2 Tbl)e 2>utlfordian GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY EDITORIAL BOARD Algie I. Newlin Editor-in-Chief Gladstone Hodgin Business Mgr. Edna Raiford Secretary Mark Balderston....Faculty Advisor Mark C. Mills Faculty Advisor L. L. White Alumni Editor Associate Editors Eurie Teague Robert C. Bulla Dovie Hayworth Grady Mcßane Ruth Outland Rawleigh Tremain Marianna White Clara Fallow Lindley Tremain Address all Communications to > , THE GUILFORDIAN Guilford' College, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR Entered at the postoffice in Guil ford College, N. C., as second-class mail matter. N. B.—Those desiring additional copies of the paper may secure them for the sum of 10 cents per copy EDITORIAL Editors this issue, Grady Mcßane and Ruth Outland. A better college does not hang on any one rule or phase but on a better college spirit. This can be obtained by one fellow always doing the right thing in the right place. It takes all the fellows working as one. Through cooperation only can the right spirit prevail upon the campus. Coopera tion is the keynote to the success of all reforms. Only through cooperation were the Allies victorious in the world war. This method of working and living has caused such great results ihat surely it can be used to help the college. You, who have elected Guilford for yonr Alma Mater hold in your hearts an unspoken wish that it will be greater for your four years spent within its walls. Then, what are you doing to make it greater? Are you casting your vote for officers for the Athletic Cabinets, and the leaving ihem to do all the work without your backing? Are you placing in your Christian Association cabinets the most capable officers, and then, for getting the existence of the Y. M. C. \. and the Y. W. C. A? Are you a •lember of a Literary society because it is the proper thing to be and then failing to do your part of the society work? Are you the kind of fellow who, at a ball game, yells the loudest for Guilford, and then in your own oom can not find language to show ycur contempt for the college? If this description applies to you you are not helping to create a better college spirit and a better college depends upon the spirit and attitude of its students. Y. M. C. A. NOTES Thursday night, since through a misunderstanding there had been no leader appointed, the Y. M. C. A. meeting was turned over to volutir teers and two interesting and helpful talks were made. The i-rst of these talks was made by Professor Dann. His talk centered around the negligence of people in their relation to God. '"To know God it is necessary to have fellowship with God." Some people, the speaker went on to say, do not think of God's benefits enough and never discover that they can work with God. A man who raises produce from the soil, is prone lo look upon the produce as the result of his labor, forgetting the mportant fact that all hings come from God. This state of mind too oiten leads to self-satisfaction, and 'nstead of coming nearer, the person draws further from God. President Binford then expressed in a very clear and forceful way a few of the important factors which go to make up the true christian experi ence. "Christian experience is a definite Ining and people, in their present en vironment, are apt to overlook the essential factor. In order to obtain that peace, faith, and sublimity of the Christian life one must devote oneself to reverence and respect of the Divine One, and make up one's mind to bring his or her life into harmony with the good. By thus do :ng a conscientious beginning is made in Christianity." The speaker went on to say that there comes a time in the lives of all when a definite stand must be taken one way or the other. People are not born into the kingdom of God In a single act, nor do they mature into that Christian fellowship with God by a single act. It is by prayer, llat you achieve a personal friend ship with God, and in that way modi fy God and have God modified in you, and thus make your friendship as valuable to God as his is to vou. Fellows, did you ever stop to think that if you spent half as much time choosing your friends as you do your courses how much better off the ma jority of us would be? Did you ever give the Y. M. C. A. a serious thought? The boy who cares enough about his own salvation to go once a week to worship, shows at least a trait of character worthy of any one. A friend picked from such a group of boys, would be a friend. Why not turn out next Thursday night and look the thing over? You may he good, but don't you think a little improvement would help? Think it over and let's see what "our" Y. M. C. A. can do. MOVIES The college has been fortunate in securing three photoplays of the highest type which will be presented within the next few weeks at Memor ial Hall. They are all movies of un usually high order and should be Saturday night, February 12. This enjoyed by large audiences. "The Miracle Man" is to be shown is considered one of the very best productions ever screened. Maude Adams, a beautiful star, plays the part of heroine in the play. Be sure to come and see the wonders which the Miracle Man performs. On Saturday evening, February 26, Materlinck" story, "The Blue Bird" is coming to Guilford. This is a play which will appeal to all. Do not miss it. And on the night of March 12 Mary Miles Minter, a favorite movie star, can be seen at her best in "Sweeet Lavender." THE GUILFORDIAN J. M. HENDRIX & CO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Greenrboro, N. C. COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR LINE OF FINE SHOES FOR FALL AND WINTER. YOU'LL FIND NO BETTER LOOKING AND MORE DURABLE IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO It will always pay you to see Hendrix when in need of shoes I >;n Vanstory's MJMte Greensboro, North Carolina I. ISAACSON Home of Kuppenheimer & Strauss Clothing; Florsbeim and Crossett Shoes; the New Sure Fit Cap 308 S. Elm St. Phone 566 FOR AUTO SERVICE Day or Night See or Call LEE S. SMITH Guilford' College, N. C. GREENSBORO MUSIC CO. "Everything Musical" PIANOS, VICTROLAS, RECORDS SHEET MUSIC PHONE 438 W. I.ANDERSON 8c CO. NORTH CAROLINA'S LARGEST DEALERS IN FRUITS AND PRODUCE Wholesale only. Greensboro, N. C. S PAULDING'S SPORTING GOODS Are Standard the World Over You can get what you want from our large stock WILLS BOOK & STATIONERY CO. Greensboro. - - North Carolina THE BIJOU CAFE 202 South Elm St Open day and night Phone 2100 When in Greensboro visit us. We serve the best the market affords EVERYTHING SANITARY HUNGRY GIRLS AND BOYS Use B. & B. Kisses Rich in food value Manufactured by GATE CITY CANDY CO. REAVES'EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT INFIRMARY W P. REAVES. M. D C. R. REAVES. M. D. R. G REAVES M. D GREENSBORO. N. C. DR. J. S. BETTS DENTIST OVER GREENSBORO DRUG CO. BEST SODAS BLOCK S DELICIOUS CAND EASTMAN KODAK AND SUPPLIES FILMS PROMPTLY DEVELOPED MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY FARRIS-KLUTZ DRUG CO. GREENSBORO DRUG CO CORNER EIM AND WEST MARKET STREETS February 9, 1921 THE YOUNG MAN'S SHOP Fashion Park Clothes for Young Men who Care Latest Hats, Best Shoes Snappy Furnishings Donnell & Medearis, Inc. 35roa6wa£ Cafe STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS Opposite Post Office GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA J. W. SCOTT & CO. GREENSBORO, N. C. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Goods Sold to Merchants Only W. F. IIAYWORTH Jeweler "Snappy gifts for eery occasion" Competent Repairing 105 West Market St. Greensbora THE HENNESSEE CAFE C. C. Shoffner, Prop. THE HOME OF GOOD COOKING We have a rest room furnished ex clusively for ladies. You are always welcome to our Cafe J. C. OLIVE Wholesale and Retail MEAT, FISH AND OYSTERS COMMISSION MERCHANT Phone 713 Stall No. 1 Greensboro City Market Building IRVIN SHOE GO. 114 W. MARKET ST SHOES FOR COLLEGE GIRLS AND BOYS BERNAC THE POPULAR JEWELER Invites you to his store when in Greensboro. BEST STOCK OF WATCHES, JEW BEST STOCK OF WATCHES, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS FIRST CLASS REPAIR SHOP. MEDALS AND GLASS PINS MADE TO ORDER IN SHOP. GREENSBORO, N. C.