THE (JUILFORDIAN VOLUME VII Y. M. C. A. RECEIVES SUPPORT OF STUDENTS Raiford Leads Prayer Meeting. Financial Campaign a a Success. The weekly meting of the Young- Men's Christian Association was held in the association room on the even ing of October 7th. Herman Raiford, as leader, made some helpful remarks on the subject of "Courage," He dwelt on the fact that men should have the courage to stand for their convictions regardless of persecutions which they might receive for it. Several fitting examples of how cour age has helped mankind were given. In this meeting a special campaign was launched to raise $200.00 with which to pay for the new chairs which have just been installed. Each section of Cox Hall was given a certain quota and the boys were promised that it would be announc ed in chapel the following morning, which sections had subscribed their full quotas. The result of the campaign was as follows; Sections quota. Ne\v South $50.00 Old South 37.50 Center 35.00 Old North 33.00 New North 50.00 Sections Amt. pledged New South $52.00 Old Souf.h 37.75 Center $36.50 Old North 35.00 New North 61.75 Total amount of pledges $234.00. Amount collected $103.00. The Day students for whom no quota was as signed pledged $ll.OO for a new speakers' stand. GIRLS' INDOOR BASE BALL Faculty Defeated by Varsity 19 to 16 in Spirited Game On Tuesday night the young wo men of Guilford College witnessed Guilford's first game of indoor base ball. The game was between a team composed of ladies of the College Faculty and the girls' varsity base ball team. The faculty, as Miss Crabb ex plained had only gone out for prac tice meaning to give a public demon stration of their skill at the bat at a later date. The girls, however, did not understand it and every base ball fan of the Y. M. C. A. (All the girls on the hill) filed out to witness the first practice game between the faculty and girls, and added to it her enthusiastical cheers. At the request of Miss Edna Rai ford, the Y. W. C. A. cherr leader, the new girls occupying the east balcony of the gymnasium gave their support to the faculty; while the old girls in the opposite balcony, gave their yells for the girls' team. The girls, both new and old entered into the spirit of the occasion with much enthusiasm. Seldom has the old gymnasium been shaken with more genuine enthusiasm. Notwith standing the score of 19 to 6, in favor of the varssity, the game was intensely interesting from start to (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) GUILFORD COLLEGE. N. C., OCTOBER 13, 1920 Guilford Eleven Overpowers Lynchburg GUILFORD SCORES. TWO TOUCHDOWNS IN FIRST HALF. Contest an Interesting One Throughout Guilford overpowered Lynchburg to the tune of 12 to 0 on Hobbs field Saturday afternoon, before an enthu siatic body of Faculty, students, and visitors. Hard fighting on the part of both teams featured the bat tle, but several spectacular plays added excitement and interest to the games. In the first four minutes of the game, Lynchburg carried the ball far into Guilford territory. Guilford however recovered the ball on downs and gradually worked the pig skin up the field. The first tally came as a result of two runs by M. White and G. Mcßane, through Lynchburg's line for long gains. Guilford began the second quarter with a punch and snap that Lynch burg was unable to withstand. On the first play Curtiss Newlin ad vanced the ball thirty-five yards by a forward pass. M. White made first down on an end run and Robinson in another successful forward carried the ball for the second touch down. Guilford failed to kick goal in both Lynchburg then stiffened her oppo sition, at times assuming an offensive that bid fair to be dangerous. Twice she forced the ball almost to Guil ford's goal line, in one case making first down on Guilford's three yard line. But in four successive attempts she failed to gain, her entire force breaking itself against Guilford's stone wall line. The whole line de serves special praise for its superb defensive work in all critical mo>- ments of the game. In the back field M. White and G. Mcßane proved the most powerful ground gainers at rushing the ball. PLATFORM EXPLAINED Democrats and Republicans Present National Issues On Friday night after the Litera ry's Societies' meetings the students and Faculty of Guilford heard the main issue of the two national plat forms given by representatives of the two parties. Professor Mark C. Mills presided at this meeting. Mr. Herman Raiford '2l, and Miss Noles, head of the Home Economics Depart ment represented the Democrats. Mr. J. C. Newlin, '22 and Mr. Gladstone Hodgin '22, represented the Repub licans. The main issues brought forth discussion were; the League of Na tions, and counter attacks on the records of the two parties of minor importance bear striking similarities to similar planks in the platform of the opposing party. After the four speakers had used up the ten minutes allotted to each speaker, a general discussion took place which lasted for twenty min utes. Next Friday night a discussion of the North Carolina Platforms and state candidates will take place. For Lynchburg Captain Arnold in the back field and her two ends show ed up best. The score by quarters follows: Guilford receiving. Lynchburg kicks to Guilfords ten yard line. Mcßane thrown for loss. Guilford kicks after two other at tempts. Lynchburg fails. Lynchburg through line for no gain. Lynchburg around end for twelve yards. First down. Three attempts through the line fail to net a gain. Forward pass incomplete. Ball goes to Guilford. M. White through line for ten yards. Mebane through line for two yards; M. White for no gain. Guilford kicks. Lynchburg ad vances ball to thirty yard line. Lynch burg around end for five yards, through line for loss. Lynchburg kicks outside. Guilfoi-d's ball on twenty yard line, Mcßane through line for five yards, Newlin around end five yards, White through line for eighteen yards. Mcßane around end for three yards. White through line for no gain. Mcßane around end for forty-six yards. First down White, no gain. White through 'ine for eight yards and touch down. Mcßane fails to kick goal. Lynchburg kicks to A. Newlin who advances ball to thirty-five yard line Mcßane through line for two yards. End of quarter. 2nd Quarter — Guilford's ball on thirty-seven yard line. A. Newlin passes to C. Newlin for thirty-four yards. First down. Through line no gain. Forward pass incomplete. M. White around end for twenty yai'ds. First down. Newlin (Continued on page 3) GUILFOIiI) TO BATTLE TRINITY Team in Good Condition. Guilford's third gridiron battle of the season will be staged Saturday, October 16th, when the Quaker eleven meets the Trinity aggregation on the latter's field. The Trinity squad has not been in action against any col lege team, thus far, and it is difficult to tell what to expect from them. It is not thought, however, that an easy victory will be won. Coach Doak is expecting a hard fight, and is putting the men through a thorough practice, giving special at tention to the weaker points, but with the showing made by the team in the defeat handed Lynchburg, he has little fear but that it will plow its way to another victory. Every member of the team emerg ed from the Lynchburg game in good condition, and with Cox back at guard the line will be almost impenetrable. The backfield is in good shape and is demonstrating both speed and driving ability. A little more of last Saturday's pep and Guilford will have an extra pigskin next Saturday night. "ARE YOU PLAYING THE GAME" Is the Topic for Y. W. "Leader?— Athletic cabinet. When?—4:ls Thursday P. M. Where?— Just wait and see. How?— Every girl is asked to meet on Founders Porch, clad in bloomers and middie. Bring- your sweater and the smile that wins the game." The above is a poster found in the girls' dormitories October 7. Sure enough, the girls wei'e right there as the poster directed, carrying coffee pots, kettles, pans and buckets from which came appetizing odors. The small army of eager girls moved forth to the meadow. Soon flames from two huge bonfires began chas ing each other skyward. Seated around the fires, the girls started the prayer meeting by sing ing "Day is Dying in the West." In her remarks Dovie Hayworth the President of the cabinet likened the game of Life to an athletic game. She laid special emphasis on the fact that every one can be an active player in this Great Game and that the success we have as a player de pends on whether we play the in dividual and selfish game or wheth er we play for the team, having as our motto, "Others." Edna Raiford made a few brief comments on "The Play Spirit." In •this she stated that the greatest factor in any game was the spirit. Her remarks may be summoned in •the words which she quoted from Cooke: "It's not the fact that you've licked that counts But how did you fight, and wh\ The closing talk was made by Miss Crabb. She pointed out that not every one can do the same thing well and that as we choose the sport to which we are best suited so we are to choose the life in which we can best serve. No player has done his best unless he has worked under a coach. Jesus Christ is the coach. Ai-e you obeying the command, "Play up, Play up, and play the game with Him as your coach?" In closing the girls united by singing "Jesus Calls Us" and by repeating the Lord's Prayer. And then came the refreshments and all that a meadow offers to a crowd on a picnic. Sandwiches came and went. Coffee disappeared in a hurry and the biscuits vanished before they had scarcely shown them selves. "Weenies" hung from the ends of "weenie" sticks and roasted over beds of hot coals. As all things have to end, picnics do too and as the "picknickers trooped toward the college the the strains of "A Perfect Day" rose as an expression of the evening pleas ures. MRS. SHARPE ASSAILS LEAGUE OF NATIONS Republican Candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction Makes forceful Address. The students of Guilford College were entertained Saturday evening (Continued on page 3) No. 4

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