Don't Forget the Student Elections Monday! O/THE'c) GUILFORDIAN VOLUME XXIV W.A.A. BARN DANCE TO CONCLUDE WINTER SEASON Shag, Little Apple, Big Apple, and Square Dance All Part of Evening. OLD CLOTHES FEATURED Tumbling and Tap Dancing by WAA Members Included in Floor Show; Stafford** Assist with Music. The \V. A. A.'s burn lnlice, which will he held tonight at 7 o'clock, promises to provide a top-notch ending to the social life of this quarter. II has been said that you can't please all of the people all of the time, hut in plan ning for this dance, the committee is attempting to please most of the people all of the time, anil provide one dunce where the.v can shag, little apple, big apple, square dance, and swing lo their hearts' content. Old clothes will be very much in style. The entertainment committee has promised plenty of amusement in I lie form of a Hour show. IClit 11 Lamb. Mary Jane Gibbons, Kathleen I/eslie, and Corky Parker will do some tumbling, and the tap dancing class will con tribute dances by Annie Evelyn l'owell and .Toualeen llodgtn, Mary Margaret Hinford and Wilmu Archer, and Char lotte Parker. Bowman Stafford and part of his orchestra will play for the square dance which will be called by Mr. Puck Stafford. As has It'en announced, a nominal sum will be charged for admission and refreshments are to he sold, the pro ceeds of which are to go for the new gym. Chapel Schedule Monday, March 21—Mr. Thomas C. Heed of Southern Dairies will speak 011 "The Manufacture of Ice Cream." Tuesday, March 22—In the hut. Wednesday, March 23—Piano recital by Mrs. Harvey L.jung. Thursday, March 24—Class meetings. Friday, March 25—Dr. Wesley Tay lor. Mary Hobbs Invaded By Army Of First Rate Male Cooks This week the men did more than | invade the parlors of Mary Hobbs hall. They penetrated as far as the kitclien to the tune of dish-washing and wait ing tables, and received instruction in the ways of a Co-op Dorm. Edward Boring was the originator of this idea, and says: "This idea struck me during exam week of last semester; since that time I have been thinking about it. I talked with Miss Gons, Miss Ohcuault, and Mrs. Milner, receiving their ap proval and consent." He also says that converts were easily converted. Whether better meals or social con tacts were the cause of their conver sion has not as yet been ascertained; however, they seem blissful in their new-found toil. As for the girls who live in the dorm, they seem well pleased with the masculine trend of events. Words of Wisdom Mouths o By JAMES PARKER Hanging from gayncss to clif?nifiecl silence, the platforms of the important office candidates in Guilford's spring elections, set for March 21, are being made puldie today. There were thoughtful pauses, some brow-knitting, and just a bit of in tense concentration before all the right words were written by all the candidates. And without attempting to choose—much less catch our breath— we give you the official "press state ments" on your favorites for the races. Here they arc: President Men's Student Government Tyree Gilliam: "I favor a student government that will work in close cooperation with the students without too much interference from the out side. If elected I will not show any STAFFORD, CORNETTE RECEIVE SCHOLARSHIPS Honor Roll Stars to Attend Haverford College During 1938-39; Both Are Prominent at Guilford. Scholarships for 1 lit academe year. ; l>:;s-1 !>:!!> have been granted to James Cornel to, and David Stafford. Jr., tor graduate study at Haverford college in | Pennsylvania, it lias been announced here in letters from Dr. W. \Y. Com fort. president of Haverford. The two students are prominent 011 the (tuilford campus. Tliey have made! excellent records, characteristic f which is their continuous honor mil ratings. The scholarships carry stipends cal- j ciliated 1 take care of board, room and tuition for a period >t' one year. Hotli i boys plan to accept the grants. The 1 fact that only eight scholarships are usually awarded annually by the insti-; tution makes it more significant that Ouilford students were successful in ob ! tabling two. — Student Poll Will Be Taken A survey of student opinion 011 j international policies of the United j States will be taken Wednesday morn- ' ing, March 23, at chapel time. This J survey is being taken in colleges all j over the United States in an attempt j to erystalize student opinion, the pro- i cess polling 1,200,000 undergraduates, ! | Eunice llolloman was heard to re mark to our dignified Stafford, "Say, exchange that high hat for this apron and let's got friendly." Kay lUible looked down from her hill of experi ence and remarked that Spain had nothing on us as far as revolution S was concerned. Dick Hendricks says that cutting carrots for Bea Rohr is a pleasure. You could surmise by the way Thornton fell to the "silver and glass" that he was quite at home in more ways than one. Mike Caffey, our up-and-coming Sherwood Eddy, certain ly looks agile behind an apron. The illustrious and scholarly Cornettc proves without a doubt that there is nothing to this "hash-slinging racket." This experiment is to last for only three days, after which spring will still be here in its normal way; we trust receive the same expression. "And we did have fun" while it lasted. GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., MARCH 19, 1938 | favor to any person or persons, but j will endeavor to fight for the principles of sound judgment and equal rights to i all students." John Perian: "I shall endeavor to bring about a better relationship be tween the student body and the fac ulty—not merely a judiciary board but one of purposive conciliation." Albert Taylor: "I'm for the common peepul; 110 taxation without represen tation and vice verse; with me as pres ident locks 011 clothes closets will not be needed. Justice to all, preference to none. I will guarantee a fair and i 111 j >a rt ia 1 adm in istra 11 on." President Y. W. C. A. Kay Beittel: No statement. Marianna Dow: "A, a, a, a, a variety (Continued on Page Four) CHOIR SOUTHBOUND ON ANNUAL TOUR Will Sing in Three University Towns; Deland, Gainesville. Athens on Itinerary. IS FIRST SOUTHERN TRIP introduction of the (iuilforil college A 1 'tilx'llsi choir to the South will begin on Saturday, March when tlmt | organization begins its Florida tour, which will include concerts in North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia and j Florida. j In the ten years of it.s existence, the j choir lias never toured southern points. The trips have included Tennessee and j other states west and northwest and, j several times into the North. Since the i beginning of the choir in the fall of 1!)2!>, under the direction of Prof. Max i Noah, former head of the Guilford Col- I lege department of music, the choir has j established a reputation wide in scope I i.ud extensive in influence. One of the : northern trips Included a visit to the White llouse, where the choir sang for I President Herbert Hoover. Appear j unci's in small as well as larger cities, j and programs over local and national I radio luiok-ups have made possible a wide hearing of the choir. A distin tive characteristic of the organization is the fact that its reper toire invariably consists of the best church music to lie selected from all period* and types of compositions. This ye-ir the program includes Latin. Rus sian, Knglisb. American and Negro se lections of recognized merit. Composers include I'alestrina, Haili, Schumann, Arkliangelsky, Rachmaninoff. Dvorak. Christiansen. Cain, Dett and Dr. Wei* himself. Some of the favorites easily recognized are "From Heaven Above." "Now Thank We All Our God," "Day of Judgment," "Praise to the Lord," "llospodee I'otneeloogy," "Coin' Home," "O Holy Lord." and "Go Down Moses." The choir will have about .'lO numbers for use on the Florida tour. It is of importance, Dr. Ezra 11. F. Wcis, the director, says, that the tour will include three university towns in tin' schedule. There will be concerts iu Deland, Fla„ home of Stetson uni versity : in Gainesville, Flu., seat of the I'liiversity of Florida; at Athens, Ga., in the auditorium of the I'liiversity of (Continued on Page Four) Dean Announces Requirement Change The set-up of required courses in social science for Guilford students has been revised, according to an anouncement recently received from A. I). Beittel, dean of the college. A year-long "Introduction to the Social Sciences'* will be required of freshmen in place of two of the semester courses at present sched uled for upperclassmen. The revision, which will take effect next year, will also permit History 3-4 as an alternate for the Political Science 23-24 required of all juniors at present. The framework of required social science courses which will face the incoming class of *42 next September is as follows: for freshmen, Intro duction to the Social Sciences (two semesters); for sophomores, Psychol ogy 1 and Religion 3; for juniors, Political Science 23-24 or History 3-4; and for seniors. Philosophy 103- 101. Those courses now included in the curriculum which appear in that listing will probably be renumbered. MRS. CLYDE A. MILNER SPEAKS ON MYSTICISM Will Discuss "Psychology of Mysticism" at Symposium in the Library Sunday Afternoon. LAST IN SERIES OF LECTURES Mrs. Clyde A. Milner will speak at the fourth of the series of symposiums which are being held at the college li brary each Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Milner will discuss "The Psychology of Mysticism" to end the group of lectures begun by Dr. Milner, who spoke on "Mysticism in the Society of Friends." The other lectures in the series were "Madame Guyon," by Dr. Russell Pope; "Mysticism in the Catholic Church," by Mr. R. D. Doug las. and "Mysticism in English Poetry" by Miss Dorothy Lloyd Gilbert. There has been much interest shown in this dissertation by the faculty, which was the "brain child" of Dr. Russell Pope. A new outreach in the stimulation of interest of friends of Guilford and its students in the valu able collections of Quaker books which are in the library and in the intel lectual contact between friends of the college with the Guilford faculty and students was attempted. Andrew Jackson Resurrected By Dean of Woman's College Students who mustered tip enough energy tn attend chapel Monday morn ing of this week were re warded by being iiermilted to witness tile return of the rejuvenated corpse of Andy Jack son to the soil of his native state. lireathcd into life li.v Iean W. (.laek son. of Woman's college, "de ole lnassa" leaped front the eoals of hell to cavort all over the platform of the auditorium. The (ieneral was born, brutally beaten by the British, butchered in barroom brawls, bedridden by every disease in the book, and elected to nearly every public otlice lie found time to run for, all in .'to minutes of dexterious inn rionet ting by tile dean. Author of "Tile Story of Xortli Caro lina," and glutted with anecdotes re NUMBER 9 "HAPPY JOURNEY" TAKES PLACE OF RUSSIAN FARCE Drama Council's Spring: Pro gram Changed; Plays by Wilder, Gerstenberg, Synge. CASTS PARTLY CHOSEN Trend Toward Modernism in Stage Design Noticed; Three Assistant Directors Will Be Chosen. "The Happy Journey to Trenton imil Camden," by Thornton Wilder, lias been substituted for Anton TeheUov's "Mar riage Proposal" in the list of three one-act plays which will lie presented by the Dramatic council as its spring production. Tile complete program now includes "Bidet's to the Sea," by John Millington Synge; "The Pot Holler," by Alice (ierstenberg; and the "Happy Journey." Casting of the plays is not yet com plete. At present, the following de cisions have been made: For Kiilerx to ihr Sen, Alaurya, Until Hopkins; Hart ley, 1 till Furnmn ; and Kathleen, Xora, and tile two old women, to be chosen from among Ren Holir. Mabel Smith. Polly Morton. Andrie (iardluim, Sybil liairow, and Ituth Stilson. For Thr Pot Moilcr: Sud, CJeorge Wilson; Mrs. Pencil, Cora Worth Parker; Miss Ivory, Hetty Trotter; Mr. Itnlcr, Linden White; Mr. Inkwell, Tom Taylor; Would by and Mr. ivory are yet to be cast. For 'l'lic Hti /)/)// Journal: Ma Kirby, Anna Siiultss; Caroline Kirby, Mary Priscilla Hloucli; Henlaii, Kathleen Leslie; actors to play the parts of Pa Kirby, Arthur Kirby, anil the stage manager have not yet been selcclcd. Of the plays. Tin Happi/ Journey is the most unusual. Similar in technique to Wilder's current Broadway bit "Our Town," it represents a departure from the realism in staging which lias char acterized the Dramatic Council's work since its inception. The other two plays, however, suggest the same trend to ward modernism in stage design. The technical staff for I lie perform ance lias not yet been named. Drama Professor Itobert K. Marshall, who will lie in ( liarge of the production, plans lo use not only a full stage crew but will in addition appoint three student directors, one of whom will be in charge of each of the plays. luting to Andrew Jackson's love life, dueling technique, military campaigns, Hi - ., tin' •lean divertodi himself as well us the chapel atulienee with his realis tie pantomiming of tlie General's ac tivities in the tield of law, tin l dean re marked at length 011 tlie peculiarly for tunate circumstances surrounding the General's initial baptism as a barrister. Jackson, (Andy) traveling through Tennessee, found, upon ids arrival in Nashville, that all the debtors in town had retained the only lawyer in the vicinity, tints leaving the creditors with out a mouthpiece of any description whatever. During the first night of Andy's stay in Nashville the news that he was a lawyer swept through tile city (Continued on Page Three)

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