LETTERS TO GUILFORDIAN. (Nothing under this head is neces sarily endorsed by the Board or any member.) The harassed and long-suffering editor of the Guilfordian informed me the other day .that he wished me to write something for that paper ard added 'with unconscious irony, "I II finish anything you write, no matter what it is!" Who could re sist such a temptation? Perhaps I might censure his .paper, criticize his methods, I may indeed do so, I have him at my mercy. To every tired, overworked,-old Guilford student be ye preacher or teacher or hobo or farmer, I would issue a connmand to come for a glimpse of Guilford campus at this spring time. It will make you for iet your every grievance and the years will be lifted from your shoulders as would a great burden. And iii you can't come in person, then close your eyes and see the mir acle of spring; see the trees bursting into new life, and watch the leaves unfold as if by magic, hear the birds fairly rampant and running over with life and song; see the little squirrel as, totally unafraid, he sur veys you and passes sentence upon you from a nearby tree; see the long shadows as they fall across the tender new grass in the early morning and long afternoon; and in the early twi light feel again the rest and quiet and peace that falls like a benedic tion over the campus. You are glad you have your memories of the old place and its associates. For those of us outside who read the Guilfordian, I fear there is little news that will make us feel and ap preciate the life here (forgive me, Mr. Editor). However it really changes but little and those changes are things that we ourselves would have wished for. Does one lumber to the station for the early morning train in the old hack, or with "Cassioplia?" One does not. A car carries passengers to the station, or, better still, to the -city it self any time during the day. Does the young man pay his good coins for the exquisite pleasure of escorting the young lady of his choice to the right door at Memosial Hall while he turns to the left? He does not. Instead of finding a seat on the other side of the house as nearly opposite her as possible, he boldly escorts her down the aisle and takes a seat beside her. Does one deliberately sneak out of one's room knowing one will hear, "Get back to thy room. I have giv en thee a cut?" One does not. It seems that one has developed a pecu liar sixth sense known as honor that prevents one from going out, even tho Miss Louise isn't there! It is in deed a peculiar moral development, but it seems to be acutely active, and to be acquired in an incredibly short time! Do the students sit in prep parlor? They do not. Prep parlor with a partition in it forms class rooms and that same newly developed moral sense referred to above, causes peo ple to sit quietly in their own room and study when not on duty. Many things have been added; walks and shrubbery and trees, but the old customs and things we loved are still unchanged. The societies still maintain a friendly rivalry and steadfast loyalty. The Thursday THE GUILFORDIAN evening prayer meeting still brings comfort and peace during a week of hard work. The Founders bell still taps three times to warn you that that is the last and people still slip biscuits out of the dining room for future use. In other words, Guilford is Guilford and there is no other spot on earth that can take its place in the hearts of hundreds of people to whom she is Our Alma Mater. MISS RAIFORD LEADS Y. YV. C. A. On last Thursday evening a very pleasant meeting of the Y. W. C. A. was held on the steps of New Garden Hall, where the 'Cool air helped to make the gathering more enjoyable. Ellen Raiford proved to be an inspir ing leader, giving the girls much good material for thought. The topic, Co-operation, was well de veloped. All great movements must be co-operative if successful results are to be guaranteed. In every thing which we undertake these words, agitate, educate, co-operate, may be applied. The 'habit of co-operation cannot be acquired too soon. Try ,to overcome the habit of speaking hasty and angry words, and the tendency to pull away if things do not go just as we would have them. There is chance for a change if everything is not just right. When the spirit of oc-operation is in evidence much good can be accomplished in little time. Get into the habit of co-oper ating that we may each bear her part and make her link strong. In our college life when we have many organizations outside of regu lar class roam work, there is a splen did chance for co-operation. If we each go in with a vim and do our part regardless of whether we are of ficers or not, what successful organi zations we could have! Some one must .be the leader but the support of the student body is vitaly neces sary. Probably each organization might run without co-'operation on the part of every one, but 'why be so selfish as to let petty feelings and prejudices play an important part when there are so .many other things of more importance. The welfare and success of the group should be at heart. Our college days are days of preparedness, days in which to de velop the spirit of 2co-o,peration, days in which to develop a sweeter spirit toward one another that our talents, few or little may count. If you and I, just you and I, Should help Instead of hinder, If we should grow, just you and I Kinder and sweeter-hearted, Perhaps in some near by and by, A good time might be started, Then what a happy world 'twould be For you and me, for you and me. This coming week end the North Carolina Y. W. C. A. Presidents' Council will meet here. Special meetings will be arranged. About twelve girls, as delegates, and the field secretaries, Miss Margaret Flen niken and Miss Willie Young, will be present. QUAKERS CHECKED BY CANCELLATIONS (Continued from first page) prowess. This is particularly disap pointing since Guilford undoubtedly has the strongest team which has worn her colors in a number of years. "Get it at Odell's" Quality First BASEBALL, BASKETBALL, TENNIS, TRACK AND GYM SUPPLIES SWEATRS, JERSEYS AND ATHLETIC CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. ODELL HARDWARE COMPANY Greensboro, N. C. Athletic Association, College Representative. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. Over $48,000,000 insurance in force. Over $7,000,000 assets. Over $1,100,000 surplus to Policyholders. Why not join the 17,000 North Carolinians who carry over $26,000,- 000 insurance in the Jefferson and keep Southern money at home. In event of total disability policy becomes paid up. Write to or phone W. S. JONES. General Agent, Greensboro, N. C. Phone 1850. THE COLLEGE STUDENTS Are Always Welcome With Us. Our Line of DRUGS, CANDIES, TOILET ARTICLES AND SODAS Are Complete. CONYERS DRUG STORE RALPH J. SYKES, Mgr. 350 So. Elm St. Near Depot PUBLIC SERVICE SHOE FIXERY All of the Best Makes Sample Shoes for men and Boys. Also Repairing. 350 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. GREENSBORO'S BEST STORE J. W. Scott & Company Greensboro, N. C. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Goods sold to merchants only. Moore & Sheltoa Guilford College, N. C. Agents for DICK'S LAUNDRY Greensboro, N. C. ARCADE BARBER SHOP BENBOW ARCADE. Expert Barbers, best service in the city. Guilford College students are heartily welcomed and treated right. J. W. CRABTREE, Manager. Jos. J. Stone & Company PRINTERS & BINDERS, Steel Die and Copper Plate Printing. Greensboro, N. C. THOMAS HOWARD CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS GREENSBORO, N. C. A. H. JOHNSON DENTIST over Greensboro National Bank. Phone No. 710. We Do Genuine FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND DYEING as well as laundry work. We clean and reblock Hats. COLUMBIA LAUNDRY CO 112, 114, 116 Fayetteville St. Greensboro. N. C. W. P. REAVES M. D. C. K. REAVES, M. I) REAVES' EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT INFIRMARY Grenesboro. North Carolina. W. I. ANDERSON & CO. Inc. North Carolina's Largest Dealers in Fruits and Produce. Wholesale Only. Greensboro, N. C. Coble & Mcbane We give Special Attention to College Footwear. U stand in them, We stand behind them 220 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. Fordham-Brown Shoe Co 118 West Market Street. Buy your Shoes where students get a Special Discount and have a Full Line to Select From. WE MAKE ONLY THE BETTER GRADE PHOTOGRAPHS You are invited to come see us, the eustler studio Greensboro, N. C. 3