VOLUME 111 HON. T, W. BICKETT ADDRESSES STUDENTS The Democratic Candidate for Gover nor is Given an Enthusiastic lie ception—Eloquent and Ap propriate Address. Wilson and Bickett, That's the ticket, Republicans can't lick it. Everybody'll pick it. These words, vociferously yelled by the masculine division of the Demo cratic club of Guilford College, greet ed Thomas W. Bickett, Democratic candidate for Governor of North Car olina, as he rose to address an en thusiastic meeting in Memorial Hall last Saturday morning. Mingled with these sounds could be heard the soft er and more melodious voices of the fairer but voteless Democratic sing ing: If we could vote like you boys can I'll tell you what we'd do, We'd vote for Woodrow Wilson And we'd vote for Bickett two. Too, Too, Too. The audience which heard Bickett contained nearly every student in col lege regardless of party affiliations. I. T. Valentine, president of the Dem ocratic Club, opened the meeting With a few remarks and introduced Mr. Hines, the county chairman. Mr. Ilines told some interesting facts about the Democratic candidate and ended by introducing Bickett him self. Bickett immediately more than justified his great reputation as an orator. His address was more elo quent and more appealing than even the most loyal Democrats had antici pated. There was something so un usual in his manner and delivery and in the clearness and force of every sentence that his listeners were held spellbound. Applause was frequent and spontaneous. He secured the attention of life audience at once by his beautiful tribute to youth. The address was not on the issues of any particular party, for, as he said: "The issues of today rise in finitely above questions of Democracy and Republicanism and are emerged in the greater questions of American ism." He then spoke briefly of the scourging criticisms hurled at the present administration by those sup porting the opposite party. But, said he, the United States is the only first class power on earth that is not at war. Why are our boys spared to us while in other lands a million boys just as strong, just as dear, lie dead on the field of battle? Why are we living in peace and prosperity while the people of other nations are being ground in the mills of disease, starva tion and death? It is because a di vine sense of justice rules at Wash ington. In this critical time the Ruler of the World called to the pres idency that man who thot that com- (Continued on page two) (ImlfnriitcUt GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C, OCTOBER 25, 1916. JMkdmF IBj GRACE TAYLOR Secretary to the Wilson-Bickett Club WEEK END FESTIVITIES AT NEW GARDEN Miss Louise Absent—Courtship. Pub lic and Private. Preparedness was not the watch word of the social Saturday night. It came as a surprise to many of the students, but even if they did not find it out until after supper about all who were on the campus attended. Promptly at 7:45 the boys and girls arrived at New Garden. Soon after entering many couples could be sesn seeking "cozy" corners, while the less fortunate ones sought the dining room Where Prof. Woosley was attempting to get games started to amuse the "beau-less" girls and the "girl-less" beaux. Perhaps this was not altogether a fruitless task, because it was not long until we no ticed that in the fruit basket some of the watermelons and "punkins" almost crushed the blackberries and peaches. On our way from Jerusa lem we found out where we were, who we were with and what we were doing. Then several witnessed a demonstration of the most popular amusement in the hall—public court ship—after which all turned their at tention to the game "Poor Kitty," the said kitty snugly resting in Prof. Brinton's arms. After taking a lesson in wink, Prof. Woosley, in the roles of Miss Louise, informed the girls and boys that it was time to go, and, Lo! as the girls and boys were seen to depart Some we once thought had no heart Were the first to be struck by Cupid's dart. Rev. Lewis McParland preached an excellent sermon here Sunday morning on the true nature of a "re vival"—not a series of meetings nor a protracted service but the real re viving and strengthening of spiritual life. Mr. McFarland will be with us in these meetings thruout the ensu ing week. It is is hoped and believed that great good may be the result from his stay among us. BYNUM COMING TO GUILFORD The Hughes-Linney-Grissom Club held a meeting on Wednesday, the ISth. Tlie purpose of the meeting was to decide whether or not to chal lenge the Wilson-Bickett Club for a public debate on the political issues of the day. The club unanimously decided to challenge the Democratic club and the chairman appointed Messrs. White, Sutton and Stanley to act in conjunction with him in ap pointing speakers for the occasion. On Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock Judge Bynum, of Greensboro, will address the club. All students and poople of the community are invited to attend regardless of party. V. >l. C. A. MAKES AN APPEAL. It has been previously stated through these columns that it was found necessary to remodel and en large our Y. M. C. A. room. The hall has been enlarged by the addi tion of the room to the north, and the entire room has been replastered. The wood work is being repainted. Since the society halls, which occupy the second floor of the building, are to be heated by a hot air system the Association room will be heated from the same source, and this means that the Y. M. C. A. must pay for one third of this expense. Also our seats are in very bad condition, and we must buy new seats if possible. In fact we have a seating capacity of only fifty, and it is obviously neces sary that we must increase this to at least one hundred in order to ac commodate our present student body. These changes and improvements ne cessitate the expenditure of three hundred and fifty dollars. The Y. M. C. A. building has been almost entirely renovated on the in side. The improvements which are being made are permanent, and will not have to be duplicated in a few years. Many personal letters have been sent out but only three contributions have been received to date. Prof. John Steele Downing, who for four years was at the head of the Chemis try Department, was the first to re spond. His donation was ten dollars. J. Gurney Briggs, of the class of 1911, was the second, while Royal J. Davis, who was at one time the head of the English department and is now one of the editors of the New York Evening Post, was the third. You see that these two old professors are still loyal to Guilford, and to the Young Men's Christian Association. We hope that many more of the Alumni and old students of Guilford will seize the opportunity to prove themselves loyal Guilfordians and come forward with a contribution. Eugene Marler, class of 'l3, was on the campus Friday. John Bain, of Greensboro, visited Mr. Lawrence Grissom Sunday. GUILFORD WINS FROM SPENCER On Saturday the Crimson and Gray overwhelmingly defeated on Hobbs' field the Spencer Athletic Club grid ironers by the score of 48 to 0. Prom the first kick off till the final whistle blew the vistors were outclassed in every department of the game, both offensive and defensive. In fact the Railroaders were able to make first down but once during the entire game. The Crimson and Gray showed clearly the effects of the vigorous training since the Wake Forest game. The team work was excellent and the score indicates the fact that Coach Doak has developed a scoring ma chine of no mean caliber. The inter ference was much better than two weeks ago and the whole team show ed an excellent combination of gist and judgment which augurs well for the game with Wofford next Saturday in Spartanburg. Special mention should be made of the defensive work of Captain Jones, while his work on the receiv ing end of Seman's "forwards" net ted Guilford several substantial gains. In the offensive Jonas and Newlin did some spectacular line plunging while Armstrong negotiated several valuable end runs. Guilford's outstanding weakness was goal kicking—she missed all eight chances for almost as many rea sons. The first quarter began with Jones kicking off for the local eleven. The Spencer club failed to gain and the ball went over to the Crimson and Gray boys. By successive line plunges by Jonas, Newlin and Semans, Guil ford obtained her first touchdown. Armstrong failed to secure the addi tional point. The bail again in play, Guilford carried the "pigskin" to within ten yards of another touch down, only to lose it on a fumble. The quarter ended with ball in Guil ford's possession on Spencer's forty yard line. The second period started off with a rush by the local eleven, with i series of line plunges by Armstrong, Newlin and Semans, aided by a ten yard penalty, which resulted in the second touchdown of the afternoon. After the kick-off the Railroaders failed to make first dwon, punted and Guilford started a march to a touch down aided by a forward pass Se mans to Stafford, and by Armstrong. The half ended with the ball on Spen cer's forty-yard line. In the second half four second string men appeared in the Guilford lineup, yet there was no let up in Guilford's scoring. With Guilford receiving, Port caught the ball on his forty-yard line, and from this point the Crimson and Gray carried the pigskin up the field with good gains by runs and plunges through the vis itors' line, by Jones, Jonas, Hollowell and Reddick. After only two min utes of play Hollowell carried the (Continued on page four) NUMBER 6