THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME VIII MIXED TENNIS TOURNA MENT. STUDENT BODY WITNESS THE GAMES The third) mixed lannis tourna ment of the season was played at 2:30 o'clock Saturday before a large crowd of students. Four sqts of doubles were played. The winner adanced at the end of each set. Throughout the entire tournament which was perhaps the best meet of the year, the players showed an increased amount of "pep" and effi ciency. Special mention is due to Misses Outland and Beeman, while Hobbs and Winn lead among the boys. The couples turning in the most victories at the final whistle were Ruth Outland and Fred Winn. TENNIS TEAM LOSES—HARD FOUGHT MATCH WITH TRINITY On Saturday, May 20, Guilford lost a hard fought tennis match with the Trinity team. All the matches were close, especially the singles. But the final punch which always de cides a contest seemed to be lacking. In the first doubles, Tabor and Lefler, of Trinity, runners up in the stole tournament defeated Merrimon and Brown of Guilford 6-1; 7-5, while Turrentine and Marr defated Tatum and Joyce 7-5; 6-1. In the first single Merrimon lost to Tabor in straight sets 6-3, 6-4. Both sets, however, were hard fought. The other three singles were extreme ly close. Brown was defeated by Turrentine 6-4, 3-6, 6-1. Joyce lost to Marr 6-3,-26.16-2. Tatum lost to Summers 6-4, 4-6, 6-0. Brown and Joyce are new men on the team this year and deserves much credit for their splendid work. Tatum also has the reputation of playing better in a hard match. Dr. N. I. White, coach at Trinity says that Guilford's tennis team has improved wonderfully in th past year, and is the best team that Giul ford has ever had. MR. PALMER LEADS CHAPEL On Monday morning, May, /15, Professor Palmer of the Chemistry Department gave an interesting talk at the chapel hour. His address con cerned the exhaustion of the world's supply of coal and oil, and the possi ble solution of the problem. The supply of hard coal will be exhausted by 1975. However there is enough coal to last for fifty thousand years, and with a little change in the method of burning this coal can be substitut ed for the hard vatriety. The gasoline problem presents greater difficulties. The supply of. crude oil will be exhausted in twenty years. Without some substitute for this article the automobile will pass out of existence. Two possible solu tions present themselves. Since the United States has unlimited water power, it has been suggested that this be converted into into elcetrical en ergy, and that the automobile be run on storage batteries. This, however, would necessitate a complete change in the mechanism of the automobile. The other plan, and the orue that Mr. Palmer thinks more feasible is to use alcohol as a fuel. We think of alco hol as being expensive, but the ex pense in the government tax and not not in the manufacture. Ethyl alcohol can be made from corn at a moderate cost.. Mr. Palmer suggests that the U. S. Government control plants in the great corn-producing regions of the country. The alcohol would be denatured to render it unfit for pur posse other than as a fuel. —Only candidates who came out for light wines and beer will be sup ported by organized labor at the non partisan committee of the N. Y. State Federation of Labor in Albany. —When John T. Ready of Miami, Okla., filed a petition in bankruptcy he asked permission to retain pos session of the family Bible and a set of golf clubs. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Constitution Revised At a regular meeting of the Young Men's Atliletic Association, held in Memorial Hall on Monday after noon, May 22, a revision of the by laws concerning the awarding of let ters was agreed upon. The necessi ty for the revision grew out of the desirability of more nearly equaliz ing the requirements for the attain ments of letters in the various sport. Election of officers for the coming year was also an important item of business. The new officials are as follows: president, Hershal Macon: vice-president, William Blair; secre tary, Edward Holder; baseball man ager, Thomas R. English; basket ball manager, J. W. Frazier; tennis man ager, Benbow Merrimon; track man ager, Frank Casey. The retiring officers were: L. L. Williams, president; Hugh White, vice-president: Dewey Crews, secre tary; Frank McGee, baseball mana ger; Gladstone Hodgin, football man ager, and Murray White, track man ager. The association feels that it has scored a success this year under its outgoing officers, and is looking forward to a repetition under the new management. At a prevoius meeting John Gur tiey Frazier was elected captain of the basket ball team and Marvin Shore, manager of the football team for next year. SENIOR DAY CELEBRATION PROMISES INTEREST Stewart Walker Play For the past two weeks the class of 1922, working through a committee, has been busy planning a program for class day and has decided upon one which is, in part, of general in terest and in par representative of the class. A class history and proph ecy will be given by all the seniors and the one of Stewart Walker's portmanteau plays "The Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil" will be presented. Stewart Walker is one of our well known modern American dramatists, and the one act play, chosen for pre sentation of amusing dialogue and situations, has the charm of the fan ciful spirit of long ago when Queen's lives were threatened because of breaches of etiquette. A picturesque out of door setting has been planned and the perform ance scheduled to begin at four o'clock on Monday afternoon, June 5. In case of rain, However, the program will be transferred to Me morial Hall. The following cast has been selected. The Prologue—Gladstone Hodgin The Device Bearer—W. L. Rudd Boy—E. L. llollady Queen—Edna Raiford Mime—L. L. Williams Milk Maid—lsabel Pancoast Blind man—Curtis Newlin Ballad Singer—Hugh White Headsman—Murray White Butterfly—-Eurie Teague You—Grady Mcßane. Committees of members of the class are wroking out the details of the entertainment and plans are Hear ing completion for a very effective staging and costuming of the play. —Ours is a diversified and won deful country. At Moueton, Me., last Thursday one-half inch of snow covered the ground, while at St. Paul, Minn., the same day a woman was prostrated by the heat (88 degrees in the shode) and died. —Although tortured by burning paper torches until his feet were scarred, Harry Crawford, manager of a Chicago West Side movie house, refused to divulge the safe combina tion to three bandits and saved the $3,000 contents. —The National League of women Voters reports that 95 of the 168 townships in Connecticut have elected one or more women to town offices. GI! ILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. MAY 24, 1922 GUILFORDIAN PASSES INTO NEW HANDS Th is issue of the Guilfordian makes the beginning of a new era in the life of the college newspaper A new system has been inaugurated. Since 1914 the Guilfordian has been in charge of an editor-in-chief and business manager, a system under which the work of these two men has been very heavy. With a view to obtaining a more efficient board and lightening the load of some of its members, the editorial staff and business staffs have been enlarged. The reporters are to be chosen by the four literary societies on account of their ability to do reportorial work. The new editorial staff consists of an editor-in-chief, a managing editor and two faculty advisors. J. Spot Taylor, Jr., the new editor-in-chief, who has very successfully conducted the business part of the Guilfordian Board for the past year, has had valuable experience which will stand him in good stead in his new posi tion. The managing editor, Mr. Hershal Macon, has also served on the board besides taking a course in Journalism this spring. In connec tion with which he has had some ex perienceas a correspondent for one of the state newspapers. Instead of one business manager as in the past the business staff is now made up of a business manager, as sistant business manager, and a circu lation manager. Frank McGhee, the new business manager has proved his business ability as a very success ful base ball manager this year. Wil liam Blair, who will assist him. has also had experience along business lines The circulation manager, Miss Hazel E. Richardson, although not in college at the present time, was a member of the Guilfordian Board last year. The reportorial staff has several members who have served as report ers this year besides four people who have taken the course in Jour nalism, given at Guilford. The stu dent reporters are as follows: Clara Henley, William Fishel. Eva Hol der, G. A. Dewey Crews, Elizabeth Brooks, Robert Marshall, Mary Hen ley, Sam P. Harris, Mary Lou Wilk •ns, Edward M. Holder, Frances. Garner, and James Howell. Miss Kate Smith will continue as alumni reporter. FRESHMENCLASS ENTERTAIN ED BY PRESIDENT Dr. and Mrs. Binford royally en tertained the class of '25 on on Wednesday evening, May 17. The guests were met at the door with a hearty welcome by the host and host ess. During the evening a very inter esting program was thoroughly en joyed by all the freshmen. First ihey were divided into groups according to the month of their birthdays; then each group was asked to perform a stunt characteristic of the month which they represented, the groups guessing' what month they were representing and also what the stunt was representing. This and a few other games were enjoyed on the lawn, after which they all return ed to the house and enjoyed several more very interesting and instructive contests and games. One of the most interesting games was that each per son should paraphrase some well known Proverb, the other people guessing what the proverb was. An other game was the delivering of ora tions, their major characteristic being jestures. Several members of the freshman class joined in this and derived much benefit from it. The guests were served with deli cious orange ice and doris cakes by the young men of the class, assisted by Dr. Binford. —Butler and Sargeant, New York food dealers, were fined SSOO in po 'ice court for having 1,300 pounds of bad sardines in their possession and trying to sell them. MRS. PATTERSON OPENS CAMPAIGN AT GUILFORD Mrs. Lindsay Patterson, Republi can nomintee for Congress in the fifth district of North Carolina, gave her first spee. h on, "America the Only Hope for World Peace," beforb a large audience in Memorial Hall. Tusday night at 8:00 o'clock. Mrs. Patterson, the founder and first president of the Federation of Woman's Clubs, was introduced by Dr. L. L. Hobbs as a woman of pro gressive ideas, a constructive thinker and one who has a broad interest in public welfare. After paying a splendid tribute to the Society of Friends and its work, Mrs. Patterson related some of the dreadful conditions imposed upon Central and Southeastern Europe as a result of the great war and showed how America has won the confidence and love of these people through her relief and reconstruction work. The speaker stated that America has been given the leadership of the world, and whether the world will be dominated in the future by peace or war will be determined by our pol icy. America's greatness is rooted in these suffering countries and we must not betray their Jtrust MOT /orget them. When we seek to make peace in the world we cannot do it as a conqueror but as one of a family. Mrs. Patterson closed her speech by making an appeal to the people not to vote for the popularity of the candidate but for the principles for which he stands. SENIORS ENJOY FINAL CLASS PICNIC The class of '22 enjoyed their last class picnic, Wednesday, May 17. It is a custom at the college for the Seniors to observe such an occasion sometime during the spring semes ter. The members of the class felt that the weather man worked very hard to break up the picnic, but he did not succeed. The crowd, com posed of eighteen boys and girls with Miss Louise as chaperone, left Foun ders about 5 o'clock. Jackson's Park was unanimously selected as a good place for the final celebration. Arriv ing at the park, the class noted with interest the various specimens of bird life found in the, "Retreat." The boat on the lake furnished rides for all of the boys and most of the girls. Some of the girls felt pangs of seasickness during the process. About six o'clock, the camp fire was built and supper was soon served. The menu consisted of club, olive naise, tomato, and pine-apple sand wiches. "weinies," biscuits and iced tea. After supper, the fire was built up brighter and the usual campfire program was observed: songs, sto ries, jokes. CHERRY PICKING PARTY TEN DERED JUNIOR GIKLS. A number of Junior girls were delightfully entertained at the home of their classmate, William Wolff, last Saturday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:45 o'clock. The Junior Girls, accompanied by Miss Robinson hiked the distance of two miles and in a short time were resting in the shady yard at the Wolff home. Cherries and strawberries had been offered as a special attrac tion, and in a short time the host took the party to the cherry tree. The trees was soon filled with girls, who left very few of the delicous cherries hanging on it when they came down. The party was then taken to the dining room where generous helping of strawberries, cream and cake were served. It was with much regret that the girls started back to the college after such a pleasant afternoon. Those who went were: Miss Robinson, Misses Vera Farlow, Nell Carroll, Alta Rush, Lois Rabev, Ruth Pear son, Helen Bostick. Nellie Allen, and Allen Johnson. ALLENE JOHNSON WINSfZATASIAN ORATORICAL CONTEST Five Contestants Enter Five members participated in the Zatasian Literary society, Saturday May 20 at 8:00 p. m., in Memorial Hall. Much honor and praise is due the contestents, for the contest of their orations as well as for the excellent delivery. The first and winning oration was given by Allene Johnson of the class of '23. The speaker pointed out the dangers that arose from the migra tion to the city, and the needs of the rural communities of North Car olina. "What can the college man or woman do for the rural communi ty?" asked the speaker She then showed how the needs could met through the true social institutions, the church and the school. The second oration, which was given very forcefully by Daisy Hob son showed the unfairness of our educational system through a com parison of the city and rural schools, and offered as a solution to the prob lem, tne consolidation of the rural schools. In the third oration which was given by Zelma Far low, the sympa thy of the audience was appealed to through the depicting of the hon orable conditions which exists in northern Africa. The speaker point ed out what has been accomplished through missionary work, and em phasized the need of still more mis sionaries. Falsorn Neal gave the fourth ora tion in which she reviewed in a splendid manner the events of the life and personality of 0. Henry, Guilford county's short story writer. Much praise is due the fifth and last speaker, Virginia Osborne, for her excellent oration and the ease with which she was possessed before an audience. Miss Osborne showed the nof rcreation in industry since few business firms provide any form of recreation for their employ ees. The musical numbers were well given and enjoyed. The judges for the evening were Mrs. E. R. Michaux. Mr. R. J. M. Hobbs and Mr. V. C. McAdoo, Mr. McAdoo awarded the prize, which was a complete set of Shakespeare's. Program Piano Solo—Viola Tuttle I. A challenge from Rural North Carolina—Allene Johnson 11. Equality of Educational op portunity—Daisy Hobson 111 Dwellers of the Tent—Zelma Farlovv IV. Life of O. Henry— Falsom Neal V. Recreation in Industry—Vir ginia Osborne Instrumental Duet—Myrta White and Alta Rush. DR. PERISHO VISITS SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA On Sunday, Mav 14, Dr. Perisho visited the Pineland School for Girls, delivering the baccalaureate address in the morning, and speaking in the community church that evening. Mrs. Mary Roberts Jones, principal of the school, is a former Guilfordian. On Tuesday Dr. Perisho visited the Whitney High School, and on Wednesady, East Bend High School, addressing the students at both places. Here also he met with old students of Guilford, for Mr. Ernest Dixon is principal of the Whitney High School, and Mr. E. E. Fal low is principal of the East Bend School. On Saturday, May 20, Dr. Perisho was at Rich Square, giving an ad dress before the banquet of the Guil ford Alumni of Northampton county. He hoped to assist in organizing a Guilford Club of Northampton. —According to the American Bi ble Society 4,855,664 Bibles were dis tributed last year. The largest in crease in circulation was in China. No. 29

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