Page four Quakers Enjoy Record Season Quaker Mentors NBw . $ M JBBBStt SI ~ uM Pictured above are the lliree coaches res|K)iisible for the conditioning ami training of the line Quaker .squad this year. Left to rislit: Line Coach Tape Graham, Head Coach Williams (Doc) Newton, and Back field Coach Paul Lentz. (I'lioto by James Patton) Flash Gordon Best With 8-Yard Average; Arthur Faircloth Tops In Total Average Powell's 363 Yds. Gained Rushing Leads Quakers With a total yard gainage of 353 yards from 73 tries, hard-working Hilly Powell comes to light as the leading ground gainer for the Quak ers this year, llis serappy and I quick plunging from the fullback spot gave him a final averagb of 4.3 yards each time he carried the ball. The best average for the nine games, however, was turned in by Bob "Flash" Gordon as shown by his record of a total gain of 250 yards in 27 tries for an average I of over eight yards per try. The brilliant running of this shifty wing back 'ilso brought him several long runbacks of kicks as well as runs from passes that are not averaged in with the statistics. Also our leading scorer, it was Bob who real ly carried the mail this year. Joe Winner shows up as the nexj chief gainer on the gridiron with 203 yards to his credit and an aver age of four yards per try. Alternat ing and substituting for the injured Faircloth throughout the year Joe did a substantial job in the back field and will he counted on as one of our chief threats next year. Total yard gainage of 458 yards can lie attributed to the accurate Faircloth who came out of the sea son with a throwing record of 30 completions in 54 attempts for a gain of 328 yards. The remaining gains if 130 yards were turned in by Art byway of the ground, lie also did well in the kicking depart ment with an average of 3(i.s yards for the 35 kicks he made. Also substantial in the kicking game was Joe Winner who aver- Picture*! above is Guilfords 1946 football squad of 45 players. From left to right they are: First row: Kacktield Coach Lentz, Tattle, Hauzel, Distler, Nance, Feeney, Gordon, Glenn, Kiddie, O'ltriant, Kineh. Trull. Second row: l.ine Coach Graham. Roberts, Powell, Maultshy, Weston, Schoelkopf, l.angley, Itranson, Howies, Wilson, 11. Haworth, McCormick, Bray. Phi|>|>s, Assistant Manager Picard. Third row: Head Coach William (Doe) Newton, Jones, Goss, Garrison, Moon, Kerr, Bilyeu, J. Haworth, Winner, Dickerson, Schriun, I.eGwin Manager Gaskins. Fourth row: Whiteheart. Ilodgin, Schopp, Yates, Mitchell, Kutler. Not shown above is Faircloth, Turner, Withers, F. Bray. (Photo by James Patton) aged 35.1 yards for his 25 boots. With only a -.5 average for runs from the line of scrimmage, "Fleet" Maultsby turned in some of the best long runs of the year from punt re turns and intercepted passes. High light of these was the 92-yard touchdown jaunt at Lenoir-Hhyne. Statistics: Running Yard Same Tries Gained Average Powell 73 353 4.:t Winner 51 2(i3 4.0 Gordon 27 250 8.1 Moon 48 107 3.2 Faircloth 30 130 1.0 Dickerson --- 17 8!) 5.1 Maultsby 25 85 2.5 | McCormick __ 11 70 7.1 Kerr 12 00 5.3 Trull r 13 50 4.3 Philips 7 52 7.1 Jones 7 32 3.8 Weston ----- 7 0 0.0 Scliopp 3 4 1.3 Passing Tries Completed Faircloth 54 30 Winner -- 33 8 Dickerson 0 2 Gordon , 2 1 Maultsby 3 1 Weston 1 • Kicking Averages Tries A n rune Faircloth 35 30.S I Winner 25 35.1 F Dickerson 3 41.0 | Maultsby 3 311.2 Gordon -. 1 3*1.0 Veterans' Administration homes for disabled or aged veterans had their original in the National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Sol diers established in 1805 at the end of the Civil War. THE GUILFORDIAN Heading for Six Points - Jmk * C!hb Shown streaking up the sideline stripe is Robert "Flash" Gordon, elusive winghaek for the Quakers, who is starting his 56 yard jaunt to pay dirt against Elon on Thanksgiving Day. (I'lioto by James Pattern) Best Tackier, Blocker Awarded 808 CiORDON Season Scores Guilford 7 Newport News fl Guilford '.'(i Emory llenry t) Guilford 25 Kaitdolpli-Maron 0 Guilford 36 Wofford 11 Guilford I!) Milligan 7 >ni I ford 0 High Point ti Guilford 38 l.cnior-Rhyiie 7 Guilford (I Catawba 28 Guilford I I Elon 14 Team Statistics Guilford Opponents First Downs 81 85 Net Yds. Rushing 1313 111!) Passes Attempted ill) 94 Passes Compelted 47 32 Yards Passing 558 471 Punting Average 37.3 35.7 Opp. Fumbles Rec'd. 9 11 Penalties 405 330 - 3 w - BILL Mct'ORMICK Newton's Philosophy "Some days we win, some we tie. and some days it rains." What bet ter philos j)hy eonld describe tin Guilford football season of witli the iimil tally being won, - lost, and all the rain, in the form of tears, falling on Thanksgiving day. Just another record ill the books now, but wiien looking at it alter going down the list of past years it stands (in with pronounced glory. The glory is great for a change, too, and tile members f ibis year's team can be proud of their part in it. Likewise the student body, faculty, and alumni ca nbe proud of their school's team, and the tine job they did individually and collectively. The,rise to fame has surely start ed in this, the I!H6 football season. December 11, 1946 Hanzel, McCormick, Given Awards By Team Members Ceremonies during the intermis sion of the Monogram Club dance Saturday, November 30, featured the presentation of awards to Dr. Algie I. Xewlin. oldest C-elub mem ber ; Itill McCormick, best blocker of the football team: and John Han zel. best tackier. The blocking and tackling awards were initiated at Guilford as an nual trophies in the form of gold loot ball- by the late Coach Block Smith, and have been continued in his memory by the Monogram Club. These awards were presented to McCormick and Ilanzel by I)r. Xew lin, hcting in his capacity as dean in point ol' service of the club, after these two men had been selected in a vote of the football team as best in their respective fields. McCormick, formerly a star in the buck Melds of Coach Ilob Jamie son's Greensboro high elevens, played it year at X. C. State before entering ihe Navy. This"year lie has held down the blocking back spot for the Quakers in fine fashion; his blocking lias shown constant im provement as the season progressed. Hanzel played Krosh'ball at Villa nova, then perofrmed in the serv ice for Jacksonville NAS for Jim Tatum, now head coach at the I'lii versity of Oklahoma, and was se lected to Service All-American teams. At . guard fir the Quakers he played stand-out ball, was given honorable mention for the all-State Club ol the (ircenshoro Daily News. At the end of this semester. Dr. Xewlin leaves Guilford temporarily for further study ill Switzerland. In appreciation of his services t> the Monogram Club, the former fullback on Quaker elevens around the MK.'o's was voted a gold foot ball by the club. This presentation was made by Coach I.entz, to climax the evening's WILLIAM FEENKY