyable since we so sel dom are allowed the privilege of being out in the open at night. The Guilford College Commun ity Club had an interesting meet ing 011 last Thursday evening to which the college students were invited. Mr. Mcliane, head of the Pig Club in North Carolina, gave an illustrated lecture 011 his branch of work, and Dr. Alexan der, president of Farmers' I* 11 ions in this State, explained the value of organizations in general and urged the importance of farmers' unions Miss Dorothy Foltz, of Winston- Salem, was tlie week end guest of Harriet Holton. GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., MAY 5, 1915. GUILFORD SPLITS EVEN Second Team Activities—Tennis With Elon—Quakers Closed Season Saturday. Guilford closed her season Sat uvday and split even in the college games played, winning seven and losing seven. On Tuesday after- noon she met the strong Universi ty of Sonth Carolina leain and won - to o in a pretty pitchers' duel between Murchison and Adams, in which Murchison gain ed the advantage, Both teams fielded well and a line exhibition was given. Davis, the first man up, reached lirsl on an error, and scored on Short's fhree-base hit. Groome followed him with anoth er hit for three cushions, scoring Short. These were the only runs made during the game. After this Adams settled down and yielded only two more hits. Only three hits were made off Murchison (lur ing the whole game, and fifteen men were struck out. The next afternoon Wofford was defeated in ;i slugging match ir> to 5. Guilford hit almost at will and failed to score in only two innings. The;, weie never in danger, and stole live buses. The Wofford hoys also made many er rors. Short was hit fairly hard, but was able to keep the hits scat tered. Wiggins, of Wofford, gain ed four safeties out of five trips to the plate. T. Short gained a homer, two three-base hits and a single, while Davis garnered two for three bases, and Fu troll one. Wofford gained twelve safeties, but were held on the bases. The last two games were played away from home, at I*. of X. C. Friday and Wake Forest Satur day. Carolina won in the eighth inning when six runs were made before they could stopped. Fn lii ibis it looked as if Guilford had Hie game for Murchison was going well, and we had the Caro lina boys two to one. but Wood all's homer tied the score and then they started a batting rally, which iu connection with a walk and an error netted live runs. Williams yielded only seven hits while Murchison held them to eight safeties, five of which were garnered in the eighth. The last game was played with Wake Forest Saturday in a slow and uninteresting match in which our team put up about the worst exhibition that they have yet staged. Numerous errors were made, and these coupled with sev eral hard safe hits caused the de feat. Short was unable to stem the tide, and Murchison who had pitched the day before likewise waR unable to slop the onslaught. The scores and batteries are giv en below: ]{. 11. 10. (i nil ford . . 20000000x—2 4 2 r. of s. \ . 000 000 ooo—o :{ 5 Batteries: Muirliison and Fll - Adams and Barksdale. If. 11. 10. Guilford . L'oO 101 >2x—l3 17 2 Wofford. . 200 020 100— r 12 7 Batteries: W. Short and Fu trell; lOadlv and Branson. Guilford . . 000 001 100—2 7 5 It. of N. O. . 010 000 00*—7 8 4 Batteries: Murehiso*' and Fu trell; Williams and Woodall. K. H. E. Guilford . 000 300 000—3 4 5 W. Forest (100 244 (Mix—lo 7 0 Batteries: W. Short, Murchison and Futrell; Moore, 1011 is and 1 *lllledge, Davis. A summary of games with the hatting averages and statistics of the different phases of the game will appear next week. SeccJnd Team Wins and Lose. The Guilford Seconds played Suimnerfield High School on I lie hitter's "rounds hist Wednesday and were defeated by the close score of !> to 8. The Guilford boys outliit the high school team but errors and hits at critical times were responsible for the first de feat of the second team. The fea tures of the game were the heavy hitting of Miller for Guilford and Bond for Suimnerfield. Keddick at first played a splendid game. The score is as follows: Guilford Seconds li. U.K. 2110 101 202—8 15 ;; Suimnerfield High 204 001 02x—!) 12 '2 Batteries: (iuilford, Thayer and Carroll; Sumniertield, Jiond and Wilson. In their sixth game of the sea son the (iuilford Seconds easily defeated Hurlinglou 11 ili School here last Friday by the score of S to 2. Zachary, who worked for (iuilford, pitched a good game and should have registered a shut out hut for the errors of his team. He struck out 14 men and allowed (Continued on Page Two.) Prof. White Leads the Y. M. C. A. I'rot'. ic()]' \Y. White talked to the young men ;it the V. M. A. last Thursday night. He read the Scripture \yhich relates tlx storv of the talents. With tliis as a background and with tin thought—"Wist ye not that I must he about niv father's husi ness" as a central idea, he pro reeded to speak about the greatest business of life ing. He said that Christianity is a great business corporation with God as the head of the business and Christ the first partner, the Holy Spirit second partnei I Ml. 10 The speaker used business terms throughout his talk and timely business illustrations. lie said that we might be either active or dormant partners in this business He drove his points home by quo ling each time a well chosen por- tion of Scripture. He said that fidelity was one of the true part ners in this business and in this connection lie told the little story of the hoy who had been refused a position in a bank by the presi dent and who was called back to a position in this same bank be cjiuse he ha.d been observed by the president hi pick up a pin. This boy afterwards became Lord of the Exchequer of England. lie then spoke of the induce ment!!? for one to become a part ner in this business. He mention ed the savins bank department of the business in which one may lay up treasui" in Heaven and de clared that there would be a good balance to one's credit provided one lives ;is he should. Then too he mentioned the checking depart ment, upon which one can draw checks through prayer for Christ lias said "Ask and ii shall he giv en." I lie speaker treated liis subject in :i rather new wav and handled il well .Mr. and .Mrs. Meadows, Mrs. Slale. and Charles and Nellie Car roll. of Mi/pah. visited ICd. Carroll Sunday Misses Sal lie I)oul> and Effie Smothers from (i. \V. C., visited lOtliel Spea.s last Sunday. NUMBER 25 -that of right liv