GUILFORD vs. UNIVERSITY OF S.C., THURSDAY, CONE PARR THE GUILFORDIAN V OLUME V. TEAM MAKES SOUTHERN TRIP Some Closely Contested Games Fea ture Annual Visit to Pal metto State. In spite of the fact that only one game was won out of the four played on the southern trip last week the college has much reason to be satis lied with the record of the team. All the games were closely contested and the first and last games were lost by errors such as only a green team which has not yet found itself would likely to make. The last game, that with Furman showed much improve ment over previous efforts. Manager Smithdeal had some hard luck with his carefully arranged schedule, as Belmont cancelled at the last minute and it was too late to secure another opponent. This unfortunate action on the part of Belmont leaves a financial deficit which must be made up during the remainder of the sea son by increased support of the team by the college and its friends. The first game of the trip with the University of South Carolina at Co lumbia was an interesting game throughout and resulted in a victory for U. S. C. by a score of 5-2. Lind ley, in the box for Guilford, showed goou iorm and kepr me hits scat tered. Guilford secured 8 hits, but had difficulty in getting the men around. The feature of the game was a home run by Carroll in the seventh with Johnson on base. The summary: W. S. C. A. B. R. H. P.O. A. E. Langston, If. . . 5 1 2 2 0 0 Evans, ss 4 0 2 2 4 0 Porter, c 4 2 1 8 2 0 Skinner, p 4 0 2 0 4 0 Sims, 2b 4 0 2 3 0 1 Allen, rf 4 0 1 1 0 0 Smith, cf 4 0 0 2 1 0 Byrd, lb 4 2 0 9 0 0 Mirrow, 3b .... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 37 5 10 27 12 1 Guilford: A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. Barnard, rf. . . 4 0 1 1 0 0 Reddick, ss. . . 4 0 2 2 2 1 Edwards, cf. . . 4 0 1 1 2 0 Lindley, p 4 0 1 1 4 1 Johnson, If. ... 3 1 1 0 1 1 Carroll, c 3 1 1 9 1 0 Frazier, lb. ... 3 0 0 8 0 0 Fox, 2b 3 0 1 0 2 2 Stout, 3b 3 0 1 2 1 0 Totals 31 2 8 24 13 5 Two-base hits, Langston, Porter, Skinner, Sims; home run, Carroll; struck out by Lindley, 6; by Skin ner 9; base on balls, off Lindley, 1: ; off Skinner 1. Umpire, Brintin stein. In the second game with W. S. C. Guilford was able to secure only 4 (Continued on third page) GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. 0., MAY 7, 1919 Y. W. C. A. CABINET AT TRAINING COUNCIL The week-end, April 25-27, was one of great pleasure and inspiration to the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. It was spent at Greensboro College for Women at a state Y. W. C. A. Cab inet training council. Everyone who went came back feeling that she was better prepared to carry on her work next year. The meetings consisted of lec tures and discussion groups. Some of the themes for these were: "City Y. W. C. A. Work," by Mrs. F. C. Abbot, from Charllotte; "Child La bor," by Mrs. Swift, of Greensboro; discussions on Y. W. C. A. work in different colleges, led by secretaries and student delegates. There were some very pleasant social coming just at the time when one felt the most need of recreation. One of the most enjoyable of these was an au tomobile ride through the city Sat urday afternoon. The meetings were in charge of Misses Edna Griffin and Elsie Heller, two student secretaries of this field. Too much cannot be said of the splendid manner in which the G. C. W. girls entertained their visitors. Everyone co-operated beautifully [ and made each guest feel at home while there. The cabinet came away feeling that their time had been profitably spent and that they had gained a big inspiration for j their new work. t WEBS DEBATE INCOME TAX The Webs held their regular meet ing on Friday evening, May 2. The program proved to r>e a success in every way. The question under dis cussion was: "Resolved that an in come tax is a desirable part of a scheme of taxation." The affirma tive speakers, C. Robinson and J. Brown, were successful in arguing that no other plan of taxation would be as successful as the income tax, and that it puts the poor man on an, equal basis with the rich man. O. Stafford and P. Trotter ably de fended the negative by advancing the argument that the income tax is unfair to the high salaried man, and that it is unpopular and causes the government unlimited trouble. After the debate Mr. Willard's op tional added much Interest to the meeting. The society welcomed Prof. Ans combe as a visitor at the meeting, and was benefited by his instructive and encouraging remarks. Mr. David White gendered a good criticism, both destructive and constructive. FRESHMEN ORATORS COMPETE FOR PRIZE Miss Outlaiul Awarorett Prize in the Annual Event. The annual Freshman oratorical contest was held in Memorial Hall on Saturday evening of last week. There was quite a variety o£ subjects and much skill in the art of decla mation was displayed by the various contestants. Gladstone Hodgin, president of the class, presided, assisted by Josephine Mock, Nina Robertson, Isabel Pan coast, Frank McGee and Grady Mc- Bane as marshals. The program was as follows: PROGRAM. 1. Columbus Joaquin Miller Marianna White. 2. The King of Boyville, William Allen White. Margaret Edna Raiford. 3. Thekla, the Vlcror, Caroline A. Mason Ruth Outland. Piano Solo Miss Julia Ball 4. The Stars and Stripes in Flan ders, Seymour Tibbols Mary Ellen Griffin. 5. The Barrel Organ, Alfred Noyes Lillian Vogler. Piano Solo Miss Julia Ball The judges, Mrs. Raymond Bin ford, Mr. Edgar Williams and Mr. Richard Hobbs, awarded the prize to Ruth Outland. MRS. RINFORD ENTERTAINS THE SOPHOMORES Seldom has the Sophomore Class had as jovial an evening as was given by Mrs. Binford on last Wednesday evening. Even such a brilliant class as that of 19 21 found it difficult to prove equal to the ingenious games devised by the hostess. Edward Hol lady alone could recall the names of forty-five automobiles. No one could complete a long poem by inserting in blanks the names of certain parts of an automobile. Yet in outlining on cloth various beasts of the field, all proved the artistic gifts of the class to the unique. Similarly, all did justice to the refreshments. Quaint anecdotes, sparkling repartee, and witty conversation were heard constantly all through the evening. Fortunately, memory preserves the evening to the guests as a source of future pleasure. Troy Short, 'l6, who has for the past two years held a position in Petersburg, Va., is erecting a new residence near High Point, where he will make his home in the fu ture. JUNIORS ENJOY UNIQUE PICNIC A rather unique occasion was the Junior picnic held on Wednesday evening, April 30. Owing to the condition of the weather, an al fresco affair was out of the question, but nothing daunted the Juniors began to search dili gently for a suitable substitute. At last their searches were re warded when the litlte house behind the hedges was discovered. Naturally a camp fire is necessary for a camp supper and so as the Juniors entered the cottage they were greeted by a roaring log fire and also much smoke. But the gloom caused by the smoke was dispelled when puppies, mountains of sandwiches —pimento, tomato and raisin—pickles, deviled eggs, cake and iced tea came into view. In spite of the great variety and huge amount it was rather interest ing to note that everything disap peared. Miss Louisa's donation for the evening, a considerable amount of popcorn, was rapidly consumed, in spite of the aforementioned repast. Before anyone had realized that time was rapidly flying, Miss Louisa was heard to announce: "Come, Brats, it's time to go home." EIGHT WEEK CLUB TRAINING CLASS ORGANIZES. The Eight Week Club Training Class was organized Thursday even ing, May 1, under the splendid lead ership of Miss Nat.s, head of the Domestic Science Department. This training class, consisting of a few wide-awake girls, prepares them to lead clubs in their home communi ties. It was realized that there is nothing worth while which should not be passed on to friends at home, so the girls are going to put to prac tical use some of our knowledge, gained through these meetings. Some of the practical subjects to be discussed are: Home and Home Care, Wild Flowers, New Game, Do mestic Science, etc. The Social Ser vice Committee of the Y. W. C. A. urges that every girl, feeling an in terest in this kind of work, attend all the meetings of the Training Class, held in the Y. W. C. A. room at 4:15 o'clock each afternoon. Those present at the first meeting were: Misses Florence Cox, Eula Hacket, Thelma Cloud, Luna Taylor, Mabel Ward and Alma Chilton. NUMBER 26

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