June 1, 1921 MUSIC DEPARTMENT GIVES EXCELLENT PROGRAM All Numbers Well Rendered The annual recital given by the voice and piano students took place in Memorial Hall, Wednesday even ing, May 18. The excellent rendition of the en tire program did credit to the in structors, Miss Byrd, Miss Wakeman and Mr. White. The vocal numbers by Misses Wat kins, Griffin, Williams and White and "Gondolieri" by the girls of the Vocal Department were especially enjoyed. The instrumental numbers deserving special mention were those rendered by Misses Lindley, Kerfees, Stone, Merriman and Osborne. The following program was given, 1. Piano Duet —March Slave — Tschaikowsky.—Katie Lambeth, and Virginia Osborne. 2. Songs (a) Fading Day—J. W. Metcalf. (b) Smile and Dry Yo Eyes. —J. W. Hall. —Vera Farlcw. 3. Pianc—Witches Dance —Mac- Do well—Ruth Reynolds. 4. Song (a) Wildwood Shrines. —J. W. Metcalf, (b) Little Rose of May —K. B. Claik,—Helen Johnson. 5. Piano —Au Matin—Gcdard. —Ha- zel Richardson. 6. Piano —Sonata in D. —Mozart — Myrtha White. 7. Piano Duet —A La Bein Aimee — Schutt.—Mabel and Helen Robinson. 8. Song—(a) Ah! Tis a Dream—C. B. Hawley, (b) Forget-Me-Not—H W T oodman, —Irma Kerfees. 9. Piano (a) Moment Musical — Shubert. (b) Will O'the Wisp—Schu bert—Katie Lambeth. 10. Song—(a) The Approach of Night—Worford. (b) The Naughty Lulier—M. L. Salter, (c) Gypsy Daisies —H. Woodman —Ethel Wat kins. 11. Piano —Love Dream —Liszt — Ruth Lindley. 12. Arias (a) 0 Rest in the Lord (from the oratorio Elijah)—Men dellshon. 1 (b) Thou that Tellest (from the oratorio "The Messiah ) Handel. Marjorie Williams. 13 Piano Duet—Soldiers March (from Foust) —Gounod —Florence Marrtin and Ruth Pearson. 14 Piano —To A Water Lily—Mac Dowell—Alta Rush. 15. Piano —Fifth Nocturne —Ada McCracken. 16 Piano —In the Hall of the Moun tain King (from Pier Gyntsuit)— Grieg—Floyd Merriman. 17. Song—The Lass with the Deli cate Hair— Arna.—Mary Hellen Grif fin. 18. Violin Solo—Russell Williams. 19. Piano —Spinning Song—Men delleshon —Virginia Osborne. 20 Restitive and Aria—Jewel Song (from the opera, Foust) —Gounod — Esther White. 21. Piano Valse Chromatique— Godard—lrma Kerfees. 22. Piano —Hark, Hark, the Lark— Schubert —Grace Stone. 23. Chorus —Gondolieri (from Veni ton Scenes) —Nevin—Girls of Vocal Department. —Vigourous opposition has devel oped to prevent Jacob Gould Schur man from being sent as minister to China, account of his pro-JaJpanese. speeches. —Gen. John J. Pershing will on July Ist becomes chief of the general staff and actual head of the United States army. On that date he will relieve Maj. Gen. Peyton C. March the prestnt chief of the staff. Gen Pershing will also remain head oi the general headquarters of wai staff, a post recently created for hin VOICE DEPARTMENT SCORES H SUCCESS | "The Rose iMaiden" Rendered \ •ub P9JOOS eotoA at{X other success on May 28, by render ir.g "The Rose Maiden." The soloists for the evening were Miss Beatrice Byrd, (Soprano), Kath arine Campbell Johnson, (contralto). J. Gurney Briggs (Tenor), William Clegg Monroe, (Baritone). The program from the beginning to end showed unusual ability of the aras.s. The personal magnetism | and sincerity, sympathy and feeling which was expressed throughout the numbers rendered by the soloists won the admiration of the audience. "Bloom On, My Roses" by Miss Byrd was typical of the grace and rythm in which she excels. Miss Johnson's voice was especially suited for the part which she rendered. Mr. Briggs and Mr. Monroe exercised perfect control over their vioces throughout the entire program. "The Sleep of Even" by Mr. Briggs held the audience spell bound. The trio "Hast Thou Wandered?" (Soprano, Contralto and Baritone) and "Tis Thy Wedding Morning" by the chorus, brought applause from the audience. The pianist, Miss Nellie Clapp, with her perfect technique and inter pretation added much to the excel lence of the program. The program was as follows; 1. Introduction (Instrumental) 2. Chorus —"Green Vale and Vine- Clad Mountain" 3. Recit. (Tenor) "And Through Earth's Bridal Chamber" Recit (Soprano) "Oh! Hear, Shore King of Beauty" Duet. (Soprano and Baritone) "The Rose of Love" Recit. (Baritone) "Lose, Then, The Peace Forever" Duet (Soprano and Baritone) "Soon as the Mountain Summit" 4. Recit. (Tenor) "So Spake the Spring." Solo (Soprano) "Bloom On, My Roses" 5. Chorus "Mid the Waving Rose- Trees." 6. Scena (Contralto) "Ask of yon Ruined Castle." "Yet Chime Thee So Sadly." Recit. (Tenor) "Alas! the Hand is Thine." Chorus "Oh! Earth-born Sorrow." 7. Trio (Soprano, Contralto and Baritone) "Hast Thou Wandered?" 8. Air (Tenor) "The Sleep of Even." 9. R:cit. (Baritone) "Hark! Be n ath Her Window." Duet (Soprano and Tenor) "I Know a Rosebud Shining." 10. Chorus "'Tis Thy Wedding Morning." 11. Solo (Baritone) "Where Gloomy > Pine-trees Rustle" 12. Recit. (Tenor) "For From the Summer's Blossom" 13. Chorus (male voices) "What Sounds There So Softly?" Chorus of Elves —"Farewell: Sleep Thou Lightly." 14. Finale (Solo, Tenor and chorus) I "Yea! E'en as Die the Roses." This final recital ended in a fit ting manner a very successful year 1- for music at Guilford. Much credit of the evening is due to the untir ° ing efforts of the vocal director, James Wesley White. n II —The national geographic board d has voted unanimously to retin the 11 name Mount Rainer for the peak in l, Washington state that has been so i. known for 130 years. A proposal >f to change that to Mount Lincoln hahs r been under consideration for some m. time. THE GUILFORD IAN THE COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WITH US !! OUR LINES OF DRUGS, CANDIES, TOILET ARTICLES AND SODAS ARE COMPLETE Ralph J. Sykes The All Night Drug Store Greensboro, N. C. ; 350 SOUTH ELM STREET NEAR DEPOT ,[. _ L , . , | - . . t T . "' i ■ ■■—"• We Train Our Agents A Multiple Line of Insurance and Training School for Agents make strong combination THE SOUTHERN LIFE.AND TRUST COMPANY "The Largest Service to the Largest Number" HOME OFFICE GREENSBORO, N. C. CAPITAL —ONE MILLION DOLLARS COMFORTABLE OLD AGE What would it mean to your father and mother to get a check for several thousand dollars or a monthly income from our Company ? Wouldn't they rather have it now than wait until he dies? Isn t it really worth more? Mightn't it even prolong his life —and make them both happier. You, sir, can do what your father wishes he had done —take an Endowment Policy payable at 65. It is easy to do. It is good insurance, good investment, and good sense. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Fourth and Chestnut Streets Member of Federal Reserve System SENIORS GIVE GOOD PLAY Costumes Varied and Beautiful One of the main features of the commencement exercises this year, was the senior play given on the campus Tuesday morning. The char acters were: The Sun Goddess —Tom Stuart. Usume, the celestial dancer—Mary Ellen Griffin. Ito, a cynic philosopher—Edward Hollady. Ha Sa, an artisan —Berry Lee White. Koto, a priest—Rawleigh Tremain. O Ku Re. a poet—Algie I. Newlin. main. Akino, a young man—Lindley Tre- O Sana San —Marjorie Williams. Hasu—Frances Bulla. O Sono—Dovie Hayworth Toyo—Grace Stone. The Willow Maiden—Madge Coble. The Soul of all the Butterflies — Mary Dixon. Villagers—Myrtle Cox, Herman Raiford, Ada McCracken, Florence Martin, J. Doughton, Okie Raiford, Clara Farlcw. The Rice Maidens—Nellie Stewart, Lucille Cardwell, Ruth Reynolds, Ruth Ragsdale. The Souls of the Wistaria—Helen, Johnson, Luna Taylor, Evelyn Hen ley. The Souls cf the Cherry Blossoms —Marie Tyson, Shelly Clodfelter, Irma Kurfees, Grace Smithdeal. Children —Lucy May White, Rich ard Binford, Martha Gray White, Clay Turner, Anna Naomi Binford, Jessie Finch, Emily Virginia Sever ny, Lyndon White. Scene —A Woodland in Japan. Director—Miss Mary Aline Polk. LETTER MEN MEET Officers Elected. Constitution to Be Drafted. On Monday of last commencement a small band of athletes who have won letters at Guilford met and or ganized a temporary Letter Men' 9 Club. The permanent organization was completed May 30 of this year. One hundred and fifty-two men were Southern Real Estate Company GREENSBORO, N. C. Real Estate Loans and Insurance We make a specialty of Ist Mortgag* Real Estate loans, 6% interest guaranteed W. E. Blair, Treas., H. L. Coble, S. S. Fuller Smith, Asst. Treas. T. D. Sharpe, Asst. Sec. Greensboro Hardware Co. EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE .OUR STORE WELCOMES YOU. 221 SOUTH ELM ST. GUILFORD BARBER SHOP Special Attention Given College Students 102 W. Sycamore St. Guilford* Hotel Building, Greensbort H. L. CANNON STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIBB "Everything that's good to eat." POOLE & BLUE, INC. Funeral Directors AMBULANCE SERVICE 204 North Elm St. Office Phone 420 Night Phone 14B® voted into active membership of their organization. An effort is be ing made to increase this number by looking over the college calalogue and getting a list of men who were at one time members of our varsity athletic teams. A committee was ap pointed to draft a constitution for the club. The organization will be known as "Guilford College Varsity Club." The officers of the club for the com ing year are, Henry Davis, president; J. Curtis Newlin, Secretary. The an nual meeting of the club will be held every year during commencement. All athletes are urged to make any attempt to attend this meeting while on the campus they will learn how athletics are being conducted at Guilford at the present time. 3