VOLUME 111 BICKETT COMING TO GUILFORD Page ExpectHl on the 30tli—Wilson- Rickett Club Organized. Political enthusiasm has been in creasing at Guilford for several weeks until now the spirit runs high. On the afternoon of the 9th a general meeting of all Democrats was called for the purpose of organizing a Wil son-Bicke'tt Cluib. The following officers were elect ed: I. T. Valentine, of Spring Hope, president; J. G. Recifllck, of Trinity, vice-president; Grace Taylor, of Dan bury, secretary; J. P. Garner, of Asheboro, treasurer. The club expects to make a study of the Democratic party and its is sues. Badges and literature have been secured and will be distributed among the members. The club considers itself quite for tunate in securing the Hon. T. W. Bicketit to address the student body on next Saturday morning, the 21st. "The Triangle Life" Prof. George Gives Scholarly Talk to Young Men. The Y. M. C. A. was fortunate in having Prof. George to lead the Thursday evening meeting. He took for his topic "The Triangle Life." In •the beginning he pointed out the fact that the triangle, which symbolizes spirit, mind and body, was very sig nificant of a person's life. "Just as the circle is an emblem of eternity so is the triangle an emblem of life." The leader said that the Brahmins tried to deny the reality of physical life but "the physical world is a part of God's world so do not neglect the physical world. To live a Christ life is to live a life of spirit, mind and body for the philosophy of the trian gle is the philosophy by which we are to guage our lives. Any one neglect ing it will not be symmetrically de veloped." In closing, the leader said that Christianity did not cramp any one. If spirit, mind and body are develop ed in their proper proportions com plete fullness of life would result. But the physical or bodily side is not complete within itself because it must have the mind for its ally. He said that unless a person had a strong, well developed mind he was a weakling not only in the sight of his fellow man but to the world at large. Without this important fac tor he could not grasp new thoughts or explore unknown fields. In order to have a true triangle it is essential to add the third side, which is the spirit. This last part has its place in the life of every one just as much as the other two. (Flip (Siiilftirimm GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C, OCTOBER 18, 1916. Y. W. C. A. PICNICERS VISIT BATTLE GROUND GIRLS REVEL IN SONGS, "MOT DOGS," AUTUMN GLORIES AND PERSIMMON PUDDING. To say that last Saturday was an ideal day for a Y. W. C. A. picnic, is merely suggestive of how much hazy purple mists, veiling far away hills from autumn sunshine and red, brown and yellow leaves can add to such an outing. Never did a happier crowd of girls fill five two-horse wagons, that is, fill the wagons after they had been filled with quilts, pillows and good things to eat. Everybody had the best wagon. If the horses were not the most desirable, the driver was the best, or the wagon was the most comfortable or the crowd the most congenial. The Battle Ground was reached too soon for the muse was along; conse quently there were many clever songs and yells which kept up a friendly rivalry between the wagons. As soon as the wagons reached the gateway the girls began to pile out and divide into smaller groups. Of course the monuments wore most in teresting to 'the new girls, but those who had been there before were at tracted farther on where, surrounded by a riot of autumn colors, Lake Wil fong threw her clear reflections. After much walking, talking, and kodaking, the girls finally turned to wards the spring. There they found that Mr. Wakefield had arrived on the scene of action with several bas kets of grapes. Amid a confusion of thanks the baskets were soon empty. In a large open space near the spring a real camp fire had been kin dled. Over this a large kettle of Miss Gainey's picnic coffee had begun to send forth its fragrant announce ment that it was nearly supper time. The hungry girls needed no further urging and soon a circle was formed around the fire. Miss Edwards took charge of the usual service. North Carolina songs were followed up by Guilford's pa triotic lays and then Miss Edwards, Bernice Pike and Mary Ina Sham burger told about three revolution ary heroines, Betsy Bowman, Theo d'osia Burr and Flora Mac Donald. These preliminaries only sharpen ed the appetites. It is rather unfair to tell about those pimento and ham sandwiches, "puppies" and biscuits, olives and pickles, and candy, cake, marshmallows, and persimmon pud ding, but pleasant recollections de mand it. "Puppies" and marshmal lows easily found their places on the ends of long, sharp sticks before a hot bed of coals. These with a pic nic flavor of ashes and cups of scald ing hot coffee finally satisfied the famished spirits. With a last, long glance towards the dying camp fire the girls clamber ed into the wagons just as sunset flamed in the sky. The homeward OMA GRAY Chairman of Y. W. C. A. Social Com mittee. ride was well worth any ordinary pic nic for the joyful spirits again over flowed in all sorts of songs. The wagons came slowly past Me morial and all too soon reached Pounders, where they reluctantly un loaded a crowd of happy, hoarse girls whose next thought was the prosaic idea of a concert. HARD PRACTICE. FOR THE SPENCER GAME. Since the Guilford-Wake Forest game, the local squad has been un dergoing some strenuous practice to straighten out the kinks in its ma chine. As was manifested in this game, the local men lacked the art of tackling. During the past week tackling practice has been given and it is evident that the team has been strengthened very much by the ef fort. Some changes have been made in the line and several new plays are being tried out. In the game with Wake Forest, Garner, our center, suffered a wound ed knee, but he is again able to be on the field, and go thru the regular routine of play. Newlin has been out of the game this week, but it looks as tho he will soon be able to take again his stand in the ranks. The other memtbers of the team are in good shape and are confident of winning the game Saturday, October 21st, with the Spencer Atliletic Club. This club always puts out good teams and will give the local corps a hard battle. Prof. Woosley has been recently making arldreses at various township Sunday School conventions. On Oc tober Bth he spoke at Bethlehem Church and on the 15lth at the James town township convention. He Is scheduled to address two meetings next Sunday, the 22nd. REPUBLICANS HOLD CONVENTION The Republican boys and girls of the college held a meeting in Memo rial Hall on October 11th. The meeting was called to order by R. L. Newlin, of Alamance county, tem porary chairman. He explained the purpose of the meeting which then proceeded to election of officers. The following were elected: Carroll, of Stokes, chairman; Hinshaw, of Ran dolph, vice-chairman; Addie Morris, of Forsyth, secretary; Rhesa Newlin, of Alamance, and Maude Lassier, of Randolph, marshals. After the pres ident had been installed he gave a very interesting talk. He then ap pointed a campaign committee com posed of Grissom, chairman, Stanley and Sutton. This committee has al ready secured several good speakers. The canvassing commiittee found that there are eighty Republicans in college, fifty boys and thirty girls. The speakers, which have been se cured by both Democratic and Re publican clubs, will give the students some useful information regarding the policies of the two great parties. The Consecration of Time Miss Spews Talks to V. W. C. A. Members. This week the Y. W. C. A. meeting was led by Ethel Speas. She chose as her subject "The Consecration of Time." The Scripture lesson was taken from the third chapter of Ecclesiastes. The leader opened the meeting by saying that there is a time for every thing; and that we have more time than anything else! She then told how we go thru the whole week. Be ginning with Blue Monday and put ting off on the following days our hardest work until the last minute, we find ourselves by the middle of the week in a complete muddle. "We forget," continued the speak er, "that we have time "to take exer cise, we forget that we have time to come to prayer meeting. If we /should look matters squarely in the face we find that we waste a good deal more time than we think we can possibly spare. Our aim should be to adjust ourselves to circum stances and we shall find the hardest task becomes a great deal easier. After the leader's talk she asked each member of the Association to express a few personal sentiments and some good responses were made. "THANKSGIVING'S COMING." When de angels come and paint de leaves Wid brown and red and gold, When de sky is sofit and still And de air is teched wid cold, When de corn am in de corn bin and de fodder in de lof; Den be breezes gin to whisper Thanksgivin' ain't fur off. T. M. 'lB. NUMBER 5