Page Six ... W. A. A. News in Pictures .. . Above is shown slu>ts of W. A. A. activities. At top is the champion lirockmuu's Field Hockey Team. At lower left is "Andy" Anderson, \V. A. A. President. Next is a cornel}" group of lassies who are practicing teaching at Mclver School. They are Hopkins, Hughes, Hamilton, Weaver, Simpson, and Hockett. At the right are tennis doubles champions Hutch Hayworth and Betsy White. IRC Club Is Host to State Convention; Problems Are Discussed (Continued from Page One) to discuss the points brought out in both groups. There was no attempt to arrive at a definite viewpoint in these dis cussions, but only to stimulate in terest amd ithought in the subjects discussed. Frota 7 to 8, a dinner was served for the delegates in the New Gar den Meetinghouse by members of the Meeting. Mr. McNeill Smith, the speaker for the evening, pointed out the possibility and value of a world federation and contrasted it with the present U. N. organization. It was his opinion that World Gov ernment was the best alternative so far presented in contrast to the destruction of our culture eventu ated by another war. GUILFORD DAIRY MILK BAR W. Market St. Ext. MILKSHAKES - SODAS SUNDAES IOE CREAM-BANANA SPLITS nßimuiiiiiiaiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiianiiiHiiiiiHiiiiißiiiiiaiiiiHiiMiii Now Open The FRIENDLY CORNER Invites you in to try their delicious PLATE LUNCHES BARBECUE FRIED CHICKEN Open BA.M. - 10:30 P. M. The following Sunday afternoon a business meeting was held, at which a constitution was ratified and officers were elected. The purpose of the constitution is stated as follows: "We, as student organizations, concerned with the promotion of interest in international relations, desire to seek within the State of North Carolina closer coopera tion between said clubs, and ito promote and perpetuate this closer cooperation through interchange of ideas (and experiences on a state, regional, and national basis." CLOTHING For Men and Boys VANSTORY CLOTHING COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. SeMMnm's ItADinC f €W£L€IU* Sinct 1099 Shop at SCHIFFMAN'S for your CHRISTMAS GIFTS Merry Christmas THE GUILFORDIAN The following officers were elect ed : Howard Davis, of Guilford Col lege, as state president; and Joe Hester, of Western Carolina Teach ers College which will act as host to the state convention next year, as state vice-president. There was a marked degree of enthusiasm and interest present. The prospects for the state organi zation ore propitious. A person who says he has an open mind usually hasn't enough sense to till it with thought.—Orig inal. Meet Your W. C. Girl at Franklin's Drug Store 401 Tate St. Dial 8197 Near Woman's College Star Backs Jfc ,Jl' Wally Maultshy and Sain Veiiuto, two of Coach Teague's scoring threats. Tackle Aimer Alexander, a hi); COR in tile Quaker grid machine. J FORMAL GOWNS A % BRIDAL AND BRIDESMAID GOWNS ft /? Individually designed and custom-made at reasonable prices. V T) Telephone Greensboro 3-0314 between 4-0 p. m. for appointment Greensboro-High Point Airport Restaurant Christmas #reettns£( to students of Guilford College HARRY and STEVE December 9,1949