Page Four The Dormitories Reports of increasing dissatisfaction among the men's student body has caused an unofficial investigation to be made of conditions said to be prevail ing in the dormitories. In front was a closed door; behind it the life of the dormitory proceeded upon its even or uneven tenor. The door opened upon a short, gloomy hall; a cloud of flies arose, disturbed by the opening of the door, and at the same time there came the mingled odors of decaying garbage, trash and other smells of humanity. Inside the thresh old of the dormitory was seen a num ber of closed doors set in recesses of the none-too-clean walls. On one side of the hall a stairs led up into gaping regions above. Occupying a prominent place in the scene was an open refuse can about which the more minute forms of the life of the dormitory swarmed. From this center of attraction camp noxious odors interspersed with varied buzzings as groups of small ( flyers took off and zoomed about in the foul at mosphere, ever to return to the sides and interior of the garbage can. One of the doors opened; the con tents of several wasteliaskets and the sweepings of a floor were deposited with a swoosh In the open receptacle. Again the air was black with vermin. Then was a general exodus from the vicinity of the trash-can, to the room on which the door opened. The door closed, and as the room was well screened, the pests were effectively im prisoned with nothing to feed upon but furniture, clothing, tooth-brushes and drinking-glasses. At least, the air in the hall was somewhat cleaner; indeed, an effective method of improving condi tions in the halls. Shortly afterwards a member of the administration was observed to be wan dering about the halls nasally inquir ing as to how the students were liv ing and making note of extra light bulbs to be surreptitiously removed dur ing the absence of the students. After turning off lights in different roms and speaking a few words of economic wis dom to the occupants of several of the hovels, this person heroically plunged out into the germ-infested atmosphere of the hall and gained the entrance to the dormitory and clean air. Perhaps it is because the swinging doors of a closed refuse can might re mind the students of other swinging doors and necesitate they're being ad monished to "Keep away from liem tliar swingin' dors" that causes the policy of the higher-ups to have us live under conditions which the County Health au thorities might possibly object to— probably just another example of the good ole benevolent attitude. - Please Pardon Us They laughed when I sat down at the piano. Yes? The stool wasn't there. _ --~f- Manners Never break your bread or roll in your soup. Young America Speaks . Teacher—How many days has each month ? Johnny—Thirty days has September, all the rest I can't remember. The cal endar hangs there 011 the wall. Why bother me with this at all? GREENSBORO HARDWARE CO. i Our Store Welcomes You J 221 S. Elm St. GREENSBORO, X. C. 1 . --j EATS DRINKS Wayside Inn We'll Gladly Serve You Waffles Tuesday—lf You I'ay l T s Today CANDY ICE CREAM COACH PANCOAST ANNOUNCES AN ALL-STAR LEGGING TEAM (Continued from Page Three) shown remarkable form in receiving passes from J. P. Anderson, Pris. like wise is carrying out Coach Pancoast's commands. Aside from this, Pris, being long'and lanky, makes an excellent running mate for Charlie. The right guard and center booths are well-filled by Jewell Conrad and Bill Edgerton. In Stan Moore's ab sence Bill has substituted remarkably well (While the cat's away the mice will play). "Gert" Mears, after a year of un snarling "x's" and "y's" under the di rect supervision of Coach Pancoast showed such adeptness in interpreting his signals that the left guard's position was given her. The work of Margaret Pegram and Gladys Bryan gave them undisputed possession of the tackle positions. Mar garet Pegram's skill in throwing in numerable psych, papers for a loss is well-known, and Glady's skill in inter cepting passes of choice viands to Pan coast is noteworthy. The post of mouthpiece went to Jesse Bowen whose above qualification and terrific plunging on the piano earned him the berth. The halfback positions were given to Marie Beaclium, ant] "Georgie" Hardin, because Marie Beaclium's habit of tell ing too much would undoubtedly be of great use ill a huddle, while "Georgie" Hardin has shown graceful form in run ing circles around Dr. Binford. The fullback post was given to "One Lung(?)" Mears whose "one lung(f)" vocalizing can be excellently employed to confuse any opposing teams' signals. If you will watch the actions of the above selections you may easily account for their selection. FACULTY ADDRESS IS MOST EFFECTIVE I 11. I I II I II I II I I I You'll Be Happy in j|j e Collegiate Shop SHIRTS and SHORTS j j West Murkef Btref * Presenting Exceptional Values in 25c Sind 50c Dresses, Goats, Hats and i ii i P. H. HANES KNITTING CO. PolO CO£ltS Winston-Salem, N. C. For Greensboro Days and Remainder of the Week l I l ! i i i i i i ii ! i ii i i ii i : : : II. 1 —!II ———Jl THE GUILFORDIAN Distinguished Alumni AMOS: Look 'ere, Andy, what ailed you last night, anyhow? I got plumb re gusted with you. ANDY: Huh! What was wrong with me? Why, nothing. 1 was right myself stepping out in high society. AMOS: My goodness, man. Didn't you see that look Madam Queen done give you once or twice? It sho was a good thing you didn't git a chance to be with her alone much. T bet you catch it tonight. ANDY: Catch what? I didn't do nothin'. AMOS: I thought you told me you went to some! college once upon a time. What did you do? Sleep all the time you was there? ANDY: Now, Amos, what is all this 'bout, anyhow? You know that was a mighty swell 'fair they gib tast night in cele— cele— celebration of this 'ere weddin' of mine and Madame Queen. AMOS: Why, Andy, I thought there was two things every college man could do—that is, dance and play bridge. And doggone if you didnt make a bum foozle of both of them. ANDY: What's this you're driving at, Amos? AMOS: Look 'ere, Andy; where did you p'tend to go to school? ANDY: Why, I went down South in North Carolina to Guilford College. And you know I'm shore proud of my Alma Mamma —now, that ain't right. AMOS: T guess what you'se trying to say is Alma Mater. ANDY: Yea, that's what I was going to say. We won the little Six Cham pionship that year I was there. AMOS: I don't know nothing about TJITTLE Six, but I sho' do wish that this school would had learned you somethin' about how to act when you is at a party. I was 'shamed of you last night. ANDY: Now, Amos, don't you cast no 'flexions at my school. AMOS: No, I ain't, but I thought that off at school folks just learned to dance and play cards as a side line. Why, Ruby Taylor told me you near 'bout ruined that new pair o' shoes o' hers, stepping all over her feet. And if you didn't make a mess. I mean a real sure enough mess of that game of cards you tried to play. ANDY: Now, listen 'ere, Amos, don't you say nary 'notlicr word about my school in 'sociation with last night— 'cause this school I went to was one of them Quaker places, an' it was strictly ag'in the rules to do that fancy step pin' out and that bettin' on cards. Believe It or Not What were Webster's last words? Zymosis, Zymotic, Zymurgy. Visit BELK'S DEPT. STORE for SPORTSWEAR, SHOES AND CLOTHING Tlte Home of Better Values Behind the Scenes "Hurry up! Say something, some body! This is a tense moment!" cries Mizzie (known as Jewell Conrad). No answer! Just blankness! Now, don't get excited, readers, it isn't the big day. It's only one of those daily play practices, so exciting and amusing. Aha! Who is this 011 the scene? Don't you recognize him with that scarf around his neck? Why, it's Joe E. Brown oh, excuse me, I mean Harry. But anyway, what's the dif. Things seem to be livening up. The crucial point has arrived—it is a tense moment and there is Mr. Brown be hind the leading lady and, man —star- ing in mock horror, hands raised in supplication. Laughter from the audi ence and to rear of the stage. Who is that man giving orders in front there? Why, where are your glasses? Don't you see Dave Parsons and his side-kick, Harris Moore? Their advice is so profound: "Walk over here," "Then turn away," "Walk again" —my, my—what is this—a marathon? It is sad now —the soldier boy,—Carl —better known as Daryl Kent, has died, but here comes Bruce (George Silver) to solace the poor, weeping Pauli (Rose Askew). Sometimes plays are so true to life. What's this another romance? The maid (Margaret Perkins) and the serv ant (Dave Parsons) seem to like their position in life as long as they're to gether. We're wondering who Jewell is play ing "hops" with now. Ts it a secret, Jewell ? Aha! The great love scene. The word, "Kiss me first." Carl is supposed to bring forth this utterance, but with an appealing look at the director, he says, "Pauli can say it best." More advice from the directors: "The audience is liable to laugh here." Really, now? Sonic more appeals from the soldier boy: "Does Carl HAVE to stand up?" Somebody likes to sit down, we believe. The scenery is alarmingly beautiful, especially the ladders, conveniently in the way, and the torn paper strewn over the floor adds to the general effect. Walton Shoe Shop Appreciates the Patronage of the COLLEGE STUDENTS 1l!2 \V. Sycamore St. Phone 4017 CUAKUK MOKENZIE, Itcp. M. L. FEIN .T. 1,. IOLL.MAN The Toggery 20T> South Klin Street (JREENSBOnO, N. C. Exclusive Representatives Stetson D. Tailors Have Your Suit or Overcoat, Made to Your Own Individual Measure SHOES, HABERDASHERY, TAILORING, HATTERS Greensboro's Smartest Men's Shop Make This Store Your Greensboro Headquarters You Are Welcome November 23, 1932 FACULTY CRAP GAME..HEY! HEY! (Continued from Page One) esque adornment of his upper lip, the Prince gave a clear, unauthorized ver sion of the drive for a fund to estab lish a school for delinquents which will undoubtedly raise the moral and scho lastic standing of the inshtushun nine ty-nine one hundredths per cent Fah renheit. (N. B.—The editors of the yel low sheet are expected to be among the first delinquents entered). Perislio the Wise came through with a long shot which failed tn /.ore as he gave the results of his distorted re search upon the subject of where Era the Chased hides the credit hours of transfers from other domains. Following this disquisition the gallant Yak was called upon to make a report 011 his latest achievements but pleaded with quivering lip to be excused from court in order that he might indulge in some urgent research work. It was aft erwards reported that J. Willie, out on one of his infamous night rides, saw the Yak skipping down a dark street with his latest flame. Lady Lizzie superintended the serv ing of the beer and the fatted calf which had been killed in honor of the return of Duke Algie. During the re past The Count of Sheparrl put everyone who listened to him asleep as he threw the bull about the Duke being ineligi ble because he had played football with the Swiss Navy. When everyone was full of bull—er, ah—calf, Lady Eva rendered Good night Ladies, and the party broke. WILLS Book and Stationery Co. Booksellers, Stationers and Office Outfitters GREENSBORO, N. C. fc— i Visit with BILL at i SUNSET SERVICE STATION ! . TEXACO I'RODtTCTS mid | CERTIFIED I.I'RRICATION t Complete Line of STATIONERY | S. H. Kress & Go. I South Elm Street

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